Now he says it

Try to divert away CAW. You are just showing yourself to be a blatant McCain apologist.

You know what Citizen, it's such a nice day, how about you go outside and the do the world a favor and perform an inhuman act on yourself. Enjoy your evening.
yeah I guess you are right I have poked the cons enough for one day. Don't actually want blood on the floor.

It is a nice day think I will go ride the tractor a bit.

Later dudes and dudettes.

BTW AT you do not fit into that shrinking group in the other thread.
I would imagine he is saying it now because he was actually in LA.

Of course, now he is also able to get a word in since Anderson Cooper is done making a career out of Katrina.

I get that he is pandering to the people of New Orleans. But he is now flip flopping? Flip flopping on what?
I get that he is pandering to the people of New Orleans. But he is now flip flopping? Flip flopping on what?

Of course he is pandering. Just as Clinton panders, just as Obama panders.

The most frustrating thing about talking to partisans is that they are more than willing to see the political crap the opposing party pulls, but when you point out that their party does the same things they freak out.

People say that they want a balanced perspective, but they really don't; those that are balanced are always accused of being on the other side.
What exactly do you mean?

He likes to tell people that don't hate all things Republican and like all things liberal that they are closet Bush supporters or something to that extent.

I have no idea your politics and no idea what he is referring to on the other but my guess is it something about what I said above.
He likes to tell people that don't hate all things Republican and like all things liberal that they are closet Bush supporters or something to that extent.

I have no idea your politics and no idea what he is referring to on the other but my guess is it something about what I said above.

I would describe my politics as apathetic, but Darla decided that meant I am blind to the deaths of children or some such thing.

I don't know if I consider myself liberal or conservative, actually. I am a person and I vote on what seems the best idea.
Or the Governor, or...

Well, it was a stupid-storm of the cat 5 variety for sure. In every way, at every level, and in every shape and form were those people betrayed by those they depended upon.

It taught me one lesson, that was to get off dependence on others because there is nobody to depend on when the stuff really hits the fan.

Mississippi actually did pretty well with it. Haley Barbour hasn't been all that bad, and he's actually probably less of a bible-thumper than many of the Democrats in the area. The mid-Mississippi Republicans are unusually socially moderate for Mississippi, and in the 80's most of them even openly supported abortion. But that's really not allowed in the current enviroment...
Soc, since I respect your opinion I will ask you this. What am I missing on this thread? How would any Senator not from LA take over the lead during Hurricane Katrina?
I don't think he should have been on the LEAD on this thing. Not his state but the congress in general should have been up the administrations ass with a hot poker about getting the people on the gulf coast taken care of.
Mississippi had about 20 percent the number of houses lost and zero days under 8 ft of water. That said I bet nawlins had more mental midgets riding it out than your whole state had.
How is that lame? Why didn't any other Senator do anything? It's the President's job. How is McCain's, Hillary's or Obama's fault?

Actually it was the mayor's and governor's. They needed to request the help, which they did too late.

Then there was that problem of all those school buses, not called into action, but certainly within the parameters of the mayor. How many could have been evacuated, but weren't?
This type of flip flopping and pandering is the much of the same kind of thing that has turned me against Hillary. Think about you on the right, what is the difference except partisanship ? I did not let partisanship get in my way on my decision about hillary, what about you and McCain ?

But then I guess it is expected for Republicans to do this and not acceptable for democrats ?
Kind of like expecting a 1 yr old to clean up his room.
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Actually it was the mayor's and governor's. They needed to request the help, which they did too late.

Then there was that problem of all those school buses, not called into action, but certainly within the parameters of the mayor. How many could have been evacuated, but weren't?

Of course much of the national guard and their equipment being in Iraq had nothing to do with the poor response did it ?
Actually it was the mayor's and governor's. They needed to request the help, which they did too late.

Then there was that problem of all those school buses, not called into action, but certainly within the parameters of the mayor. How many could have been evacuated, but weren't?

Oh, I'm sure you were blaiming McCain back when. Whatever dumb ass hick cracker. If you had real reason to oppose him you would instead of being a vagina/bitch.
Now that is just plain lame.

especially since la does not really exist, it is just a fantasy place to give the rest of the nation something to bag on - unless you mean the senators from La. - but then again they may not have had the resources to do it...or they did not care...
This type of flip flopping and pandering is the much of the same kind of thing that has turned me against Hillary. Think about you on the right, what is the difference except partisanship ? I did not let partisanship get in my way on my decision about hillary, what about you and McCain ?

But then I guess it is expected for Republicans to do this and not acceptable for democrats ?
Kind of like expecting a 1 yr old to clean up his room.

Once again I ask how did McCain flip-flop here?
especially since la does not really exist, it is just a fantasy place to give the rest of the nation something to bag on - unless you mean the senators from La. - but then again they may not have had the resources to do it...or they did not care...

So DQ, if the Senators from LA did not have the resources to do it then how would one Senator from AZ have more power than them? I'm being for real, this is pretty funny.
Oh, I'm sure you were blaiming McCain back when. Whatever dumb ass hick cracker. If you had real reason to oppose him you would instead of being a vagina/bitch.

Did you just call Kathi a vagina/bitch? Wtf? lmao. Cawacko man, you gotta get to an aa meeting.