NRA, blames hollywood, music and videogames and the media... not guns.

How does it make sense the other way around? That without a gun in his home, he would have been a regular Wally Cleaver?
I loaded all my guns last night and put them in my bedroom.....and lo and behold, I wasn't even wounded once during the night....obviously my
guns and pretty safe.....
You must not have had your television on, because the NRA is blaming the media, video games and music.
You must not have had your television on, because the NRA is blaming the media, video games and music.

My guns don't watch or read the media, play video games or listen to music....guess thats a good thing.
Just don't let them play games like Doom. Even today, it remains the stuff of legend and controversy. Of course, those that have followed in the footsteps of Doom, have become ever more violent. One game that surprised me at the time was for GameCube. I believe it was Minority Report, and after taking down security guards, you could continue to beat and brutalize their bodies, with loud bone-crunching sound effects. I just thought it was mean, but people kept beating the piss out of those poor guards...
yes, Jarod. The media has no effect on children. Violent movies have no effect. You are so right. Simply having the right to bear arms is what causes violence.

So the gun jumped into his hand drove him to the school pointed itself and pulled it's own trigger? You are sick, a gun in the hand of one administrator, game over.

My guns don't watch or read the media, play video games or listen to music....guess thats a good thing.

Why blame Jarod for the stupid statements of LaPierre?

I loaded all my guns last night and put them in my bedroom.....and lo and behold, I wasn't even wounded once during the night....obviously my
guns and pretty safe.....

Oh yeah...just like Lanza's mother did...she was such a responsible gun owner, wasn't she????
Why blame Jarod for the stupid statements of LaPierre?

I'm not blaming Jarod for anything....just making it clear that my guns can't do a thing by themselves....its the people.
And without a gun, they'd find another way.

Oh yeah...just like Lanza's mother did...she was such a responsible gun owner, wasn't she????

Really ? Did she load her guns and keep them in the bedroom too ?
The 10 things LaPierre blamed. Not a gun on the single list.
1. The Media

"Rather than face their own moral failings, the media demonize gun owners."

2. Video Games

"And here’s another dirty little truth that the media try their best to conceal. There exists in this country, sadly, a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and stows violence against its own people. Through vicious, violent video games with names like 'Bullet Storm,' 'Grand Theft Auto,' 'Mortal Combat,' and 'Splatterhouse.'"

3. President Obama

"Ladies and gentlemen, there’s no national one size fits all solution to protecting our children. But do know that this president zeroed out school emergency planning grants in last year’s budget and scrapped Secure Our Schools policing grants in next year’s budget." (A lie, btw)

4. Gun-Free School Zones

"The only way to answer that question is to face the truth. Politicians pass laws for gun free school zones, they issue press releases bragging about them. They post signs advertising them. And, in doing so, they tell every insane killer in America that schools are the safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk."

5. Hurricanes

"Now, due to a declined willingness to prosecute dangerous criminals, violent crime is increasing again for the first time in 19 years. Add another hurricane, terrorist attack, or some other natural of manmade disaster, and you've got a recipe for a national nightmare of violence and victimization."

6. Sports Stadiums

"If we truly cherish our kids, more than our money, more than our celebrities, more than our sports stadiums, we must give them the greatest level of protection possible."

7. Celebrities

"If we truly cherish our kids, more than our money, more than our celebrities, more than our sports stadiums, we must give them the greatest level of protection possible."

8. Foreign Aid

"With all the foreign aid the United States does, with all the money in the federal budget, can’t we afford to put a police officer in every single school?"

9. Movies

"I mean we have blood-soaked films out there, like 'American Psycho,' 'Natural Born Killers.' They’re aired like propaganda loops on Splatterdays and every single day."

10. Music Videos

"1,000 music videos, and you all know this, portray life as a joke and they play murder — portray murder as a way of life. And then they all have the nerve to call it entertainment. But is that what it really is? Isn’t fantasizing about killing people as a way to get your kicks really the filthiest form of pornography?"

So we have all those excuses and he couldn't at least admit "And maybe we make the availability of guns a little too easy to those who shouldn't have them." or "Perhaps we can work with others to get guns that can kill dozens of people, children, in a few seconds off the market."

But, noooooooooooooooooo.....

Really ? Did she load her guns and keep them in the bedroom too ?

She left them where her son had access to them. How very "responsible gun owner" of her! Since she was shot to death in her bedroom, I'd say that's a reasonable assumption.
The 10 things LaPierre blamed. Not a gun on the single list.

So we have all those excuses and he couldn't at least admit "And maybe we make the availability of guns a little too easy to those who shouldn't have them." or "Perhaps we can work with others to get guns that can kill dozens of people, children, in a few seconds off the market."

But, noooooooooooooooooo.....

Yes....the stealing and robbery of others peoples possessions will always make EVERYTHING a little too easy to stolen gun or any other weapon
has nothing to do with "the market" you fool....
that logic says take cars off the market because some nut stole one and ran over 50 kids.....cause and effect, stupid in the extreme.
She left them where her son had access to them. How very "responsible gun owner" of her! Since she was shot to death in her bedroom, I'd say that's a reasonable assumption.

When you assume, you make an ass of do you know exactly where the guns were ?
yes, Jarod. The media has no effect on children. Violent movies have no effect. You are so right. Simply having the right to bear arms is what causes violence.


What about the cartoons of 50 years ago? Not only would Wile E Coyote try to crush the poor roadrunner with boulders and shoot him with arrows and guns but he would order bombs and rockets from the Acme Company. What cartoon didn't involve someone getting pushed off a roof or cliff? Then we had Bugs having to deal with Mr. Fudd.
Elmer Fudd...the butt of all jokes about shooters....remember 'shooter'? He shot his best friend in the face....oops....
What about the cartoons of 50 years ago? Not only would Wile E Coyote try to crush the poor roadrunner with boulders and shoot him with arrows and guns but he would order bombs and rockets from the Acme Company. What cartoon didn't involve someone getting pushed off a roof or cliff? Then we had Bugs having to deal with Mr. Fudd.

Well that's true. But how often were said cartoons aired? I'm not blaming media, or at least not that iteration of media, but its not an equal comparison you're making.