NRA, blames hollywood, music and videogames and the media... not guns.

He liked tinkering with computers and other gadgets, and seemed to enjoy playing a violent video game, choosing a military-style assault rifle as one of his weapons.

Back in high school, Frost recalled, someone brought in a video game called "Counter-Strike," a shooting video game in which players compete against each other as either terrorists or counter-terrorists.

Lanza "seemed pretty interested in the game," Frost said, and would play it with other students. He remembers the weapons Lanza chose: an M4 military-style assault rifle and a Glock handgun.

Authorities said Lanza used a military-style assault rifle and carried handguns during the rampage at the school. They still have no clear reason why Lanza would lash out at defenseless first-graders and their caretakers.

maybe the anti gun nut left shouldn't be so dismissive about what the NRA said. perhaps there is some truth to it and when one calms down and rationally thinks about it, it makes sense.
people are always trying to find answers, as if there is always a logical line between a psycho killing kids and the origin for what initially inspired such actions.

The proles can't accept that we live in an unforgiving world. The universe is indifferent. The universe doesn't care about you, there is no purpose. Sometimes bad things will happen. with 300 million people, it becomes a statistical certainty.

Death, violence, pain, suffering are all statistical certainties. They are inevitabilities. You will never be able to stop them.
Color me still laughing at the NRA for wanting to get rid of guns in movies and video games, but keep them in real life.
The 10 things LaPierre blamed. Not a gun on the single list.

So we have all those excuses and he couldn't at least admit "And maybe we make the availability of guns a little too easy to those who shouldn't have them." or "Perhaps we can work with others to get guns that can kill dozens of people, children, in a few seconds off the market."

But, noooooooooooooooooo.....

They did not even mention gays????