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WHY Noahide Laws GUILLOTINES on UN Prisoner Boxcars?
Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:59
OR, HOW Did A Distinctly Jewish Belief System Become DISCRIMINATORY FUTURE AMERICAN NATIONAL POLICY, To Have Deadly Impact on Millions of American Citizens?

By Pamela Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical perspective-

June 24, 2009

When I first began to investigate the shocking reports of PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES being sighted by local people in various locations nationwide in 1995, I began to have many questions as I traveled repeatedly across this nation to such locations to interview eye-witnesses.

WHY did these boxcars with shackles, obviously made for HUMAN cargo, exist? WHY were many with UN symbols on them, or FEMA? WHY would there be MODERN GUILLOTINES actually installed inside many (not all) of them?

prisoner boxcars shackles nwo martial law schuffert - Google Search
I have personally met with credible eye-witnesses of the guillotines in some of the prisoner boxcars, in fact, and traveled to such locations as well, including Montana and Asheville, NC. Former CIA, Pentagon sources, US Army sources, truck drivers delivering the guillotines nationwide, metal workers, etc., have all confirmed completely the reality of the modern guillotines in America today.

guillotines boysel fort lewis noahide laws - Google Search

WHO was building these prisoner boxcars with shackles and guillotines, and WHY, and WHO were they for? And WHEN would they be used?

Through years of painstaking research, travel, and countless interviews with people in a position to know, I finally uncovered the grim truth.

These boxcars, positioned across the nation in various locations (and often in CANADA and MEXICO in remote areas to avoid detection, and also UNDERGROUND as well), usually in areas out of public access or sighting, have been built to accommodate human cargo to transport them to modern FEMA/HOMELAND SECURITY detention camps under a future state of MARTIAL LAW.

America is about to collapse BY PLAN, and for MANY reasons. Due to many coming national calamities, disasters and circumstances (most engineered by the NWO planners themselves in the form of "black ops", we will find ourselves in a state of MARTIAL LAW in which our Constitution will be suspended, our previous rights and freedoms revoked, and we will become a POLICE STATE at last.

Many Americans are anticipated by this government to RISE UP, fight back, resist their NWO tyranny plans and stand for their lives and their freedoms.

Revelations of CIA insiders, formerly working for this agenda, revealed that the camps would be for future resisters of the "NEW WORLD ORDER" agenda that would rise up in protest under martial law, demanding their former freedoms and rights back and the Constitution restored.

And for this very reason, the FEMA/Homeland Security detention camps and the prisoner boxcars designed to transport the resisters there, were all created.


I discovered that the MODERN GUILLOTINES are in many military bases today, and are for the FUTURE purpose of executing offenders of the Jewish NOAHIDE LAWS, written up by Lubavitch Chabad and signed into legislation by "Mr. NWO," George Bush SR.

Frankly, the Noahide Laws legislation is outrageous and needs to be rescinded, abolished and banned from America altogether. They have no place in a Constitutional nation and American society and in a country that believes in the right of everyone to exercise religious freedoms, a God-given right.

The Noahide Laws are highly discriminatory in favoring Jewish beliefs over all others. In fact, they are going to be used to accomplish the shocking practice of FORCED CONVERSION UNDER PAIN OF DEATH IF YOU DO NOT RENOUNCE YOUR CHRISTIAN FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST.

For example, Christians who refuse to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ as both the Son of God and Divine, are found guilty of "blasphemy against God" and "idolatry" by strictly Jewish definition, and are subject to execution by BEHEADING, according to the Noahide Laws they have written for Gentiles. Moslems can also be executed by Jews under the Noahide Laws by BEHEADING as well, and many other groups besides.

Such outrageous, anti-Constitutional and blatantly discriminatory legislation should never have been signed into American legislation by any President to begin with! However, under Bush Sr's Presidential administration, they were. This is not surprising, since the BUSH FAMILY is a major supporter of the NWO agenda and it's PLAN to eliminate Christians and Christianity from the world scene anyhow.

The GOOD news is, that the Noahide Laws cannot be activated while the Constitution is in effect, however, due to provisions of SEPARATION OF CHURCH (or SYNAGOGUE) AND STATE. The supporters of the NWO agenda and the Noahide Laws legislation are eager , therefore, for the planned disasters to take place, designed to result in the Constitution being suspended, and their dream of A NEW WORLD ORDER to finally come to pass in America.
And with it their dream of the satanic NEW WORLD ORDER in America, the elimination of ALL NWO RESISTERS.

BUT EXACTLY HOW did distinctly Jewish traditional religious beliefs get somehow translated into America's FUTURE national policy, to affect every citizen, wherein THEIR particular and discriminatory beliefs are signed into legislation (NOAHIDE LAWS) becoming a part of our national policy in the future?

And wherein the guillotines and our military training how to operate them are now present REALITY, to someday be used to execute American Christian offenders of a distinctly JEWISH belief system???

WHY are our tax dollars paying for these guillotines to be manufactured and imported to this nation? WHY are our tax dollars paying for our own military to be trained in operating these guillotines against their fellow Americans in Us Army and other bases? HOW could Americans be forced to fund this utterly ANTI-AMERICAN agenda that will be used to kill off good Americans for their religious beliefs alone in the future?

And WHY are Jewish beliefs favored over Christian rights and freedoms and beliefs in this unethical and anti-American forced conversion agenda involving the NOADHIDE LAWS and millions of modern guillotines now nationwide?

WHERE did the JEWISH CONNECTION come into all this??? United Nations prisoner boxcars for Americans...modern guillotines sighted in many of them...guillotines whose only purpose is to behead Christian offenders of the JEWISH NOAHIDE LAWS...how did this happen and WHO IS RESPONSIBLE???

Interestingly, I discovered while investigating in Israel and living in Jerusalem a while, that one of the major companies paid millions of dollars by the US government to produce these deadly prisoner boxcars with shackles, GUNDERSON STEEL FARBICATION or Portland, OR, is Jewish-owned, by Ken and Sally Gunderson. This was revealed to me by a Jewish man I spoke to as we sat on the rooftop of Petra Hostel in the Old City one night. He was a Naval officer from Portland, OR.

He informed me that the Gundersons are Jewish, and that Sally attended his synagogue in fact. Unfortunately this is quite evidently one more Jewish family and operation working for the NWO agenda and for the destruction of many loyal and Patriotic Americans citizens in the future. How tragic.

WHO is working for OUR DESTRUCTION and the destruction of Christianity in America?

And more importantly, WHAT CAN WE NOW AS AMERICAN CITIZENS DO ABOUT ALL THIS to protect ourselves in the future?

This article by Dr. Henry Makow may shed some light into all of this.

-Pamela Schuffert

"Soviet" Agents Designed IMF, World Bank & United Nations

January 11, 2009

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

We usually think of the New World Order as something coming in the future. In fact, a veiled Masonic Jewish banker dictatorship has existed for some time.

This is the first world conquest by infiltration and subversion. They took over the levers of power while maintaining the appearance of democracy and freedom. They did this by duping Jews and Masons, and the population in general with liberalism, socialism, zionism and communism.

(Protocol 1-25:"Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll- parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world...")

The Illuminati formalizes its tyranny by, for example, using the phony "war on terror" as a pretext to suspend civil liberties and build a police state. Notice, no one has asked Barack Obama to withdraw the "Patriot Act."


Recently, I was reminded of this de facto tyranny when I read that the major institutions of the post-war world were created by "Soviet spies," i.e. men working directly for the Illuminati (Masonic) Jewish bankers.

The most prominent was Harry Dexter White, a founder (and Director) of the IMF, as well as the World Bank. As Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, also a Soviet agent, White (originally "Weit") also delivered the printing plates for US occupation currency in Germany to the Soviets, costing the US $50 billion.

FDR's administration was rife with Soviet spies, mostly Jews, protected by FDR himself. This included spies in the Manhattan Project who delivered the plans for the atomic bomb to Russia.

There was nothing "Russian" about the USSR. It was an Illuminati (Masonic) Jewish state. So were/are England, the United States and most of Europe. If White helped found the IMF and World Bank, Alger Hiss, a Colonel in the Soviet GPU, helped design the United Nations and served as its first acting Secretary General.

A revival of the League of Nations, the UN is the main mechanism of Masonic Jewish world government.I say "Masonic Jewish" because most Jews aren't Masons and most Masons aren't Jews.

But Freemasonry is a secret society based on Judaism. The essence of a secret society is that the membership is manipulated to fulfill a hidden agenda, in this case world domination. White and Hiss could have been dupes, believing in "changing the world."

But think about it folks. The architects of the IMF, World Bank and United Nations were both "Soviet" agents, traitors, proof that the covert Illuminati takeover was complete in the 1930's or earlier.

(My source for White and Hiss' spying is the CIA Interrogation of Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller, who intercepted Soviet cables from Washington to Moscow. "Gestapo Chief," Vol III by Gregory Douglas pp. 162-173. This was later confirmed by the testimony of Soviet defector Elizabeth Bentley and the release of the VENONA material by US Army Signal Intelligence.)


Although Hiss wasn't a Jew, he was a protege of Felix Frankfurter, a Supreme Court judge and Sabbatean Jew. The Sabbateans were a 17th Century Jewish heresy, a Satanic cult that gave birth to the Illuminati.

Numbering over a million,they included powerful bankers like the Rothschilds. When their leader Sabbatai Zvi pretended to convert to Islam (under duress from the Sultan), the Sabbateans imitated him by infiltrating other nationalities and religions. This is the origin of Jewish assimilation (the "Haskalah"), all the more effective because most Jews were sincere.

The hard-core Sabbateans were Cabalists determined to be their own God/Messiah and make the world worship them. They advanced this program by recruiting non-Jewish elites willing to betray their country using Freemasonry as the tent. (Freemasonry is based on Jewish Cabalism.)

[However, Henry, you fail to tell the readers that Sabbatean satanism is rife among the Jewish communities of the world and major cities like NYC, including throughout Israel and not such a "minority". They also support the JEWISH version of a new world order. And you fail to tell readers that the Orthodox Jewish organization, Lubavitch Chabad that gave us NOAHIDE LAWS, and MANY Orthodox Jews and non-Orthodox, personally support the New World Order/"messianic kingdom" as well. MANY Jews besides Illuminati/MASONS alone are a part of and in favor of this NWO agenda.-Pamela Schuffert]

Communism and Zionism are both Masonic movements and Illuminati instruments. They brought Hitler to power and engineered the Holocaust to reclaim assimilated Jews for Zionism. Frankfurter was an "adviser" to both Woodrow Wilson and FDR. "Advisers" or "brain trusts" were the handlers, intermediaries between the Illuminati bankers and the politicians who are front men.

Another Jewish "Soviet" agent was LBJ's handler, Abe Fortas, also a Supreme Court judge. The ultimate "Soviet" agent was Victor Rothschild himself.Financed by the central banking cartel, the Illuminati Order control Intelligence agencies and most organizations and corporations of significance. But they operate at arm's length.

FDR and Stalin both wanted Vice President Henry Wallace, another Soviet agent, to succeed to the Presidency. But Truman was installed instead, probably because the Illuminati wanted a Cold War to further degrade the West.

Like all wars, the Cold War was a hoax designed to further concentrate power and profit in the hands of the Illuminati bankers. The Illuminati always require an external enemy to distract attention from themselves, the enemy within.


The whole world is now structured like a Cabalistic secret society. The vast majority of people are duped into thinking they are free and pursuing laudable goals. Only the "adepts" understand that the true purpose of all social trends, movements and world events is to condition the masses to play their role in the Masonic banker world tyranny.

As explained in the "Protocols of Zion," this role is to be permanently "dumbed down," or like children, trusting "leaders" in all respects. Thus, arrested development is promoted by undermining heterosexual marriage and family using sexual promiscuity, feminism and homosexuality.

Diversity, multiculturalism, migration are all used to undermine nations and races of European descent. "Culture" is drenched in sex, violence, trivia, atheism, nihilism and Satanism, which I suspect originate in Cabalism.

World events and social trends are engineered to advance world government tyranny. Last week, we again heard Henry Kissinger and "Three Stooges," Brown, Merkel and Sarkozy, describe the economic meltdown as an "opportunity" for a New World Order."

In a famous statement at the June 1991 Bilderberg meeting, David Rockefeller thanked the media for help in creating a "supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers, which is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries. "

Of course, the "intellectual elite" is really a fig leaf to cover banker tyranny. More accurately "intellectual whores," they sugarcoat the world government agenda in spurious platitudes. As I have said, the bankers want to translate their economic monopoly into a total political, cultural, spiritual and mental monopoly.

The goal of "hate" laws is to enforce this monopoly on thought itself. These laws have nothing to do with hate. We live in a colonized, totalitarian society masquerading as a free society.

That should be obvious by the way they murder Americans with impunity. They assassinated JFK, killed sailors on the USS Liberty and later thousands of Americans on 9-11.We live in a totalitarian society dying to take off its mask in a way that makes tyranny appear normal, natural and necessary, so the masses will accept increased degradation and servitude.-End

For further insight, please Visit Dr. Makow's website and Brother Nathanael Kapner's website exposing the Jewish history and background of involvement in the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda for America, and the world.

WHY Noahide Laws GUILLOTINES on UN Prisoner Boxcars?
Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:59
OR, HOW Did A Distinctly Jewish Belief System Become DISCRIMINATORY FUTURE AMERICAN NATIONAL POLICY, To Have Deadly Impact on Millions of American Citizens?

By Pamela Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical perspective-

June 24, 2009

When I first began to investigate the shocking reports of PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES being sighted by local people in various locations nationwide in 1995, I began to have many questions as I traveled repeatedly across this nation to such locations to interview eye-witnesses.

WHY did these boxcars with shackles, obviously made for HUMAN cargo, exist? WHY were many with UN symbols on them, or FEMA? WHY would there be MODERN GUILLOTINES actually installed inside many (not all) of them?

prisoner boxcars shackles nwo martial law schuffert - Google Search
I have personally met with credible eye-witnesses of the guillotines in some of the prisoner boxcars, in fact, and traveled to such locations as well, including Montana and Asheville, NC. Former CIA, Pentagon sources, US Army sources, truck drivers delivering the guillotines nationwide, metal workers, etc., have all confirmed completely the reality of the modern guillotines in America today.

guillotines boysel fort lewis noahide laws - Google Search

WHO was building these prisoner boxcars with shackles and guillotines, and WHY, and WHO were they for? And WHEN would they be used?

Through years of painstaking research, travel, and countless interviews with people in a position to know, I finally uncovered the grim truth.

These boxcars, positioned across the nation in various locations (and often in CANADA and MEXICO in remote areas to avoid detection, and also UNDERGROUND as well), usually in areas out of public access or sighting, have been built to accommodate human cargo to transport them to modern FEMA/HOMELAND SECURITY detention camps under a future state of MARTIAL LAW.

America is about to collapse BY PLAN, and for MANY reasons. Due to many coming national calamities, disasters and circumstances (most engineered by the NWO planners themselves in the form of "black ops", we will find ourselves in a state of MARTIAL LAW in which our Constitution will be suspended, our previous rights and freedoms revoked, and we will become a POLICE STATE at last.

Many Americans are anticipated by this government to RISE UP, fight back, resist their NWO tyranny plans and stand for their lives and their freedoms.

Revelations of CIA insiders, formerly working for this agenda, revealed that the camps would be for future resisters of the "NEW WORLD ORDER" agenda that would rise up in protest under martial law, demanding their former freedoms and rights back and the Constitution restored.

And for this very reason, the FEMA/Homeland Security detention camps and the prisoner boxcars designed to transport the resisters there, were all created.


I discovered that the MODERN GUILLOTINES are in many military bases today, and are for the FUTURE purpose of executing offenders of the Jewish NOAHIDE LAWS, written up by Lubavitch Chabad and signed into legislation by "Mr. NWO," George Bush SR.

Frankly, the Noahide Laws legislation is outrageous and needs to be rescinded, abolished and banned from America altogether. They have no place in a Constitutional nation and American society and in a country that believes in the right of everyone to exercise religious freedoms, a God-given right.

The Noahide Laws are highly discriminatory in favoring Jewish beliefs over all others. In fact, they are going to be used to accomplish the shocking practice of FORCED CONVERSION UNDER PAIN OF DEATH IF YOU DO NOT RENOUNCE YOUR CHRISTIAN FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST.

For example, Christians who refuse to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ as both the Son of God and Divine, are found guilty of "blasphemy against God" and "idolatry" by strictly Jewish definition, and are subject to execution by BEHEADING, according to the Noahide Laws they have written for Gentiles. Moslems can also be executed by Jews under the Noahide Laws by BEHEADING as well, and many other groups besides.

Such outrageous, anti-Constitutional and blatantly discriminatory legislation should never have been signed into American legislation by any President to begin with! However, under Bush Sr's Presidential administration, they were. This is not surprising, since the BUSH FAMILY is a major supporter of the NWO agenda and it's PLAN to eliminate Christians and Christianity from the world scene anyhow.

The GOOD news is, that the Noahide Laws cannot be activated while the Constitution is in effect, however, due to provisions of SEPARATION OF CHURCH (or SYNAGOGUE) AND STATE. The supporters of the NWO agenda and the Noahide Laws legislation are eager , therefore, for the planned disasters to take place, designed to result in the Constitution being suspended, and their dream of A NEW WORLD ORDER to finally come to pass in America.
And with it their dream of the satanic NEW WORLD ORDER in America, the elimination of ALL NWO RESISTERS.

BUT EXACTLY HOW did distinctly Jewish traditional religious beliefs get somehow translated into America's FUTURE national policy, to affect every citizen, wherein THEIR particular and discriminatory beliefs are signed into legislation (NOAHIDE LAWS) becoming a part of our national policy in the future?

And wherein the guillotines and our military training how to operate them are now present REALITY, to someday be used to execute American Christian offenders of a distinctly JEWISH belief system???

WHY are our tax dollars paying for these guillotines to be manufactured and imported to this nation? WHY are our tax dollars paying for our own military to be trained in operating these guillotines against their fellow Americans in Us Army and other bases? HOW could Americans be forced to fund this utterly ANTI-AMERICAN agenda that will be used to kill off good Americans for their religious beliefs alone in the future?

And WHY are Jewish beliefs favored over Christian rights and freedoms and beliefs in this unethical and anti-American forced conversion agenda involving the NOADHIDE LAWS and millions of modern guillotines now nationwide?

WHERE did the JEWISH CONNECTION come into all this??? United Nations prisoner boxcars for Americans...modern guillotines sighted in many of them...guillotines whose only purpose is to behead Christian offenders of the JEWISH NOAHIDE LAWS...how did this happen and WHO IS RESPONSIBLE???

Interestingly, I discovered while investigating in Israel and living in Jerusalem a while, that one of the major companies paid millions of dollars by the US government to produce these deadly prisoner boxcars with shackles, GUNDERSON STEEL FARBICATION or Portland, OR, is Jewish-owned, by Ken and Sally Gunderson. This was revealed to me by a Jewish man I spoke to as we sat on the rooftop of Petra Hostel in the Old City one night. He was a Naval officer from Portland, OR.

He informed me that the Gundersons are Jewish, and that Sally attended his synagogue in fact. Unfortunately this is quite evidently one more Jewish family and operation working for the NWO agenda and for the destruction of many loyal and Patriotic Americans citizens in the future. How tragic.

WHO is working for OUR DESTRUCTION and the destruction of Christianity in America?

And more importantly, WHAT CAN WE NOW AS AMERICAN CITIZENS DO ABOUT ALL THIS to protect ourselves in the future?

This article by Dr. Henry Makow may shed some light into all of this.

-Pamela Schuffert

Nice to see some pix of these "boxcars" included...oh wait, you don't have any.

Just cuz you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you...

Nice to see some pix of these "boxcars" included...oh wait, you don't have any.

Just cuz you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you...


Yeah. Well. There's no pictures of santa claus either. But he's real as shit.


In a revealing admission the Director of Resource Management for the U.S. Army confirmed the validity of a memorandum relating to the establishment of a civilian inmate labor program under development by the Department of the Army. The document states, "Enclosed for your review and comment is the draft Army regulation on civilian inmate labor utilization" and the procedure to "establish civilian prison camps on installations." Cherith Chronicle, June 1997.

Civilian internment camps or prison camps, more commonly known as concentration camps, have been the subject of much rumor and speculation during the past few years in America. Several publications have devoted space to the topic and many talk radio programs have dealt with the issue.

However, Congressman Henry Gonzales (D, Texas) clarified the question of the existence of civilian detention camps. In an interview the congressman stated, "the truth is yes - you do have these stand by provisions, and the plans are here...whereby you could, in the name of stopping terrorism...evoke the military and arrest Americans and put them in detention camps."


The concept of mass internment camps was implemented during the decade of the 1930's when the idea was either integrated into national security planning or put to actual use in the world's three socialistic experiments - the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and the United States under Roosevelt.

On March 9, 1933, Adolph Hitler put his Dachau detention center into operation where thousands of his own countrymen were sent. (Source: Martin Gilber,The Holocaust). Stalin exterminated 7 to 10 million in his rural collectivization program from 1931-1933 and another 10 million in the purges of 1934-1939. It was this decade that the Soviet Gulag proved its worth. On August 24, 1939, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover met with FDR to develop a detention plan for the United States. Five months after this meeting, Hitler opened the Auschwitz detention center in Poland.

On August 3, 1948, J. Edgar Hoover met with Attorney General J. Howard McGrath to form a plan whereby President Truman could suspend constitutional liberties during a national emergency. The plan was code-named "Security Portfolio" and, when activated, it would authorize the FBI to summarily arrest up to 20,000 persons and place them in national security detention camps. Prisoners would not have the right to a court hearing or habeas corpus appeal. Meanwhile, "Security Portfolio" allowed the FBI to develop a watch list of those who would be detained, as well as detailed information on their physical appearance, family, place of work, etc. (David Burnham, Above the Law).

Two years later Congress approved the Internal Security Act of 1950 which contained a provision authorizing an emergency detention plan. Hoover was unhappy with this law because it did not suspend the constitution and it guaranteed the right to a court hearing (habeas corpus). "For two years, while the FBI continued to secretly establish the detention camps and work out detailed seizure plans for thousands of individuals, Hoover kept badgering...[Attorney General McGrath for] official permission to ignore the 1950 law and carry on with the more ferocious 1948 program. On November 25, 1952, the attorney general...caved in to Hoover." ibid.

Congress repealed the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 more than twenty years later in 1971. Seemingly the threat of civilian internment in the United States was over, but not in reality. The Senate held hearings in December, 1975, revealing the ongoing internment plan which had never been terminated. The report, entitled, "Intelligence Activities, Senate Resolution 21", disclosed the covert agenda. In a series of documents, memos and testimony by government informants, the picture emerged of the designs by the federal government to monitor, infiltrate, arrest and incarcerate a potentially large segment of American society.

The Senate report also revealed the existence of the Master Search Warrant (MSW) and the Master Arrest Warrant (MAW) which are currently in force. The MAW document, authorized by the United States Attorney General, directs the head of the FBI to: "Arrest persons whom I deem dangerous to the public peace and safety. These persons are to be detained and confined until further order." The MSW also instructs the FBI Director to "search certain premises where it is believed that there may be found contraband, prohibited articles, or other materials in violation of the Proclamation of the President of the United States." It includes such items as firearms, shortwave radio receiving sets, cameras, propaganda materials, printing presses, mimeograph machines, membership and financial records of organizations or groups that have been declared subversive, or may be hereafter declared subversive by the Attorney General."

Since the Senate hearings in 1975, the steady development of highly specialized surveillance capabilities, combined with the exploding computerized information technologies, have enabled a massive data base of personal information to be developed on millions of unsuspecting American citizens. It is all in place awaiting only a presidential declaration to be enforced by both military and civilian police.

In 1982, President Ronald Reagan issued National Security Directive 58 which empowered Robert McFarlane and Oliver North to use the National Security Council to secretly retrofit FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) to manage the country during a national crisis. The 1984 "REX exercises" simulated civil unrest culminating in a national emergency with a contingency plan for the imprisonment of 400,000 people. REX 84 was so secretive that special metal security doors were installed on the FEMA building's fifth floor, and even long-term officials of the Civil Defense Office were prohibited entry. The ostensible purpose of this exercise was to handle an influx of refugees created by a war in Central America, but a more realistic scenario was the detention of American citizens.


Under "REX" the President could declare a state of emergency, empowering the head of FEMA to take control of the internal infrastructure of the United States and suspend the constitution. The President could invoke executive orders 11000 thru 11004 which would: 1- Draft all citizens into work forces under government supervision. 2- Empower the postmaster to register all men, women and children. 3- Seize all airports and aircraft. 4- Seize all housing and establish forced relocation of citizens.

FEMA, whose black budget comes from the Department of Defense, has worked closely with the Pentagon in an effort to avoid the legal restrictions of Posse Comitatus. While FEMA may not have been directly responsible for these precedent-setting cases, the principle of federal control was seen during the Los Angeles riots in 1992 with the federalization of the National Guard and during the siege at Waco, where Army tanks equipped with flame throwers were involved in the final conflagration.


The Deputy Attorney General of California commented at a conference that anyone who attacks the State, even verbally, becomes a revolutionary and an enemy by definition. Louis Guiffreda, who was head of FEMA, stated that "legitimate violence is integral to our form of government, for it is from this source that we can continue to purge our weaknesses."

It is significant to note that the dictionary definition of terrorism - "the calculated use of violence" - corresponds precisely to the government's stated policy of "the use of legitimate violence." One might ask, Who are the real terrorists? Guiffreda's remark gives a revealing insight into the thinking of those who have been charged with oversight of the welfare of the citizens in this country. If one's convictions or philosophy does not correspond with the government's agenda, that individual may find himself on the government's enemy list. This makes him a "target" to be "purged" by the use of "legitimate violence."

If one forgets the past, he will not be prepared for the future.

Well, I was thinking more along the lines of some closeup shots of the boxcar, so the alleged UN markings and the shackles might be visible, but this is a start anyway.

Look, I love a good conspiracy as much as the next guy and I'm one of those kooks who believes that aliens are here visiting us right now, so I'm not just outright dismissing what you've written.

But that lady's case would be a whole lot more compelling if some of her "eyewitnesses" had some photographic evidence to back up their claims.

"Soviet" Agents Designed IMF, World Bank & United Nations

January 11, 2009

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

We usually think of the New World Order as something coming in the future. In fact, a veiled Masonic Jewish banker dictatorship has existed for some time.

This is the first world conquest by infiltration and subversion. They took over the levers of power while maintaining the appearance of democracy and freedom. They did this by duping Jews and Masons, and the population in general with liberalism, socialism, zionism and communism.

(Protocol 1-25:"Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll- parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world...")

The Illuminati formalizes its tyranny by, for example, using the phony "war on terror" as a pretext to suspend civil liberties and build a police state. Notice, no one has asked Barack Obama to withdraw the "Patriot Act."


Recently, I was reminded of this de facto tyranny when I read that the major institutions of the post-war world were created by "Soviet spies," i.e. men working directly for the Illuminati (Masonic) Jewish bankers.

The most prominent was Harry Dexter White, a founder (and Director) of the IMF, as well as the World Bank. As Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, also a Soviet agent, White (originally "Weit") also delivered the printing plates for US occupation currency in Germany to the Soviets, costing the US $50 billion.

FDR's administration was rife with Soviet spies, mostly Jews, protected by FDR himself. This included spies in the Manhattan Project who delivered the plans for the atomic bomb to Russia.

There was nothing "Russian" about the USSR. It was an Illuminati (Masonic) Jewish state. So were/are England, the United States and most of Europe. If White helped found the IMF and World Bank, Alger Hiss, a Colonel in the Soviet GPU, helped design the United Nations and served as its first acting Secretary General.

A revival of the League of Nations, the UN is the main mechanism of Masonic Jewish world government.I say "Masonic Jewish" because most Jews aren't Masons and most Masons aren't Jews.

But Freemasonry is a secret society based on Judaism. The essence of a secret society is that the membership is manipulated to fulfill a hidden agenda, in this case world domination. White and Hiss could have been dupes, believing in "changing the world."

But think about it folks. The architects of the IMF, World Bank and United Nations were both "Soviet" agents, traitors, proof that the covert Illuminati takeover was complete in the 1930's or earlier.

(My source for White and Hiss' spying is the CIA Interrogation of Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller, who intercepted Soviet cables from Washington to Moscow. "Gestapo Chief," Vol III by Gregory Douglas pp. 162-173. This was later confirmed by the testimony of Soviet defector Elizabeth Bentley and the release of the VENONA material by US Army Signal Intelligence.)


Although Hiss wasn't a Jew, he was a protege of Felix Frankfurter, a Supreme Court judge and Sabbatean Jew. The Sabbateans were a 17th Century Jewish heresy, a Satanic cult that gave birth to the Illuminati.

Numbering over a million,they included powerful bankers like the Rothschilds. When their leader Sabbatai Zvi pretended to convert to Islam (under duress from the Sultan), the Sabbateans imitated him by infiltrating other nationalities and religions. This is the origin of Jewish assimilation (the "Haskalah"), all the more effective because most Jews were sincere.

The hard-core Sabbateans were Cabalists determined to be their own God/Messiah and make the world worship them. They advanced this program by recruiting non-Jewish elites willing to betray their country using Freemasonry as the tent. (Freemasonry is based on Jewish Cabalism.)

[However, Henry, you fail to tell the readers that Sabbatean satanism is rife among the Jewish communities of the world and major cities like NYC, including throughout Israel and not such a "minority". They also support the JEWISH version of a new world order. And you fail to tell readers that the Orthodox Jewish organization, Lubavitch Chabad that gave us NOAHIDE LAWS, and MANY Orthodox Jews and non-Orthodox, personally support the New World Order/"messianic kingdom" as well. MANY Jews besides Illuminati/MASONS alone are a part of and in favor of this NWO agenda.-Pamela Schuffert]

Communism and Zionism are both Masonic movements and Illuminati instruments. They brought Hitler to power and engineered the Holocaust to reclaim assimilated Jews for Zionism. Frankfurter was an "adviser" to both Woodrow Wilson and FDR. "Advisers" or "brain trusts" were the handlers, intermediaries between the Illuminati bankers and the politicians who are front men.

Another Jewish "Soviet" agent was LBJ's handler, Abe Fortas, also a Supreme Court judge. The ultimate "Soviet" agent was Victor Rothschild himself.Financed by the central banking cartel, the Illuminati Order control Intelligence agencies and most organizations and corporations of significance. But they operate at arm's length.

FDR and Stalin both wanted Vice President Henry Wallace, another Soviet agent, to succeed to the Presidency. But Truman was installed instead, probably because the Illuminati wanted a Cold War to further degrade the West.

Like all wars, the Cold War was a hoax designed to further concentrate power and profit in the hands of the Illuminati bankers. The Illuminati always require an external enemy to distract attention from themselves, the enemy within.


The whole world is now structured like a Cabalistic secret society. The vast majority of people are duped into thinking they are free and pursuing laudable goals. Only the "adepts" understand that the true purpose of all social trends, movements and world events is to condition the masses to play their role in the Masonic banker world tyranny.

As explained in the "Protocols of Zion," this role is to be permanently "dumbed down," or like children, trusting "leaders" in all respects. Thus, arrested development is promoted by undermining heterosexual marriage and family using sexual promiscuity, feminism and homosexuality.

Diversity, multiculturalism, migration are all used to undermine nations and races of European descent. "Culture" is drenched in sex, violence, trivia, atheism, nihilism and Satanism, which I suspect originate in Cabalism.

World events and social trends are engineered to advance world government tyranny. Last week, we again heard Henry Kissinger and "Three Stooges," Brown, Merkel and Sarkozy, describe the economic meltdown as an "opportunity" for a New World Order."

In a famous statement at the June 1991 Bilderberg meeting, David Rockefeller thanked the media for help in creating a "supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers, which is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries. "

Of course, the "intellectual elite" is really a fig leaf to cover banker tyranny. More accurately "intellectual whores," they sugarcoat the world government agenda in spurious platitudes. As I have said, the bankers want to translate their economic monopoly into a total political, cultural, spiritual and mental monopoly.

The goal of "hate" laws is to enforce this monopoly on thought itself. These laws have nothing to do with hate. We live in a colonized, totalitarian society masquerading as a free society.

That should be obvious by the way they murder Americans with impunity. They assassinated JFK, killed sailors on the USS Liberty and later thousands of Americans on 9-11.We live in a totalitarian society dying to take off its mask in a way that makes tyranny appear normal, natural and necessary, so the masses will accept increased degradation and servitude.-End

For further insight, please Visit Dr. Makow's website and Brother Nathanael Kapner's website exposing the Jewish history and background of involvement in the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda for America, and the world.


Henry Makov is a bona fide nutter, he makes so many claims that are just barking mad but his claim that the Bank of England is a private corporation is especially loony, if that were the case then how was Gordon Brown able to devolve many of its powers to the Securities and Futures Authority in 1997?



In a revealing admission the Director of Resource Management for the U.S. Army confirmed the validity of a memorandum relating to the establishment of a civilian inmate labor program under development by the Department of the Army. The document states, "Enclosed for your review and comment is the draft Army regulation on civilian inmate labor utilization" and the procedure to "establish civilian prison camps on installations." Cherith Chronicle, June 1997.

Civilian internment camps or prison camps, more commonly known as concentration camps, have been the subject of much rumor and speculation during the past few years in America. Several publications have devoted space to the topic and many talk radio programs have dealt with the issue.

However, Congressman Henry Gonzales (D, Texas) clarified the question of the existence of civilian detention camps. In an interview the congressman stated, "the truth is yes - you do have these stand by provisions, and the plans are here...whereby you could, in the name of stopping terrorism...evoke the military and arrest Americans and put them in detention camps."


The concept of mass internment camps was implemented during the decade of the 1930's when the idea was either integrated into national security planning or put to actual use in the world's three socialistic experiments - the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and the United States under Roosevelt.

On March 9, 1933, Adolph Hitler put his Dachau detention center into operation where thousands of his own countrymen were sent. (Source: Martin Gilber,The Holocaust). Stalin exterminated 7 to 10 million in his rural collectivization program from 1931-1933 and another 10 million in the purges of 1934-1939. It was this decade that the Soviet Gulag proved its worth. On August 24, 1939, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover met with FDR to develop a detention plan for the United States. Five months after this meeting, Hitler opened the Auschwitz detention center in Poland.

On August 3, 1948, J. Edgar Hoover met with Attorney General J. Howard McGrath to form a plan whereby President Truman could suspend constitutional liberties during a national emergency. The plan was code-named "Security Portfolio" and, when activated, it would authorize the FBI to summarily arrest up to 20,000 persons and place them in national security detention camps. Prisoners would not have the right to a court hearing or habeas corpus appeal. Meanwhile, "Security Portfolio" allowed the FBI to develop a watch list of those who would be detained, as well as detailed information on their physical appearance, family, place of work, etc. (David Burnham, Above the Law).

Two years later Congress approved the Internal Security Act of 1950 which contained a provision authorizing an emergency detention plan. Hoover was unhappy with this law because it did not suspend the constitution and it guaranteed the right to a court hearing (habeas corpus). "For two years, while the FBI continued to secretly establish the detention camps and work out detailed seizure plans for thousands of individuals, Hoover kept badgering...[Attorney General McGrath for] official permission to ignore the 1950 law and carry on with the more ferocious 1948 program. On November 25, 1952, the attorney general...caved in to Hoover." ibid.

Congress repealed the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 more than twenty years later in 1971. Seemingly the threat of civilian internment in the United States was over, but not in reality. The Senate held hearings in December, 1975, revealing the ongoing internment plan which had never been terminated. The report, entitled, "Intelligence Activities, Senate Resolution 21", disclosed the covert agenda. In a series of documents, memos and testimony by government informants, the picture emerged of the designs by the federal government to monitor, infiltrate, arrest and incarcerate a potentially large segment of American society.

The Senate report also revealed the existence of the Master Search Warrant (MSW) and the Master Arrest Warrant (MAW) which are currently in force. The MAW document, authorized by the United States Attorney General, directs the head of the FBI to: "Arrest persons whom I deem dangerous to the public peace and safety. These persons are to be detained and confined until further order." The MSW also instructs the FBI Director to "search certain premises where it is believed that there may be found contraband, prohibited articles, or other materials in violation of the Proclamation of the President of the United States." It includes such items as firearms, shortwave radio receiving sets, cameras, propaganda materials, printing presses, mimeograph machines, membership and financial records of organizations or groups that have been declared subversive, or may be hereafter declared subversive by the Attorney General."

Since the Senate hearings in 1975, the steady development of highly specialized surveillance capabilities, combined with the exploding computerized information technologies, have enabled a massive data base of personal information to be developed on millions of unsuspecting American citizens. It is all in place awaiting only a presidential declaration to be enforced by both military and civilian police.

In 1982, President Ronald Reagan issued National Security Directive 58 which empowered Robert McFarlane and Oliver North to use the National Security Council to secretly retrofit FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) to manage the country during a national crisis. The 1984 "REX exercises" simulated civil unrest culminating in a national emergency with a contingency plan for the imprisonment of 400,000 people. REX 84 was so secretive that special metal security doors were installed on the FEMA building's fifth floor, and even long-term officials of the Civil Defense Office were prohibited entry. The ostensible purpose of this exercise was to handle an influx of refugees created by a war in Central America, but a more realistic scenario was the detention of American citizens.


Under "REX" the President could declare a state of emergency, empowering the head of FEMA to take control of the internal infrastructure of the United States and suspend the constitution. The President could invoke executive orders 11000 thru 11004 which would: 1- Draft all citizens into work forces under government supervision. 2- Empower the postmaster to register all men, women and children. 3- Seize all airports and aircraft. 4- Seize all housing and establish forced relocation of citizens.

FEMA, whose black budget comes from the Department of Defense, has worked closely with the Pentagon in an effort to avoid the legal restrictions of Posse Comitatus. While FEMA may not have been directly responsible for these precedent-setting cases, the principle of federal control was seen during the Los Angeles riots in 1992 with the federalization of the National Guard and during the siege at Waco, where Army tanks equipped with flame throwers were involved in the final conflagration.


The Deputy Attorney General of California commented at a conference that anyone who attacks the State, even verbally, becomes a revolutionary and an enemy by definition. Louis Guiffreda, who was head of FEMA, stated that "legitimate violence is integral to our form of government, for it is from this source that we can continue to purge our weaknesses."

It is significant to note that the dictionary definition of terrorism - "the calculated use of violence" - corresponds precisely to the government's stated policy of "the use of legitimate violence." One might ask, Who are the real terrorists? Guiffreda's remark gives a revealing insight into the thinking of those who have been charged with oversight of the welfare of the citizens in this country. If one's convictions or philosophy does not correspond with the government's agenda, that individual may find himself on the government's enemy list. This makes him a "target" to be "purged" by the use of "legitimate violence."

If one forgets the past, he will not be prepared for the future.

If you suddently disappear, we'll blame it on the information you just posted.
*picking up phone and dialing*
Yeah. Seth McFarlane is a genius. he perfectly captured the typical jew brainwashed attitude of the average american.
Not in this song he doesn't. He does that earlier in the episode as they keep trying to get Peter to understand that not all Jews are good with money.