Obama and distancing himself frow Rev. Wright


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"Rev. Wright displayed a re-surfacacing of the old divisions that I am trying to fight against"

"He does not speak for me"

"It contradicts everything I am about"

"It is completely opposed to what I am trying to do and where I am trying to take this country"

On March 14th.

More evidence that this was a planned deal. IMO.
If this was a set up between Obama and Wright, I am not so sure it was a good move. There is an old saying, which is why these kinds of politcal attacks are as successful as they are:
"You are known by the company you keep."

I don't think Obama is anything other than a target in this entire fiasco. Clinton is on the edge of desperation, and desperation makes people do strange things. I also believe that Clinton has been getting away with her manipulative shit for so long she thinks she can get away with setting up Obama through Wright, in spite of the Clinton-conspiracy talk it would inspire. IMO she is hoping enough "you are known by the company you keep" mud will stick to Obama to shift the balance.

Several polls currently show her in the lead when compared to who will do best against McCain. This sight (linked before in other threads), tracks multiple polls and then assigns electoral votes according to state results. It has Clinton winning over McCain, while Obama trails McCain. (though McCain is short of an electoral majority by 1 vote.)
Obama v McCain: http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2008/Obama/Maps/Apr29.html

Clinton v McCain:

As the primary season gets close to the end, more democrats are going to be looking to who they think can take the general election. If Clinton can sticks enough mud to Obama, then she will have a better chance of gathering those votes; including super delegates. There is a very strong MUST WIN environment in the democratic party, so it would not be surprising to see a very heavy sway of super delegates toward the candidate determined most likely to beat McCain.
I think you are being naive, and protective, of a person you almost worship.

I believe Wright when he said in his interview that they spoke to each other about exactly how to distance Obama from Wright when he had secured the nomination.
"There is a very strong MUST WIN environment in the democratic party, so it would not be surprising to see a very heavy sway of super delegates toward the candidate determined most likely to beat McCain"

Supers aren't that stupid. They'll weigh the albatross of Wright against the blue whale of over-riding elected delegates, and choose the former. I don't see any way imaginable for them to vote against the final decision without realizing the ramifications on Hillary's chances.

I just don't see the roadmap for her. She's playing this for 2012.
I think you are being naive, and protective, of a person you almost worship.

I believe Wright when he said in his interview that they spoke to each other about exactly how to distance Obama from Wright when he had secured the nomination.
Almost like all those guys that said Paul wasn't a racist even when racist writing appeared in a publication with his name on the masthead. That kind of naive? Except NONE of what Wright said was ever endorsed by, published by or accompanied by Barack Obama.
I think you are being naive, and protective, of a person you almost worship.

I believe Wright when he said in his interview that they spoke to each other about exactly how to distance Obama from Wright when he had secured the nomination.

Damo you are being so dumb. If this were planned, it’s the worse plan ever. Who planned it, Cheech and Chong? Superfreak?

You’re not even being realistic. If this was a plan, they would never have let it go this far.
Damo you are being so dumb. If this were planned, it’s the worse plan ever. Who planned it, Cheech and Chong? Superfreak?

You’re not even being realistic. If this was a plan, they would never have let it go this far.
Please, it was well done. Everybody blames another for it, and it harms that other person's chances almost irreparably. This finished off Clinton. Period.
Please, it was well done. Everybody blames another for it, and it harms that other person's chances almost irreparably. This finished off Clinton. Period.

Are you kidding me? This didn't hurt Clinton at all. You are totally whacked.

On another matter, I found a great new pic for your header:

Clinton is definitely not hurt by what's going on this week. It's yet another life preserver getting thrown her way....
Are you kidding me? This didn't hurt Clinton at all. You are totally whacked.

On another matter, I found a great new pic for your header:


Of course it hurts Clinton.

Every lib on this site wants so bad to believe in Obama's perfection that they are willing to take any connection with Clinton and burn her in effigy over it. It irreparably damages her shot at ever gaining the nomination. Even if Obama loses to McCain and she tries in 2012, you all will remember this....

She didn't do that. The Clintons are not that inept.
Clinton is definitely not hurt by what's going on this week. It's yet another life preserver getting thrown her way....
Total rubbish. Not one lib has anything at all good to say about her, and that is because of this. This adds fuel to that fire.
I think you are being naive, and protective, of a person you almost worship.

I believe Wright when he said in his interview that they spoke to each other about exactly how to distance Obama from Wright when he had secured the nomination.

Why do you believe him about the talk of how to distance themselves?

The rev is obviously not in Obama camp. He could have said things that hurt Obama less yet gave him a reason to renounce him completely.

I think Obama is genuinely saddened by this episode.
Damo you are being so dumb. If this were planned, it’s the worse plan ever. Who planned it, Cheech and Chong? Superfreak?

You’re not even being realistic. If this was a plan, they would never have let it go this far.
