Obama and His Cousin Odinga


Raila Odinga is a Kenyan politician. He recently ran for president there, and Obama actually went to Kenya to help him campaign, because Odinga is his cousin. Obama's father was his maternal uncle. Odinga is a Muslim, and he ran for president on the promise of imposing Sharia Law, but he lost the election. Since that time, there has been violence and death in the African country, sparked by the supporters of Odinga, angry over his loss. Obama has been making daily phone calls to Odinga, and trying to contact the newly elected president of Kenya, to 'help solve the crisis', he claims. It's not really a crisis, but more of a coup attempt by pro-Odinga, pro-Muslim, pro-Sharia forces in Kenya.

To any Democrat woman supporting Obama, please Google Sharia Law, and see if you agree with it. The rest of you pinheads, Google Odinga, Obama, and read all about it. Get back to me with your 'excuses' and 'explanations', okay?

Clearly, Obama campaigned for someone who is corrupt, ruthless and has financial ties to terrorists. More importantly, Obama campaigned for a candidate who had the stated objective of dismantling US & Kenyan government efforts to root out Al Queda and other terrorist organizations. Organizations that had already caused the deaths of hundreds of Americans and Africans in embassy bombings. Senator Obama’s actions—intentional or not—were in direct conflict with the efforts and interests of US national security. I think this raises serious questions about the judgment, maturity and readiness of Senator Obama.

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what horseshit.

the only place you can find a thing about this is on right wing bullshit sites.
what horseshit.

the only place you can find a thing about this is on right wing bullshit sites.

The link I posted was from African Press International. An independent news organization, not affiliated with any right-wing bullshit site. And call me crazy, but this is not the sort of thing MoveOn.org and DailyKos is going to have stories about.
There are a couple of problems with your post, Dixie.

First of all, from I have found in press based in the UK, there is no blood relation between Obama and odinga.

Second of all, Raila Odinga is Anglican, not muslim.

And the promises to bring Sharia law have been quoted from people who are political enemies of Odinga. There has been no hard evidence of any promises made.

And just as an FYI, under Kenyan law, muslims are allowed to use the Sharia law already. This is in the Kenyan Constitution. The Kadhi courts are allowed to minister justice to muslims who choose to follow Sharia law.

But they are not allowed to try murder cases or pass death sentences.

So there would be no need to institute Sharia law.
What? A coup attempt by pro-Obama, pro-Muslim, pro-Sharia forces in the US?

Here is what an Obama Administration will look like:

Within a few months of Obama's election, a couple of major U.S. cities will be the sites of a huge terrorist attack that kills thousands of Americans. The Obama administration will use this as an excuse for violating our civil liberties on an unprecedented scale, by setting up Gulag-style detention centers, where people will be held for years without any access to the legal system. Some of these people will be, I predict, actually tortured, as we all know the Left is completely dedicated to the idea that the ends justify the means, and that it has no respect for The Rule of Law.

But this will only be the beginning. Being a radical black militant, Obama will simply ignore any legal requirements that interfere with doing what he deems necessary to "protect" America. Indeed, I predict this power-drunk Negro will carry out secret and illegal spying operations against Americans on a scale Richard Nixon could only dream of. Then, in a veritable Maoist orgy of contempt for the very idea of law, he will demand that the legislature legalize his lawbreaking after the fact.

Moreover, Hussein Obama will have no trouble finding radical law professors and other viral strains of anti-Americanism in our institutions of higher learning, to justify whatever totalitarian theory of a "unitary executive" he might want to deploy. The argument, you can safely bet, will be that the Constitution grants this dusky interloper with a funny name UNLIMITED AND UNREVIEWABLE CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS to "protect the nation," and there won't be a thing our rump Congress and impotent courts will be able to do about it.

Furthermore, I predict an Obama administration will distract the public from its own treasonous incomptence through the oldest dirty political trick in the book: war. Obama will simply deem some nation to be our mortal enemy and a threat to our very existence. He will then invade it.

How can he get away with that you might well ask? The answer is all too predictable: such a war will be justified to the public on the basis of Maoist-Stalinist-Democrat-Nazi-style propaganda, fed to the public by a cowed and complacent Mainstream Media (MSM). And, because the administration will be riddled with neopotistic incompetents, appointed only because of their previous connections to the Great Tribal Chief, this war will be waged with maximum ineptitude, leading to hundreds of thousands of pointless deaths and trillions of dollars of wasted wealth.

After years of the sort of shiftlessness and corruption we all know is the trademark of certain kinds of people, That One will have undermined our entire economy to the point where the financial markets are crashing -- creating an opening for the nationalizing of banks, insurance companies, government-backed mortgage agencies, and anything else the inner city street gang that will be running what used to be America can manage to get their thieving socialistic bongo-playing hands on.
Dixie have you EVER heard the term grasping at straws? Your desperation gets better by the day. First you were going to become a lazy Native american that is supported by welfare. Now you are concerned about his cousin in Kenya. I wish you ran the McCain campaign. They would have packed up by now and just been counting down the day of Obama's inauguration.
Dixie have you EVER heard the term grasping at straws? Your desperation gets better by the day. First you were going to become a lazy Native american that is supported by welfare. Now you are concerned about his cousin in Kenya. I wish you ran the McCain campaign. They would have packed up by now and just been counting down the day of Obama's inauguration.

that guy in MN can benefit from Dixies Advise, before Frankin burns his butt.

Raila Odinga is a Kenyan politician. He recently ran for president there, and Obama actually went to Kenya to help him campaign, because Odinga is his cousin. Obama's father was his maternal uncle. Odinga is a Muslim, and he ran for president on the promise of imposing Sharia Law, but he lost the election. Since that time, there has been violence and death in the African country, sparked by the supporters of Odinga, angry over his loss. Obama has been making daily phone calls to Odinga, and trying to contact the newly elected president of Kenya, to 'help solve the crisis', he claims. It's not really a crisis, but more of a coup attempt by pro-Odinga, pro-Muslim, pro-Sharia forces in Kenya.

To any Democrat woman supporting Obama, please Google Sharia Law, and see if you agree with it. The rest of you pinheads, Google Odinga, Obama, and read all about it. Get back to me with your 'excuses' and 'explanations', okay?

Clearly, Obama campaigned for someone who is corrupt, ruthless and has financial ties to terrorists. More importantly, Obama campaigned for a candidate who had the stated objective of dismantling US & Kenyan government efforts to root out Al Queda and other terrorist organizations. Organizations that had already caused the deaths of hundreds of Americans and Africans in embassy bombings. Senator Obama’s actions—intentional or not—were in direct conflict with the efforts and interests of US national security. I think this raises serious questions about the judgment, maturity and readiness of Senator Obama.


There are a couple of problems with your post, Dixie.

First of all, from I have found in press based in the UK, there is no blood relation between Obama and odinga.

Second of all, Raila Odinga is Anglican, not muslim.

And the promises to bring Sharia law have been quoted from people who are political enemies of Odinga. There has been no hard evidence of any promises made.

And just as an FYI, under Kenyan law, muslims are allowed to use the Sharia law already. This is in the Kenyan Constitution. The Kadhi courts are allowed to minister justice to muslims who choose to follow Sharia law.

But they are not allowed to try murder cases or pass death sentences.

So there would be no need to institute Sharia law.

There are a couple of problems with your post Sol.

First of all, Odinga is the one who made the claim he is Obama's maternal uncle, Obama denies any relation, but the evidence suggests otherwise. Obama certainly expressed an interest in helping Odinga campaign, so much so, that the Kenyan election officials had to ask him to leave the country, because it was not fair to the other candidates.

Odinga does claim to be Anglican, however, he signed a 'secret agreement' which has since been published, with the Muslim Nation, promising to institute Sharia Law nationwide. Presently, Sharia is only customary in some isolated Muslim areas of the country through Kadhi (Sharia) courts. Odinga also opposed any criminal prosecutions of alQaeda terrorists, during his campaign. There is evidence as well, that much of his campaign contributions came from radical Muslim extremist groups, in exchange for this 'promise' to bring Sharia Law.

---------Here again, we have Liberals coming to the defense of known terrorists. It just doesn't ever end, does it? You people will defend anyone, no matter how heinous or extreme, no matter what they have done, or what they support. It simply doesn't matter to you, as long as you can work to elect Barack Obama and defeat Republicans.
There are a couple of problems with your post Sol.

First of all, Odinga is the one who made the claim he is Obama's maternal uncle, Obama denies any relation, but the evidence suggests otherwise. Obama certainly expressed an interest in helping Odinga campaign, so much so, that the Kenyan election officials had to ask him to leave the country, because it was not fair to the other candidates.

Odinga does claim to be Anglican, however, he signed a 'secret agreement' which has since been published, with the Muslim Nation, promising to institute Sharia Law nationwide. Presently, Sharia is only customary in some isolated Muslim areas of the country through Kadhi (Sharia) courts. Odinga also opposed any criminal prosecutions of alQaeda terrorists, during his campaign. There is evidence as well, that much of his campaign contributions came from radical Muslim extremist groups, in exchange for this 'promise' to bring Sharia Law.

---------Here again, we have Liberals coming to the defense of known terrorists. It just doesn't ever end, does it? You people will defend anyone, no matter how heinous or extreme, no matter what they have done, or what they support. It simply doesn't matter to you, as long as you can work to elect Barack Obama and defeat Republicans.

Odinga was baptised as an Anglican when he was a child. Isn't that the same criteria you use to brand Obama a muslim?

Odinga has campaigned for a multiparty democracy.

Now he is a terrorist?

Of course he is a terrorist, just look at the overwhelming evidence.

1. He is a black fellow.

2. He has a suspiciously funny sounding name.

3. He is a foreign.

You Liberals are far too trusting for your own good.