Obama and His Cousin Odinga

Of course he is a terrorist, just look at the overwhelming evidence.

1. He is a black fellow.

2. He has a suspiciously funny sounding name.

3. He is a foreign.

You Liberals are far too trusting for your own good.

Oh my, you are right! How could we have missed such obvious signs!
The link I posted was from African Press International. An independent news organization, not affiliated with any right-wing bullshit site. And call me crazy, but this is not the sort of thing MoveOn.org and DailyKos is going to have stories about.

Oh it gets worse than that. If elected whites in the south will have to ride at the back of the bus and will have to give up their seats for black folk. They will have to eat at seperate counters and rooms in public restraunts and they will be subject to public linching if even suspected of looking at a black woman and white folks will be denied voter rights by poll taxes and literacy exams.

Get ready for the Dale Dove laws Dixie! Paybacks are a bitch! LOL
Oh it gets worse than that. If elected whites in the south will have to ride at the back of the bus and will have to give up their seats for black folk. They will have to eat at seperate counters and rooms in public restraunts and they will be subject to public linching if even suspected of looking at a black woman and white folks will be denied voter rights by poll taxes and literacy exams.

Get ready for the Dale Dove laws Dixie! Paybacks are a bitch! LOL

I wonder if the blacks will create a domestic terrorist organization aimed at keeping the whites in their place.

Lynching could make a comeback.
Oh it gets worse than that. If elected whites in the south will have to ride at the back of the bus and will have to give up their seats for black folk. They will have to eat at seperate counters and rooms in public restraunts and they will be subject to public linching if even suspected of looking at a black woman and white folks will be denied voter rights by poll taxes and literacy exams.

Get ready for the Dale Dove laws Dixie! Paybacks are a bitch! LOL

I am ready, LadyT has graciously consented to be my owner after Obama is elected.

Raila Odinga is a Kenyan politician. He recently ran for president there, and Obama actually went to Kenya to help him campaign, because Odinga is his cousin. Obama's father was his maternal uncle. Odinga is a Muslim, and he ran for president on the promise of imposing Sharia Law, but he lost the election. Since that time, there has been violence and death in the African country, sparked by the supporters of Odinga, angry over his loss. Obama has been making daily phone calls to Odinga, and trying to contact the newly elected president of Kenya, to 'help solve the crisis', he claims. It's not really a crisis, but more of a coup attempt by pro-Odinga, pro-Muslim, pro-Sharia forces in Kenya.

To any Democrat woman supporting Obama, please Google Sharia Law, and see if you agree with it. The rest of you pinheads, Google Odinga, Obama, and read all about it. Get back to me with your 'excuses' and 'explanations', okay?

Clearly, Obama campaigned for someone who is corrupt, ruthless and has financial ties to terrorists. More importantly, Obama campaigned for a candidate who had the stated objective of dismantling US & Kenyan government efforts to root out Al Queda and other terrorist organizations. Organizations that had already caused the deaths of hundreds of Americans and Africans in embassy bombings. Senator Obama’s actions—intentional or not—were in direct conflict with the efforts and interests of US national security. I think this raises serious questions about the judgment, maturity and readiness of Senator Obama.


Odinga was baptised as an Anglican when he was a child. Isn't that the same criteria you use to brand Obama a muslim?

Odinga has campaigned for a multiparty democracy.

Now he is a terrorist?

Odinga isn't a Muslim extremist. He is a social democrat, and his party is a member of the liberal international. The liberal international wouldn't allow any party in its folds that wanted to institute sharia law, because that would by definition be completely against the idea of liberty.
Odinga isn't a Muslim extremist. He is a social democrat, and his party is a member of the liberal international. The liberal international wouldn't allow any party in its folds that wanted to institute sharia law, because that would by definition be completely against the idea of liberty.

Shhhhh! No facts! Its not the important part.