Obama and Jobs: Why I Don't Believe Him Anymore


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I was in an airport in Florida yesterday and was forced into a terrible, Sophie's Choice-type choice.

I was hours early for a flight and stuck in a relatively small terminal crammed with people. Only one area in the whole wing had empty seats; an unused gate that contained a TV blaring the CNN broadcast of Obama's Labor Day speech at full volume.

So it was either sit underneath a full-volume broadcast of our fearless president bellowing out his latest hollow promises, or the hellish alternative: retreat to gates full of screaming five year-old children, all of them jacked up on sugar and bawling their eyes out because it was the end of Labor Day weekend and their cruel parents were dragging them home from Disneyworld.

I ended up choosing the screaming children. The one open seat in a nearby gate was next to an extended family of Indian tourists. A four year-old boy from that group wearing a cape and brandishing a plastic light saber thought it was funny when he kept saber-swiping at my knees. But sitting through that was better than having to listen to Obama drape himself in Harry Trumanisms and talk about "shared prosperity."
Obama hasn't been a total disaster on labor. Most notably, he stepped up in the Wisconsin mess and at least took sides in that debate, calling the push to end collective bargaining rights an "assault" on unions.

But I remember following Obama on the campaign trail and hearing all sorts of promises before union-heavy crowds. He said he would raise the minimum wage every year; he said he would fight free-trade agreements. He also talked about repealing the Bush tax cuts and ending tax breaks for companies that move jobs overseas.

It's not just that he hasn't done those things. The more important thing is that the people he's surrounded himself with are not labor people, but stooges from Wall Street. Barack Obama has as his chief of staff a former top-ranking executive from one of the most grossly corrupt mega-companies on earth, JP Morgan Chase. He sees Bill Daley in his own office every day, yet when it comes time to talk abut labor issues, he has to go out and make selected visits twice a year or whatever to the Richard Trumkas of the world.

Listening to Obama talk about jobs and shared prosperity yesterday reminded me that we are back in campaign mode and Barack Obama has started doing again what he does best – play the part of a progressive. He's good at it. It sounds like he has a natural affinity for union workers and ordinary people when he makes these speeches. But his policies are crafted by representatives of corporate/financial America, who happen to entirely make up his inner circle.

By Matt Taibbi

Here's the alternative to Obama...


True, Mr Obama is the lesser of the two evils?!!

But Mr Obama is also weak too, he has no backbone when it come to dealing with the republican leadership!



Obama Abandons Science on Ozone
Boehner wanted it, so that's what Boehner got


Polluters are claiming victory after Obama abandoned his commitment to create science-based
standards for ground-level ozone—a primary component of smog. This decision has profound
public health consequences and belies the president’s pledge to “restore science to its rightful place.”

The EPA is currently crafting science-based rules to reduce other health threats.
Will the president let politics trump public health again?
Sadly, all too true.

I guess you have a choice. To keep banging your heads against the wall and reciting 'It's all Obama's fault' or accept that, for the foreseeable future, through no current fault of America, an unemployment figure of 9+% is likely to be the norm and organise your society to cope.
I guess you have a choice. To keep banging your heads against the wall and reciting 'It's all Obama's fault' or accept that, for the foreseeable future, through no current fault of America, an unemployment figure of 9+% is likely to be the norm and organise your society to cope.

I prefer a third way; to oust the Tea Party terrorists in the next elections, and then push through some sensible reforms which will move America forward.
I prefer a third way; to oust the Tea Party terrorists in the next elections, and then push through some sensible reforms which will move America forward.

If only it was that easy. That presupposes that the Tea party is an actual force in American politics. I would bet that if every tea party member was to be gassed by the end of the week the only difference to America would be in the number of fresh graves.
We are in a global recession. I do not believe that any country can, single handedly, make a difference. If your export markets continue to contract, if the economies on which you depend continue to suffer, you have no chance of making America any better. All this stupid inter party sniping has done is to make the nation almost ungovernable. Ungovernable here means that your health services will suffer, your infrastructure will suffer, your administration at all levels, will suffer.
Allow your present incumbent to do his best, let all parties gather round, engage the finest brains America has (excluding Mickey Mouse and his pals) and develop sensible governance for the good of the people and NOT for the good of any one party. When we eventually emerge from this 'recession' you can all pick up your pointed sticks again.
If only it was that easy. That presupposes that the Tea party is an actual force in American politics. I would bet that if every tea party member was to be gassed by the end of the week the only difference to America would be in the number of fresh graves. We are in a global recession. I do not believe that any country can, single handedly, make a difference. If your export markets continue to contract, if the economies on which you depend continue to suffer, you have no chance of making America any better. All this stupid inter party sniping has done is to make the nation almost ungovernable. Ungovernable here means that your health services will suffer, your infrastructure will suffer, your administration at all levels, will suffer. Allow your present incumbent to do his best, let all parties gather round, engage the finest brains America has (excluding Mickey Mouse and his pals) and develop sensible governance for the good of the people and NOT for the good of any one party. When we eventually emerge from this 'recession' you can all pick up your pointed sticks again.

Allowing the present incumbent to do his best has firstly not produced the results he promised, and secondly, the avowed aim of the miniroty party is to prevent his re-election.
The GOP plan is simple - block all remedies until Perry is elected, then blame Obama.
The GOP is committed to obstructing anything Obama does.

It's their primary focus, according to the Senate leader, Mitch McConnell.

Power, profits and politics over people.

if even Kennie won't support Obama the Dems better look to the bullpen........

Are you worried that your frontrunner isn't able to beat Obama?

Maybe you should try passing voter disenfranchisement laws and changing the electoral vote count in swing states - oh, yeah, you already have.
it cracks me up how spinnethmankenneth can start a thread about obama and jobs and then end up putting all the blame on the gop
