Obama Campaign Uses Threats to End NRA Ads

If you know a tabloid is going to run lies about you, can you threaten them in advance with legal action?

If you do, are you "censoring" or "intimidating" them?

A lie is a lie. You fight it any way you can. I really don't see an issue here.
If you know a tabloid is going to run lies about you, can you threaten them in advance with legal action?

If you do, are you "censoring" or "intimidating" them?

A lie is a lie. You fight it any way you can. I really don't see an issue here.
There is a difference. A tabloid has control over the content of the article they are writing. Therefore they are the ones responsible for the accuracy contained.

The broadcast stations did not write the political ads, neither the one that misrepresented what McCain said about Iraq, nor the ones the NRA say about Obama's stance on gun control. Nor should the broadcast stations be held responsible for verifying content of ads. When it comes to ads the writers are, of course, going to claim it is accurate. The opponents are going to claim it is inaccurate. Who should the stations believe? Most stations do not have the resources to independently verify the accuracy of ads, nor should they be required to take on that responsibility. As such, they are the wrong target for action.

I also said earlier, that on second thoughts, the idea of demanding accuracy in political ads is not a bad idea. But I still take issue with how the campaign offices are going about it. Threatening the stations is BS.
You are the one with the false premise. Listening to too many anti-gun liars I guess.

NRA is NOT affiliated in any way with either political party. The fact that most republicans run on minimal gun control is why the NRA backs the republican party and most republican candidates. It is very simple - NRA as an organization is pro 2nd Amendment and anti gun-control for law abiding citizens. Like any individual or organization, the party that more closely matches that central view of NRA is going to receive the most of their backing. But when a democratic candidate (rare, but do exist) also run on minimal gun control, (sometimes the democrat will have a better record than his/her republican opponent) they, too, will receive the NRA's backing.

And I already said the ads were probably dishonest. I used the word probably because I have not seen them. DNC says they are lies, NRA says they are accurate. DNC has a vested interest in finding anything anti-Obama to be lies. Considering Obama's actual record (as opposed to presidential campaign rhetoric) the NRA has a vested interest in criticizing Obama on the issue of 2nd Amendment rights. Most likely neither organization is being fully honest in their evaluation of the ads.

YOU also say you have not seen them, but somehow you can make the judgment they are outright lies. How is that? By reading the Washington Post's evaluation? (a media outlet whose democratic and pro-strong gun-control are undeniable.)

I have also stated I believe truth in advertising should be applied to political ads, regardless of their origin. But threatening stations' FCC licenses, who have nothing to do with the content of the ads, is not a proper method for the parties to approach the issue of inaccurate ads. It is using threats (ie: intimidation) to repress a message they do not like.

If both parties do not like it when their opponents run inaccurate ads, then maybe they need to write a law that applies truth in advertising to political ads, instead of deliberately exempting them. But the bottom line is BOTH parties want the "right" to lie about their opponents, but also want the right to prevent their opponents from lying about them. Can't have it both ways.

You're blind man. The NRA is a lap dog of the Republican party and has been for a long time.

and I said "I haven't seen them play in Ohio. I'm not an idiot. I viewed the ads you linked." Typical right wing NRA (National Republican Association) distortions.

I'm so sick of Republcian fear monger. Vote Republican the democrats will let the terrorist take over.

Vote Republican, Deomcrats will raise your taxes.

Vote Republican or the Democrats will let Mexicans take over the country.

Vote Republican or the Democrats will take your guns away.

It's all Goebbels type propaganda.

The National Republican Association is a failure coopted by the Republican party whom the party itself laughs at as being a bunch or backwood redneck dupes.

You want to belong to a real hunters advocacy group join Ducks Unlimited. THe National Republican Association is a joke.