Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States

Good lord - how desperate. What a harmless gaffe.

You wanna talk gaffes, let's talk McCain mistakenly saying Iran is letting Al Qaeda fighters in, or calling the Jewish holiday of Purim "their version of Halloween" when in Israel.

It's okay with the old short guy, though - he has Joementum Lieberman around to correct him all the time...

Purim is similar to Halloween in that costumes are worn in celebration, so in that respect, he would be correct.

Purim is characterized by public recitation of the Book of Esther, giving mutual gifts of food and drink, giving charity to the poor. Other customs include drinking wine, wearing of masks and costumes, and public celebration.

Are you sure that Iran is not supporting al-Qaeda by giving them refuge in Iran.
Oh, yeah - sure thing, PorterM. Because the media has been SO rough on McCain; just riding him & riding him. Why, you hardly ever read anything controversial or bad about Obama. Just a free ride for him the whole way, while McCain gets hammered & hammered.

Good call, there...

Right, like the 'smear.' Thin skinned, anyone?
Oh, yeah - sure thing, PorterM. Because the media has been SO rough on McCain; just riding him & riding him. Why, you hardly ever read anything controversial or bad about Obama. Just a free ride for him the whole way, while McCain gets hammered & hammered.

Good call, there...

And who can you thank for that... Hillary. No one is opposing McCain at the moment. There is no reason to. The fight is between Hillary and Obama. This will change after the Democrat Convention, but until then it is the continuing daytime saga known as the "Hillary and Obama Show". I know the Left hates this. Last year, Hillary was a shoe in for the nomination. How much things change in a few months.

I bet you can't find any instances of Republicans not telling the whole truth.

What do you mean "not telling the whole truth." What country is he trying to get the nomination where there are 57 states not counting Alaska and Hawaii?
I don't believe he did.

His campaign opened the first office there for a presidential campaign though.
Somebody earlier mentioned that they thought it was "primaries". If he has been to 57, going to be 58 and wasn't counting Hawaii and Alaska as he said...

Well, he'd have to go to Guam and all the territories, but skip Alaska and Hawaii...

I can't see why he'd do that...