Obama Comes OUt With His Hands Up

no. I like the 30% idea. We're at least guaranteed something back out of it.

I like it as well. But it is not realistic for the debt on the whole. If they can work it out, I will stand up and cheer. But they still would have to try really really hard to screw it up at the 60% top.
I like it as well. But it is not realistic for the debt on the whole. If they can work it out, I will stand up and cheer. But they still would have to try really really hard to screw it up at the 60% top.

not realistic?

what are the other options?

Personally, I'll be happy if a private company swoops in at the last minute and offers them a slightly better margin.
True, I was stating the obvious. Good to see you coming back around. The darkside does not suit you.

I don't know what you mean by coming around, but if, as I suspect it means staying home and eating cheetohs, drinking grape nehi, and scratching myself while the facists institute martial law and military control, then I'm not coming around. It's not really the spot for me, but we all have our place.

unfortunately you're right.

I'm trying to see a silver lining in this and you're not helping me negative nancy.

Sorry, I've kind of given up. I'll stick to talking about Bravo's mother for a while so I don't bring people down.
Yeah, what’s the best? A lot, and I mean, a lot of Republicans are going to vote against this. And then they are going to run against the democrats for passing it. Watch. The democrats through pure cowardice, are going to fuck themselves anyway…AGAIN.
It really doesn't matter how Congress votes, any blame/credit will go to the president as per always.
not realistic?

what are the other options?

Personally, I'll be happy if a private company swoops in at the last minute and offers them a slightly better margin.

No. Not realistic on the whole. While there are certainly parts of the debt that are bad, it is not on the whole going to price at $.30. There is a lot of good debt bundled up with the bad. It is just such a mess that the financial firms don't have the time to unwind it. The government does.

Again, I would be estatic if they could buy it up for $0.30. I just wouldn't get my hopes up that it will occur.
I don't know what you mean by coming around, but if, as I suspect it means staying home and eating cheetohs, drinking grape nehi, and scratching myself while the facists institute martial law and military control, then I'm not coming around. It's not really the spot for me, but we all have our place.

I think I need toppy to translate that for me.
No. Not realistic on the whole. While there are certainly parts of the debt that are bad, it is not on the whole going to price at $.30. There is a lot of good debt bundled up with the bad. It is just such a mess that the financial firms don't have the time to unwind it. The government does.
Again, I would be estatic if they could buy it up for $0.30. I just wouldn't get my hopes up that it will occur.


the gov't? really?

Now you're not making sense.
As I've been saying repeatedly, Obama/Obambi has no balls whatsoever AND he's owned by Wall Street.

And as I've been saying .. at some point Americans may get smart enough to recognize this is a plutocracy, not a democracy.
As I've been saying repeatedly, Obama/Obambi has no balls whatsoever AND he's owned by Wall Street.

And as I've been saying .. at some point Americans may get smart enough to recognize this is a plutocracy, not a democracy.

No, it's actually textbook facism, and i doubt Obama has much to do with it, though he certainly does not have the moral courage to stand up to it six weeks before an election, when our economy just coincidentally collapsed...but you too, are way too invested in believing what you believe, so as you wish.
Obama has already let them stick us up. You will note that the fucking facists have not and will not pull back on further tax cuts for 497 billionaires. Obama has already said he won't go ahead with his spending plans.


Yeah, I'm kind of expecting the dems to chicken out on this.

I was listening to Bernie Sanders on a talk show this morning, and he says this is kind of like an October Surprise from the republicans.

Gee, who'd a thunk the GOP would play politics with war or the economy right before an election?

Sanders seems to think, and I guess I agree, that Bush wants 700 billion dollars to float the republicans through until election day. To forestall the inevitable meltdown, until after the election when it can be handed off to the next president.

And Sanders is doing something pretty cool: he's adding an amendment that any bailout, should it pass, needs to be paid for by Bush and McCain's friends, aka higher taxes on the top 2%. The middle class shouldn't have to pay a fucking dime to bail out Bush's friends.
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Obama is going to beat Mcain like a rented mule.
I have ZERO doubt that an Obama admin will be light years more progressive than Mcains.
Perfect NO.
Worth voting for YOU BET
Yeah, I'm kind of expecting the dems to chicken out on this.

I was listening to Bernie Sanders on a talk show this morning, and he says this is kind of like an October Surprise from the republicans.

Gee, who'd a thunk the GOP would play politics with war or the economy right before an election?

Sanders seems to think, and I guess I agree, that Bush wants 700 billion dollars to float the republicans through until election day. To forestall the inevitable meltdown, until after the election when it can be handed off to the next president.

And Sanders is doing something pretty cool: he's adding an amendment that any bailout, should it pass, needs to be paid for by Bush and McCain's friends, aka higher taxes on the top 2%. The middle class should have to pay a fucking dime to bail out Bush's friends.

Good for Sanders, I love him, but I doubt it will pass you know?

I think I will just not vote, I'm so disgusted right now. Honestly I just feel it doesn't matter whether I vote or not. I don't even believe they're going to let Obama take office. Not because he's a leftie, he's gone out of his way to show that he isn't.

But here is the thing abotu Obama, and even though people here aren't smart enough to figure this out? They are. If you look at LBJ's life history, as Caro did in his books on him, you will see that though throughout his rise to power, LBJ acted as a racist, and became trusted by the only peopel who could get him to power because he was from the South - the segregationists - in his younger years, you could actually discern what LBJ might do with power once he had it. He used to work with very poor minorities, and he would tell them that they could be president. Decades later, one of the segragationists would call him "the biggest turncoat in history".

The thing about Obama is, he came out of Harvard and worked to help the poor in Chicago. No one really knows what he might do with power, once he got it. For me, that was always the hope, for them, it's a fear.

So I think they are stealing the election and that's why they have troops stationed here "for the first time ever' (according to the army times) to quell "civil unrest".

I'd rather be out on the streets protesting than voting. It's a freaking joke nowadays.
No, it's actually textbook facism, and i doubt Obama has much to do with it, though he certainly does not have the moral courage to stand up to it six weeks before an election, when our economy just coincidentally collapsed...but you too, are way too invested in believing what you believe, so as you wish.

You are indeed quite confused.

Look up "facism" and "plutocracy"
Good for Sanders, I love him, but I doubt it will pass you know?

I think I will just not vote, I'm so disgusted right now. Honestly I just feel it doesn't matter whether I vote or not. I don't even believe they're going to let Obama take office. Not because he's a leftie, he's gone out of his way to show that he isn't.

But here is the thing abotu Obama, and even though people here aren't smart enough to figure this out? They are. If you look at LBJ's life history, as Caro did in his books on him, you will see that though throughout his rise to power, LBJ acted as a racist, and became trusted by the only peopel who could get him to power because he was from the South - the segregationists - in his younger years, you could actually discern what LBJ might do with power once he had it. He used to work with very poor minorities, and he would tell them that they could be president. Decades later, one of the segragationists would call him "the biggest turncoat in history".

The thing about Obama is, he came out of Harvard and worked to help the poor in Chicago. No one really knows what he might do with power, once he got it. For me, that was always the hope, for them, it's a fear.

So I think they are stealing the election and that's why they have troops stationed here "for the first time ever' (according to the army times) to quell "civil unrest".

I'd rather be out on the streets protesting than voting. It's a freaking joke nowadays.

I totally understand your frustration.

My hopes were never that high for Obama from the get go. I just wanted a president who would get us out of Iraq, and someone who was intelligent and competent enough not to drive the country over a cliff.

I never thought about LBJ that way, that's pretty interesting. I'm still going to vote. But, taking it to the streets sounds like a plan too. You know the weird thing is that most of us on these message board will probably be fine. Its the single moms, the working poor, the outsourced union worker who are going to be really screwed. And that's the basic difference between Cons and Libs - I kind of would like to give a shit about what happens to the disadvantaged and the working class.
Not that I think it is going to do any good but I called both Senator Bingaman's and Domenici's offices and expressed my wish that they not saddle the taxpayers of New Mexico with this bailout. You all should do the same. It is 4:30 DC time and both my Senator's offices answered on or before the 3rd ring.