Obama finds 'consensus' in Iraq for U.S. troop withdrawal


JPP Modarater
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama said he found "a strong, emerging consensus" for the redeployment of U.S. combat forces from Iraq, with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki telling Obama he hoped American combat troops will be gone in two years....more at link

Well played Obama!:clink:
This trip couldn't have turned out any better.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama said he found "a strong, emerging consensus" for the redeployment of U.S. combat forces from Iraq, with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki telling Obama he hoped American combat troops will be gone in two years....more at link

Well played Obama!:clink:
This trip couldn't have turned out any better.

I almost wish they would just leave well enough alone and come on home... There is still room for error, or for the press to turn on him. This speach in Berlin could backfire, or could put the last nail in the coffin for Mccain.
I almost wish they would just leave well enough alone and come on home... There is still room for error, or for the press to turn on him. This speach in Berlin could backfire, or could put the last nail in the coffin for Mccain.

Well, if its a speech that it lingers on, Obama will more than likely nail it.
Yesterday, on Olberman, they were saying that while the McCain campaign was trying to spin Maliki's position as being consistent with McCain's a private e-mail was sent by a McCain stratigist that said "We're fucked". Obama should develope a mild case of food poisoning and come home. This trip has KILLED McCain. We knew that the media was going to be all over it, but all they could talk about was the possibility of Obama gaffs and faux pas, and instead, he starts the trip off by nailing a three point range shot for the cameras and ends it in Iraq with the al-Maliki government basically endorsing his plan. I hate to agree with Dixie but Obama has look much more presidential in the last 4 days than McCain.
Nailing that 3 pointer was a great metaphor for the campaign. I wonder how much he practiced. Missing it would have been played over and over and over again.
Remember when McCain and the RNC were pressuring Obama to take a trip to Iraq? The RNC even had a dumbass clock on their website tracking the amount of time since Obama was last in Iraq.

Remember when McCain and the RNC were pressuring Obama to take a trip to Iraq? The RNC even had a dumbass clock on their website tracking the amount of time since Obama was last in Iraq.


LMAO :lmao: seriously. They should just hold a funeral for McCain's campaign at the Repug's convention this year. This last week couldn't have gone smoother for Obama.
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gvcpb4_7ZQ"]YouTube - The Pussycat Dolls - When I Grow Up[/nomedia]
LMAO :lmao: seriously. They should just hold a funeral for McCain's campaign at the Repug's convention this year. This last week couldn't have gone smoother for Obama.

So far it looks good, but dont count any chickens. He is still a black man who needs the south or midwest.
If McSamoe wins I am just going to bury my gold and money and be a comfortable hermit and the world can go to hell if it wants to.

Might make rickshaws .....
LMAO :lmao: seriously. They should just hold a funeral for McCain's campaign at the Repug's convention this year. This last week couldn't have gone smoother for Obama.

I still haven’t figured that one out. What were they thinking? I concluded that the R’s aren’t used to running against one of the cool kids. It’s kinda that simple. The D is always smarter, but easily painted as “effete” or a nerd, or a complete dork like Dukakis with the tank shot, Kerry with the windsurfing, etc. I just am still kind of surprised that they don’t get it yet. I have plenty of disagreements with Obama, but I clearly recognize that the guy is just so fucking cool. I knew what kind of pics were going to come back. Pics of the cool guy who just effortlessly handles shit. The complete opposite of McCain who doesn’t know Shiite from shineola or Iraq from Afganistan. The guy who you want to go to in a crisis. The guy in the really cool-looking sunglasses who makes every one stop and do a double-take. The R’s really fell down on this. I always thought they were master marketers, but whoever is running the McCain campaign does not understand marketing at all.

I think it embodies “do you like it do you hate it, this is the way that you made it”. Because R’s were always alllllll about who was the geek and who was the cool guy. I personally feel that this time around the cool guy is also the one who has some substance to him, but it doesn’t matter. Americans always go with the cool guy. And it was the R’s who did that. Here are the fruits. I hope they enjoy.
I still haven’t figured that one out. What were they thinking? I concluded that the R’s aren’t used to running against one of the cool kids. It’s kinda that simple. The D is always smarter, but easily painted as “effete” or a nerd, or a complete dork like Dukakis with the tank shot, Kerry with the windsurfing, etc. I just am still kind of surprised that they don’t get it yet. I have plenty of disagreements with Obama, but I clearly recognize that the guy is just so fucking cool. I knew what kind of pics were going to come back. Pics of the cool guy who just effortlessly handles shit. The complete opposite of McCain who doesn’t know Shiite from shineola or Iraq from Afganistan. The guy who you want to go to in a crisis. The guy in the really cool-looking sunglasses who makes every one stop and do a double-take. The R’s really fell down on this. I always thought they were master marketers, but whoever is running the McCain campaign does not understand marketing at all.

I think it embodies “do you like it do you hate it, this is the way that you made it”. Because R’s were always alllllll about who was the geek and who was the cool guy. I personally feel that this time around the cool guy is also the one who has some substance to him, but it doesn’t matter. Americans always go with the cool guy. And it was the R’s who did that. Here are the fruits. I hope they enjoy.

Yup, I agree 100%.

I hope they pressure Obama into some more cool stuff.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama said he found "a strong, emerging consensus" for the redeployment of U.S. combat forces from Iraq, with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki telling Obama he hoped American combat troops will be gone in two years....more at link

Well played Obama!:clink:
This trip couldn't have turned out any better.

yeah... amazing that the media continues to ignore the fact that Maliki would not be in the position to agree with troop withdrawals had the surge that McCain supported and Obama opposed not occured.

McCain has stated all along that when conditions on the ground improved to the point that the troops could leave, that they would leave. Thanks to the surge supported and pushed for by McCain.... that time appears to be getting closer.

Obama can pretend all he wants, he can erase data from his website trying to hide his staunch opposition to the surge, he can have his ass kissed non-stop by the media etc.... but none of it will change the fact that he was flat out wrong on his opposition of the surge. His judgement on the issue was defined by what his worshippers told him to do rather than what the commanders in the field stated was needed.

Nice of Patraeus to tolerate someone in his chopper that wouldn't even support him when the minions from moveon attacked him.
yeah... amazing that the media continues to ignore the fact that Maliki would not be in the position to agree with troop withdrawals had the surge that McCain supported and Obama opposed not occured.....

That's a good point. And if weren't for the war that Dumya and McSame threw us into, the surge would have never had a chance to work. So maybe we should be thanking Dumya for getting us into this clusterfck. The media always focuses on the wrong thing.

Perhaps if your party had the vision to look forward McSame could have avoided this. But you don't and he didn't.
That's a good point. And if weren't for the war that Dumya and McSame threw us into, the surge would have never had a chance to work. So maybe we should be thanking Dumya for getting us into this clusterfck. The media always focuses on the wrong thing.

Perhaps if your party had the vision to look forward McSame could have avoided this. But you don't and he didn't.
If it wasn't for the UK playing nation maker in the ME to begin with then...

Blah, blah.

The reality was we already were in the stupid war, the surge has made it so we have an opportunity to get out without leaving them in total chaos. One of the candidates supported it, the other called it an utter failure before it ever started. One of them was right.
yeah... amazing that the media continues to ignore the fact that Maliki would not be in the position to agree with troop withdrawals had the surge that McCain supported and Obama opposed not occured.

McCain has stated all along that when conditions on the ground improved to the point that the troops could leave, that they would leave. Thanks to the surge supported and pushed for by McCain.... that time appears to be getting closer.

Obama can pretend all he wants, he can erase data from his website trying to hide his staunch opposition to the surge, he can have his ass kissed non-stop by the media etc.... but none of it will change the fact that he was flat out wrong on his opposition of the surge. His judgement on the issue was defined by what his worshippers told him to do rather than what the commanders in the field stated was needed.

Nice of Patraeus to tolerate someone in his chopper that wouldn't even support him when the minions from moveon attacked him.

What a bunch of horseshit.

McCain has not stated all along that once conditions improve troops can leave, instead he has repeatedly insisted that the once conditions improve the troops can stay indefinitely.

In fact, as recently as earlier this month McCain insisted that the troops had to stay because conditions improved and that Obama was wrong for pressign for withdrawal because it would undermine the security gains.

According to John McCain, the whole point of keeping troops in Iraq is to ensure that the security gains will not be lost, at which point we can keep troops in Iraq indefinitely so long as they aren't being killed, say for 100 years, maybe 10,000.

Superfreak is deep in the tank for McCain. You should be on the payroll.
That's a good point. And if weren't for the war that Dumya and McSame threw us into, the surge would have never had a chance to work. So maybe we should be thanking Dumya for getting us into this clusterfck. The media always focuses on the wrong thing.

Perhaps if your party had the vision to look forward McSame could have avoided this. But you don't and he didn't.

LMAO.... funny how your party bowed down and kissed Bush every step of the way. What exactly have they done to stop the war? Oh yeah, nothing.

Bottom line, yes, Bush fucked us all by getting us into this war. But did that prompt the pelosi/reid twits to eliminating the war powers act? No.

Funny how the left continually trys to associate Bush and McCain anytime their precious Obama is caught in the wrong position. Diversion worked well for Bush and apparently the Obama camp is the new Bush.

Side note... it is not "my party" and never has been. My contempt for how both parties have screwed up this country should be apparent. But I know, since I am fiscally conservative that must mean I am a Rep. Just like BAC MUST be a Dem because of his views. One day the twits in both parties will realize that there are people who cannot stand either party, but that will vote in elections.
If it wasn't for the UK playing nation maker in the ME to begin with then...

Blah, blah.

The reality was we already were in the stupid war, the surge has made it so we have an opportunity to get out without leaving them in total chaos. One of the candidates supported it, the other called it an utter failure before it ever started. One of them was right.

One of them didn't think the war was a good idea in the first instance. One of them was righter.
LMAO.... funny how your party bowed down and kissed Bush every step of the way. What exactly have they done to stop the war? Oh yeah, nothing.

Bottom line, yes, Bush fucked us all by getting us into this war. But did that prompt the pelosi/reid twits to eliminating the war powers act? No.

Funny how the left continually trys to associate Bush and McCain anytime their precious Obama is caught in the wrong position. Diversion worked well for Bush and apparently the Obama camp is the new Bush.

Side note... it is not "my party" and never has been. My contempt for how both parties have screwed up this country should be apparent. But I know, since I am fiscally conservative that must mean I am a Rep. Just like BAC MUST be a Dem because of his views. One day the twits in both parties will realize that there are people who cannot stand either party, but that will vote in elections.

No, it's obvious you're a Republican because you are intellectual dishonest and completely full of shit.