Obama Has Created More Jobs Than Bush

Can we catch the
richest nations, with wealth in 2010 above USD 100,000 per adult, are found in North America, Western Europe, and among the rich Asian-Pacific and Middle East countries. They are topped by Switzerland, Norway, Australia, Singapore and France, each of which records wealth per adult above USD 250,000. Average wealth in other major economies such as the USA, Japan, the United Kingdom and Canada also exceeds USD 200,000.
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Can we catch the
richest nations, with wealth in 2010 above USD 100,000 per adult, are found in North America, Western Europe, and among the rich Asian-Pacific and Middle East countries. They are topped by Switzerland, Norway, Australia, Singapore and France, each of which records wealth per adult above USD 250,000. Average wealth in other major economies such as the USA, Japan, the United Kingdom and Canada also exceeds USD 200,000.

We need to raise taxes on the rich like you. That will fix everything. 75% rate for you on ALL income ought to do the trick. You in?
'Obama has created more jobs in his four years than Bush did in his entire eight years."

How laughable.....Bush averaged 5.2% unemployment for 8 years, he didn't have to create jobs, 5% is usually considered full employment
......Obamas averaging about 8 to 9 %, there is plenty of room
to create jobs......its quite funny how liars can figure....ever though figures don't lie....they just mislead.....he can't even regain what he lost.

This nonsense might work for your teenage friends, Homo, but it ain't gonna work here with adults.....lol
'Obama has created more jobs in his four years than Bush did in his entire eight years."

How laughable.....Bush averaged 5.2% unemployment for 8 years, he didn't have to create jobs, 5% is usually considered full employment
......Obamas averaging about 8 to 9 %, there is plenty of room
to create jobs......its quite funny how liars can figure....ever though figures don't lie....they just mislead.....he can't even regain what he lost.

This nonsense might work for your teenage friends, Homo, but it ain't gonna work here with adults.....lol

Is this a defense mechanism on your part, just make shit up, when confronted with facts contrary to what you believe?

Do you know how many jobs we were losing a month when Bush left office? 700,000. A month.

Here's a little tidbit for you, genius: over the past 50 years, Democrats have held the Presidency 6 years less than Republicans and have created 20 million more jobs. Also, stock market gains under Dems are much, much higher. Because of all that socialism.

The BGOV Barometer shows that since Democrat John F. Kennedy took office in January 1961, non-government payrolls in the U.S. swelled by almost 42 million jobs under Democrats, compared with 24 million for Republican presidents, according to Labor Department figures.

Democrats hold the edge though they occupied the Oval Office for 23 years since Kennedy’s inauguration, compared with 28 for the Republicans. Through April, Democratic presidents accounted for an average of 150,000 additional private-sector paychecks per month over that period, more than double the 71,000 average for Republicans

except most of those were .com jobs created during the Clinton administration.....we know what happened to the .com jobs don't we.......

Yes, they are still here. Check the San Jose Mercury News or San Francisco Chronicle Employment ads. Or, go to Craig's List, San Fran, and search for Information Technology jobs. See? I don't know where you live, homey, but technology jobs are plentiful.

The problem is, thanks to Republicans wanting nothing but to de-fund education to supply endless fodder for their non-draft army (works pretty well, doesn't it...doesn't take much for some good ol' boy with no education and a knocked up girlfriend to enlist, does it?), most Americans are too fucking stupid to do the tech jobs. That is the real problem, isn't it?
Stock market performs better and tends to be less volatile when Dems are in power

This is a bit dated, but we know what the stock market did after 2004, so it's still valid.


But here's Wall Street's strange little irony -- studies show the stock market performs better and tends to be less volatile when Democrats are in power.

This discrepancy was explored recently in a study by two finance professors at the University of California at Los Angeles, Pedro Santa-Clara and Rossen Valkanov.

According to their paper, entitled, "The Presidential Puzzle: Political Cycles and the Stock Market" and published in the October issue of the Journal of Finance, stock market returns are on average about 5 percent higher when the White House is run by a Democrat than during Republican rule.

Looking at the 72-year period between 1927 and 1999, the study shows that a broad stock index, similar to the S&P 500, returned approximately 11 percent more a year on average under a Democratic president versus safer, three-month Treasurys. By comparison, the index only returned 2 percent more a year versus the T-bills when Republicans were in office.

Seems to me that includes more than just the dot com bubble.

I can explain to you in excruciating detail why Dem policies are better for the economy, but it boils down to this: we care about people, not just money and empty platitudes.