Obama Has Created More Jobs Than Bush

gotta link for that? Cuz when I look at the spreadsheet, it seems like the number is greater today than when Obama took office.

you need a link to subtract the unemployment rate the day Obama was elected from the unemployment rate today and see that we still have more unemployed?......how about I link you to third grade math?........
Apples and oranges. The OP states that Obama has created more jobs than Bush did. There are more Americans working now than when Obama took office.
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Using the third grade math skills you so highly tout, I have come to the conclusion that 135474000 is a larger number than 133631000. Or did your third grade math teacher teach you something different?
Using the third grade math skills you so highly tout, I have come to the conclusion that 135474000 is a larger number than 133631000. Or did your third grade math teacher teach you something different?

math I can handle.....what is the source for the two numbers you state?....

from USA Today

how can something be at a 30 year low but still be higher than five years ago?.....
The spreadsheet from BLS that is in the OP.... Did you even bother to open it up, and if not, why the fuck are you flapping your gums in this thread?
The spreadsheet from BLS that is in the OP.... Did you even bother to open it up, and if not, why the fuck are you flapping your gums in this thread?

I have Howie on ignore and therefore have never seen the OP......if you want me to be aware of it you will have to quote it for me......also, please provide the link its from, since it sound like it presents different facts than all the graphs above which also came from the BLS.....
I have Howie on ignore and therefore have never seen the OP......if you want me to be aware of it you will have to quote it for me......also, please provide the link its from, since it sound like it presents different facts than all the graphs above which also came from the BLS.....

The information is there in the OP. I have absolutely zero intention of spoonfeeding you facts that are right in front of your nose.
The information is there in the OP. I have absolutely zero intention of spoonfeeding you facts that are right in front of your nose.

then you're shit out of luck, because when you have someone on ignore on this board you can't "sneak a peek"....there are fewer people employed today than there were when Obama was elected.......I've provided BLS statistics that back up what I have said......you haven't and I certainly doubt Howie has, he never tells the truth......you'll have to remain in the idiot liar category unless you have something to counter all my links.....
then you're shit out of luck, because when you have someone on ignore on this board you can't "sneak a peek"....there are fewer people employed today than there were when Obama was elected.......I've provided BLS statistics that back up what I have said......you haven't and I certainly doubt Howie has, he never tells the truth......you'll have to remain in the idiot liar category unless you have something to counter all my links.....

There is absolutely NO WAY that there are fewer people employed today than when Obama took office. No way. Not unless we've suddenly had a huge glut of people entering the country looking for employment, and we've not, or a huge glut of kids turning 18 years old and looking for employment, and we've not.

Oh the economy has been anemic, but that's not saying we aren't much better off unemployment-wise than when Obama came in. When he came in we were losing 818,000 jobs a month!
I have Howie on ignore and therefore have never seen the OP......if you want me to be aware of it you will have to quote it for me......also, please provide the link its from, since it sound like it presents different facts than all the graphs above which also came from the BLS.....

Always got a way to conveniently ignore the facts when they don't say what you wished they did, eh?

Republicans...giving new meaning to the term "WILLFUL IGNORANCE".
There is absolutely NO WAY that there are fewer people employed today than when Obama took office. No way. Not unless we've suddenly had a huge glut of people entering the country looking for employment, and we've not, or a huge glut of kids turning 18 years old and looking for employment, and we've not.

Oh the economy has been anemic, but that's not saying we aren't much better off unemployment-wise than when Obama came in. When he came in we were losing 818,000 jobs a month!

you mean you haven't been paying attention.....there are in fact fewer people employed today than there were when Obama was elected.....if you wish to verify this you can check any of the half dozen links I provided in this thread who all confirm it......
Always got a way to conveniently ignore the facts when they don't say what you wished they did, eh?

Republicans...giving new meaning to the term "WILLFUL IGNORANCE".

given the fact that I have linked to proof and those who pretend there are more people working now have not, I would suggest you're looking in the wrong direction for willful ignorance....if Howie claims to have provided evidence from the BLS that there are I would have to say Howie is a liar.....
given the fact that I have linked to proof and those who pretend there are more people working now have not, I would suggest you're looking in the wrong direction for willful ignorance....if Howie claims to have provided evidence from the BLS that there are I would have to say Howie is a liar.....

UNFORTUNATELY...the OP and the subject of this thread has NOTHING TO DO WITH whether or not there are more people currently working.

This thread is about how Obama HAS CREATED MORE JOBS than Dubya...Howey's OP backs up his claim and your sad attempt at moving the goalposts is in vain.
UNFORTUNATELY...the OP and the subject of this thread has NOTHING TO DO WITH whether or not there are more people currently working.

This thread is about how Obama HAS CREATED MORE JOBS than Dubya...Howey's OP backs up his claim and your sad attempt at moving the goalposts is in vain.

as I have already pointed out, Obama has not yet created more jobs than he lost.......he's upside down.....

meanwhile, this graph shows that there were more jobs at the end of Bush's administration than there were at the beginning of it.....thus, obviously your claim is not true...