Obama is ready to strike back



Look out McCain because for you the truth will hurt.

"Everywhere I go, people have told me, 'I'm getting nervous. The Republicans, they're so mean. They're going to Swift-boat you. They're doing things to you. What are you going to do?' " Obama said. "I have to just remind people that it is true that, just as John McCain has embraced George Bush's policies, he's embraced his politics. And the same people who brought you George Bush are now trying to package John McCain."
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"Well, uh, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or, uh, a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity, uh, you know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade.” - Sen. Barack Obama

Nice to know that a potential CIC thinks a simple question on his beliefs is above his pay grade. If his own beliefs are above his pay grade.... how the hell does he expect us to believe his pay grade is high enough to lead this country?

"Well, uh, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or, uh, a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity, uh, you know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade.” - Sen. Barack Obama

Nice to know that a potential CIC thinks a simple question on his beliefs is above his pay grade. If his own beliefs are above his pay grade.... how the hell does he expect us to believe his pay grade is high enough to lead this country?

I was more laughing because I'm sure McCain (or any politician including Obama) is going to be so scared that someone is putting ads out against them. They both have been running ads all along. This is not something new.

Look out McCain because for you the truth will hurt.

"Everywhere I go, people have told me, 'I'm getting nervous. The Republicans, they're so mean. They're going to Swift-boat you. They're doing things to you. What are you going to do?' " Obama said. "I have to just remind people that it is true that, just as John McCain has embraced George Bush's policies, he's embraced his politics. And the same people who brought you George Bush are now trying to package John McCain."


Obama's cry-baby strategy will backfire, guaranteed.

"Well, uh, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or, uh, a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity, uh, you know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade.” - Sen. Barack Obama

Nice to know that a potential CIC thinks a simple question on his beliefs is above his pay grade. If his own beliefs are above his pay grade.... how the hell does he expect us to believe his pay grade is high enough to lead this country?

Proof that Obama is an asshole.
who is the person who ultimatly is the judge of good and evil in the christian ideaology ?

That would be God, but that does not excuse the fact that Obama ducked the question. We each have the right to make decisions for ourselves and to hold positions based on those opinions. Obama passed the buck as it were so as to avoid having to take a position. It looked indecisive and pathetic.

ESPECIALLY since SCIENCE dictates when a unique human life begins.
Super you just want to pretend you did not understand his answer.

McCain answered he would defeat Evil.

I can pretend he thinks hes God if you can pretend Obama was not giving a great answer.
Super you just want to pretend you did not understand his answer.

McCain answered he would defeat Evil.

I can pretend he thinks hes God if you can pretend Obama was not giving a great answer.

That is the point desh... Obama didn't GIVE an answer. He stated that he was not capable of answering it, because he knew his position did not have any fundamental support. There is NO arguing with the SCIENCE of the matter. That is why the pro-abortion argument is so pathetic. SCIENCE dictates the beginning of the unique human life. Obama knows this. As does every other rationale person.

Trying to deflect this into something McCain said, does not change the fact that Obama looked weak in not answering the question.
You know what sf, if you’re going to insist on turning into one of those rabid male losers, who, so afraid of losing their place in the gene pool, insist in standing outside of clinics with signs, why don’t you go to a religious board?
Super you just want to pretend you did not understand his answer.

McCain answered he would defeat Evil.

I can pretend he thinks hes God if you can pretend Obama was not giving a great answer.
Rubbish, we now know that the buck doesn't stop at the desk of Obama, when he feels that his position may lose him some votes, well... It's just "above (his) pay grade". Well, it's more like, um, hem, haw, stutter, "above (his) pay grade"...

Knowing he would be asked this question, this is the best he could come up with?

What was warrens exact question?

WARREN: That was a freebie. That was a gimme. That was a gimme, OK? Now, let's deal with abortion; 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade. As a pastor, I have to deal with this all of the time, all of the pain and all of the conflicts. I know this is a very complex issue. Forty million abortions, at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?

OBAMA: Well, you know, I think that whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.

WARREN: Have you --

OBAMA: But let me just speak more generally about the issue of abortion, because this is something obviously the country wrestles with. One thing that I'm absolutely convinced of is that there is a moral and ethical element to this issue. And so I think anybody who tries to deny the moral difficulties and gravity of the abortion issue, I think, is not paying attention. So that would be point number one.

But point number two, I am pro-choice. I believe in Roe v. Wade, and I come to that conclusion not because I'm pro-abortion, but because, ultimately, I don't think women make these decisions casually. I think they -- they wrestle with these things in profound ways, in consultation with their pastors or their spouses or their doctors or their family members. And so, for me, the goal right now should be -- and this is where I think we can find common ground. And by the way, I've now inserted this into the Democratic party platform, is how do we reduce the number of abortions? The fact is that although we have had a president who is opposed to abortion over the last eight years, abortions have not gone down and that is something we have to address.
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