Obama is ready to strike back

Abortion is indeed ending a human life. No matter what point of view you have, you are ending human life, either before life starts or after life starts. If you view a fetus as a cell, you still have to acknowledge that the fetus would have been alive at some point.

Excuse me while I go abort a few chickens in a skillet now.
Abortion is indeed ending a human life. No matter what point of view you have, you are ending human life, either before life starts or after life starts. If you view a fetus as a cell, you still have to acknowledge that the fetus would have been alive at some point.

Excuse me while I go abort a few chickens in a skillet now.

lol good point Dave.
Abortion is indeed ending a human life. No matter what point of view you have, you are ending human life, either before life starts or after life starts. If you view a fetus as a cell, you still have to acknowledge that the fetus would have been alive at some point.

Excuse me while I go abort a few chickens in a skillet now.

And if you acknowledge that then you have to acknowledge that anytime you use a condom you are stopping something from forming into cells that would then, maybe, if all goes well, be born into life. And that's exactly where the religious base takes this and that is exactly why the are against birth control.

Now, I was on birth control, I have always been very careful about that. It failed. Two weeks later, I had a D & C. Either way, whether the birth control worked or failed, I was not going to be giving birth to a baby. Under no possible scenerio was any life going to come out of that.

Certainly I wasn't going to give birth because my birth control failed and a couple of men decided that I "have to accept" that science, blah blah blah. Which I absolutey do not accept and SF does not understand what "opinion" means. He is of the somewhat delusional belief that his opinions constitute facts.

Bottom line - I have always been of the mind that until men can give birth they should just shut the fuck up. And i've heard all of the bullshit reasons why they are "entitled to a say in this", and I come to the same conclusion I began with: Until you can give birth, shut the fuck up

That's all I got to say on this, but I am aware that SF will need to have the last word. Becasue SF ALWAYS needs to have the last word.

But, it changes nothing.
"at what point does a baby get human rights" is not a theological question. It is a question of governmental policy. And supposedly the president's job is to guide and/or set policy through leadership, and enforce those laws brought about to guide policy.

Ths is the exact question that is a prime example of why, IMO, Obama has been losing support. Ever since he became the presumptive democratic nominee he has been prevaricating and side slipping basic questions on several issues from Iraq to abortion to gun rights. He gives a long winded answer saying he basically supports legalized abortion, but does not have the guts to say straight out that human rights should not be given to babies until after birth. His recent answers on the Iraq war, gun rights, oil prices, etc. have been equally meaningless and, frankly, weak sounding.

OTOH, McCain comes out with hard, straight answers. Half of them may be lies, but att least he sounds decisive - like a leader is supposed to sound. Obama, for all his positive qualities, ability as a speaker, charisma, and even a few decent ideas about approaching some of today's problems, simply is not sounding like a leader when he makes those kinds of answers. He almost sounded apologetic when he answered that question. If he wants to turn things back around, he needs to forget playing the crowd and come out talking like a leader. State his opinions firmly and with conviction - that is the sign of a leader. And quite often - especially for independent moderates, the one who looks like the strongest leader will get their vote even if they do not agree with them on some of the issues.
And quite often - especially for independent moderates, the one who looks like the strongest leader will get their vote even if they do not agree with them on some of the issues.

And that's why our system is so fucked up. People don't vote based on real issues, they vote based on 30 second TV spots. If someone sounds tough enough they vote for them. Even if the toughest answer isn't the best one.
1) I know you enjoy referring to the child as "a few cells" as that makes it easier for you to justify ending its life.

Many pro-life advocates call other people "scum" (such as Iraqui's and homosexuals) and use this as an excuse to take their life. The difference is, their argument is based on emotion, whereas ours is based on reality and science. They are killing actual living, breathing feeling human beings and feel no qualms about it, and claim that killing isn't wrong. It's truly sickening.
Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.[1]
And if you acknowledge that then you have to acknowledge that anytime you use a condom you are stopping something from forming into cells that would then, maybe, if all goes well, be born into life. And that's exactly where the religious base takes this and that is exactly why the are against birth control.

My arguement to that is that preventing something from happening isn't the same as allowing something to happen then ending it's natural process afterwards. Anyone who is afraid of birth control needs to visit their local trailer park.

Now, I was on birth control, I have always been very careful about that. It failed. Two weeks later, I had a D & C. Either way, whether the birth control worked or failed, I was not going to be giving birth to a baby. Under no possible scenerio was any life going to come out of that.

Certainly I wasn't going to give birth because my birth control failed and a couple of men decided that I "have to accept" that science, blah blah blah. Which I absolutey do not accept and SF does not understand what "opinion" means. He is of the somewhat delusional belief that his opinions constitute facts.

Bottom line - I have always been of the mind that until men can give birth they should just shut the fuck up. And i've heard all of the bullshit reasons why they are "entitled to a say in this", and I come to the same conclusion I began with: Until you can give birth, shut the fuck up

That's all I got to say on this, but I am aware that SF will need to have the last word. Becasue SF ALWAYS needs to have the last word.

But, it changes nothing.

To pro-choice people, life begns when an emotional attachment is given to the life inside them. Once they start to recognize the cells inside them are human. I think you are a little crazy though to say men should have no say whatsoever, just because we aren't physically able. The couple, who together made that baby, should respect each other's oppinions. If a women gets pregnant, waits a couple months, gets an ultrasound and shows it to her husband or b/f or whatever, he may or may not start to get an emotional attachment to that child as well. If you get an abortion, to him you are killing his child. That, in my oppinion, is cruel.

However, in your situation, you had birth control, and no intention on having a baby. 2 weeks later you find out your pregnant, and I'm pretty sure neither one of you had an emotional attachment. So, to me, I say, who cares!

I am pro-life in my home. If I found out my fiancee was pregnant, I would immediatly be attached to the baby inside her. If she got an abortion, I would tell her that if she kills my baby, I would leave her. She understands that now, and we take precautions. But we both agree that if something happens, it happens and we go through with it.
And if you acknowledge that then you have to acknowledge that anytime you use a condom you are stopping something from forming into cells that would then, maybe, if all goes well, be born into life. And that's exactly where the religious base takes this and that is exactly why the are against birth control.

Now, I was on birth control, I have always been very careful about that. It failed. Two weeks later, I had a D & C. Either way, whether the birth control worked or failed, I was not going to be giving birth to a baby. Under no possible scenerio was any life going to come out of that.

Certainly I wasn't going to give birth because my birth control failed and a couple of men decided that I "have to accept" that science, blah blah blah. Which I absolutey do not accept and SF does not understand what "opinion" means. He is of the somewhat delusional belief that his opinions constitute facts.

Bottom line - I have always been of the mind that until men can give birth they should just shut the fuck up. And i've heard all of the bullshit reasons why they are "entitled to a say in this", and I come to the same conclusion I began with: Until you can give birth, shut the fuck up

That's all I got to say on this, but I am aware that SF will need to have the last word. Becasue SF ALWAYS needs to have the last word.

But, it changes nothing.

you are correct, because YOU once again misrepresent my position, I will indeed have to correct you once again.

To me this is NOT a religious issue. It is an issue of human rights. I disagree with those that think an unborn child is not entitled to basic human rights, but I can at least respect that OPINION. Because that is what it indeed is. As is my OPINION that the unborn children should be entitled to human rights protections. THAT is indeed opinion.

The FACT that an abortion ends a human life is indeed a FACT. That is genetically proven. It is NOT "OPINION" as you continue to proclaim. This is based 100% on PROVEN SCIENCE. Not some wild religious fantasy.