Obama: "Lipstick on a pig, still a pig"

McCain criticized Democratic contenders for offering what he called costly universal health care proposals that require too much government regulation. While he said he had not studied Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's health-care plan, he said it was "eerily reminiscent" of the failed plan she offered as first lady in the early 1990s.

"I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," he said of her proposal.

Boring. Seriously.

It'd be boring if the McCain campaign weren't dead fucking serious about it. Instead of boring, it's a fucking travesty. It's beyond brain-dead fucking stupid nonsense silly shit. And they're serious. Talk about playing the gender card. Fer Christ's sake . . .

Then again, this is par for the course for the McCain campaign which can't seem to go a single day without lying about the alleged good things that McCain and Palin have done, or the alleged evil things Obama has done or is proposing. It's the least substantive campaign in a long long time. It's mind-blowing.
It'd be boring if the McCain campaign weren't dead fucking serious about it. Instead of boring, it's a fucking travesty. It's beyond brain-dead fucking stupid nonsense silly shit. And they're serious. Talk about playing the gender card. Fer Christ's sake . . .

Then again, this is par for the course for the McCain campaign which can't seem to go a single day without lying about the alleged good things that McCain and Palin have done, or the alleged evil things Obama has done or is proposing. It's the least substantive campaign in a long long time. It's mind-blowing.
Mindblowing is taking this guy's word for that. Does anybody have some sort of link to the actual McCain camp saying anything of that sort?
The lipstick on a pig thing is a pretty common saying. The real problem here is that Hillary's supporters hijacked the language, calling every possible statement they could SEXIST. Now the party that opposes equal rights for women is going to run with that ball and will do so pretty successfully. Hillary and her supporters have done a great deal to kill off ANY use of ANY word that can mildly be considered sexist. Well done Clintonites well done.
Well, then that makes this the "stuck in Iraq" joke of 2008. Seriously, he needs to stop speaking without a script...

Already Biden has pissed off some women in media by calling Palin's speeches "shrill."
Whistles are shrill too. But like I said, any coopting of the language that can lead STUPID people to accuse people of sexism or racism will be used to lead the STUPID to the polls.
The lipstick on a pig thing is a pretty common saying. The real problem here is that Hillary's supporters hijacked the language, calling every possible statement they could SEXIST. Now the party that opposes equal rights for women is going to run with that ball and will do so pretty successfully. Hillary and her supporters have done a great deal to kill off ANY use of ANY word that can mildly be considered sexist. Well done Clintonites well done.

So now its Clinton's fault that the McCain campaign is crying about sexist remarks even though Clinton didn't say peep when McCain used the same "lipstick on a pig" idiom about one of her policy proposals?

So now its Clinton's fault that the McCain campaign is crying about sexist remarks even though Clinton didn't say peep when McCain used the same "lipstick on a pig" idiom about one of her policy proposals?

No it is Clinton's fault that she chose to pretend to be so thinskinned about every comment she could to claim sexism. Some of it was but some of her outrage was false. It worked and the Republicans are going to play the same game. Politics is an ugly game, unless someone uses the term "pretty little head" or "isn't that sweet" or some such other shit, people should adress the fucking issues and quit using pitiful excuses to take on their opponents and address some issues.
No it is Clinton's fault that she chose to pretend to be so thinskinned about every comment she could to claim sexism. Some of it was but some of her outrage was false. It worked and the Republicans are going to play the same game. Politics is an ugly game, unless someone uses the term "pretty little head" or "isn't that sweet" or some such other shit, people should adress the fucking issues and quit using pitiful excuses to take on their opponents and address some issues.

I'll bet, before the election, Biden says something precisely as you described, it's in his nature to do this when he gets flustered, and Palin will certainly fluster him in a debate. ......I'm telling you, the more I think about this, the more I believe you Demosheep need to lobby your party to get Biden out of this debate with Palin! Maybe have Harry Reid push some legislation through which will 'require' Biden to be present the night of the debate or something? He's almost guaranteed to stick his foot in his mouth, at least once, before this is over.
That phrase has been used a lot. The difference is that everytime someone used it, everyone knew what they were talking about...Except this time, to a whole lot of women listening, it sounded like it either could, or was, directed at Mrs Sara...BHO needs to explain why he said it or appoligise. If he does neither... I think it would be fair for Sara's husband to challenage him to a duel.....
Ooooh....big, BIG false outrage from McCain on this; his campaign is "demanding" an apology, and they're coming out with an ad called "Lipstick."

They also called Biden's stem cell comments a "new low."

They have a new Truth Squad dedicated to shooting down Palin rumors, and they're going a little over the edge. The strategy is clear; paint the opposition as sexist, with whatever you can (Obama's been down that road)....
Damo, the mcsame campaign released a misleading comercial trying to say Obama Called palin a pig. I saw it on the today show this morning.
Damo, the mcsame campaign released a misleading comercial trying to say Obama Called palin a pig. I saw it on the today show this morning.
Yeah, I was coming in to talk about that. It appears that McCain now has a fast response team that actually moves. I think this one is weak. How many times have we heard that phrase in our lifetime? Now, if she hadn't used the joke with the pit bull and lipstick we'd not be hearing this, but IMO it is a waste of time and airwaves.
Yeah, I was coming in to talk about that. It appears that McCain now has a fast response team that actually moves. I think this one is weak. How many times have we heard that phrase in our lifetime? Now, if she hadn't used the joke with the pit bull and lipstick we'd not be hearing this, but IMO it is a waste of time and airwaves.

I just watched the ad. It's despicable.

They show Palin making her lipstick joke, and cut right to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin", saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

No context. Just "Obama on Palin."
The lipstick on a pig thing is a pretty common saying. The real problem here is that Hillary's supporters hijacked the language, calling every possible statement they could SEXIST. Now the party that opposes equal rights for women is going to run with that ball and will do so pretty successfully. Hillary and her supporters have done a great deal to kill off ANY use of ANY word that can mildly be considered sexist. Well done Clintonites well done.

Really, I wish I knew what people were talking about? The sexism against Hillary in the media is very well documented. I never really saw anyone calling Obama himself sexist, or claim his campaign was sexist. I remember the one remark he made about the claws coming out, as being one exception. But really, it was about the media, and the claims of sexism were well-founded, but had nothing to do with Obama. Now, some of his supporters were sexist, and some of her supporters accused Obama of being sexist, but we are talking about online anonymous posters, most of whom were paid Republican operatives in my opinion.

Let’s stop blaming Hillary for everything, please?

Look, the sexism thing, and the “what women are feeling’ bs is a media creation, almost solely, and that is what they want to talk about rather than talk about what global warming means and how the candidates stand on that, or health care, or any other substantial, important issue facing this country, and this planet, and THAT, is what the repukes are taking advantage of. And you know why? Because they don’t stand a chance on issues, let’s be honest.
I just watched the ad. It's despicable.

They show Palin making her lipstick joke, and cut right to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin", saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

No context. Just "Obama on Palin."

Look ,nothing could be as perverted and low as the ad from yesterday with Obama smiling over a bunch of white kids and a voice-over telling people he wants to teach them about sex. John McCain is a lowlife slime piece of shit.
Look ,nothing could be as perverted and low as the ad from yesterday with Obama smiling over a bunch of white kids and a voice-over telling people he wants to teach them about sex. John McCain is a lowlife slime piece of shit.

Does obama want to deny white children sex ed? Is that the truth of the matter?