Obama Nailed It

Removing the Bush tax cuts will provide revenue for the government. I think it will hurt in the long run, but it does provide revenue.

Taxing corporations is just taxing the people without doing it directly.

When you tax any business, they pass it on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

Just like the higher fuel prices are resulting in higher costs of everything else, so will the higher corporate taxes.

When you tax consumers they pass it on to the coporations in the form of less revenue.

Therefore, we should abolish personal taxes and only tax corporations.
When you tax consumers they pass it on to the coporations in the form of less revenue.

Therefore, we should abolish personal taxes and only tax corporations.


According to a study conducted by a UN department (surprise), the most harmful taxes are income and corporate taxes. The least harmful is the consumption tax.

According to a study conducted by a UN department (surprise), the most harmful taxes are income and corporate taxes. The least harmful is the consumption tax.

The best thing that could happen to our country is the Fair Tax Act.
Well, at least we finally know what "change" is. It's what we suspected all along: SOCIALISM. Obama thinks we aren't smart enough to run our own lives - that we need the almighty state to nurse us from the cradle to the grave. Fuck that. :321:

Obama says McCain is just like George Bush.

My response: I'd rather have Bush 3 than Marx 2!


Maybe you could explain how we're going to PAY for all that shit Obama is proposing AND balance the budget (or at least maintain the status-quo).

You have to be an idiot. Conservatives have managed this nations money like a bunch of drunken sailors. They run up huge historical deficits which jeapordise all Americans future and you accuse the Dems of socialism? What rock have you been hiding under?

There's only two things we need to do to return our nation to solvency and Obama has promised to do both.

#1. He's going to end the immoral war in Iraq that's costing 10 billion a month.

#2. He's going to push for the reinstatement of "Paygo".

Now please explain to me how that is socialism and explain to me how a bunch of irresponsible "borrow and spent" conservatives should have any credibility?
As a Bush supporter you don't give one good god damn about a ballanced Budget. You and the sheep that voted for him twice have stood by and only with a few of you saying anything, allowed a Republican Congress and President to spend like drunken sailors. Once completely in Power the Republicans have PROVEN they care not at all about a balanced budget. I think Cheney scoffed at the idea. Argue something that gives you credibility and not this bullshit.

Bullshit. Reversing the Bush tax cuts on higher incomes isn't going to close the gap. Raising taxes on corporations won't cut it. THINK for a change. :mad: We already have a $400+ billion deficit, and Obama is proposing hundreds of billions in additional spending. What he proposes will result in a $1 trillion deficit. How are you going to close a $1 trillion gap, asshole? :mad:

The same way Bill Clinton did it. PAYGO you moron!
As to the speech......I thought it was a great speech for a convention. The best I have seen thought I didn't watch Clinton in '92.
As to the speech......I thought it was a great speech for a convention. The best I have seen thought I didn't watch Clinton in '92.

I thought so too. It was very comprehensive, very pointed, both covered his goals and directly addressed many of the criticisms that might have come from the right (e.g., how will you pay for this?), and stayed on course with his overall theme. Well done.
He is one helluva public speaker, thats for sure.

Yeah, when he has his speech nicely polished and memorized.

Did you watch the Saddleback forum?

"Um" and "uh" dominated his vocabulary, and he looked down at the table at least 33% of the time. Obama is a terrible speaker when he has to actually think.

McCain is going to humiliate Obama in the debates.
He is one helluva public speaker, thats for sure.

And you just said just about as much as he did. Mccain and Palin will mop up his spacches--as soon as we demand substance.

you can't name one good thing he has done--the man has no substance that he is willing to share--but palin will get it out of him for all to see. I can't wait for some real debates--with tough questions.
Yeah, when he has his speech nicely polished and memorized.

Did you watch the Saddleback forum?

"Um" and "uh" dominated his vocabulary, and he looked down at the table at least 33% of the time. Obama is a terrible speaker when he has to actually think.

McCain is going to humiliate Obama in the debates.

Wouldn't it be a blast, to mess with his teleprompter. I bet we can get him to say anything too. --and liberials will cheer like they agree:) I wish I could hack his teleprompter--it would be the most fun I had all summer. :)