Obama on Iraq in 2002

What's the saber-rattling?

Obama wants to leave combat troops, and permanent military bases in Iraq.

IMO, that's a continuation of the occupation, albeit at a smaller scale than the repukes want. And continuation of the occupation, IMO, is just more fuel for the fire of jihaddism in iraq.
I don't care if you recognize me or not. I wouldn't have said anything about it at all except that cypress informed me I didn't know his positions well enough to criticize him.

I recall a drug warrior on FullPolitics with this name or one that was quite similar. Supposedly, he went off to war. Is that you?
I recall a drug warrior on FullPolitics with this name or one that was quite similar. Supposedly, he went off to war. Is that you?

No I believe you're thinking of El Supremo maybe? He was fairly young, had a hard-on for the Drug War, and apparently war in general.
Obama wants to leave combat troops, and permanent military bases in Iraq.

IMO, that's a continuation of the occupation, albeit at a smaller scale than the repukes want. And continuation of the occupation, IMO, is just more fuel for the fire of jihaddism in iraq.

"The first thing we have to do is end this war. And the right person to end it is someone who had the judgment to oppose it from the beginning. There is no military solution in Iraq, and there never was. I will begin to remove our troops from Iraq immediately. I will remove one or two brigades a month, and get all of our combat troops out of Iraq within 16 months. The only troops I will keep in Iraq will perform the limited missions of protecting our diplomats and carrying out targeted strikes on al Qaeda. And I will launch the diplomatic and humanitarian initiatives that are so badly needed. Let there be no doubt: I will end this war. "
"The first thing we have to do is end this war. And the right person to end it is someone who had the judgment to oppose it from the beginning. There is no military solution in Iraq, and there never was. I will begin to remove our troops from Iraq immediately. I will remove one or two brigades a month, and get all of our combat troops out of Iraq within 16 months. The only troops I will keep in Iraq will perform the limited missions of protecting our diplomats and carrying out targeted strikes on al Qaeda. And I will launch the diplomatic and humanitarian initiatives that are so badly needed. Let there be no doubt: I will end this war. "

Like I said, he talks out of both sides of his mouth on this.

I still don't see the saber-rattling.

On Iraq the Obama plan certainly leaves much to be desired but he has come out against permanent bases and has sponsored legislation to get our combat troops out through phased redeployment. The obvious problem with this approach is that it contemplates some troops remaining. What are they going to be doing? Sitting on the sidelines while Iraqis kill each other? Training Iraqis to kill other Iraqis? It's basically an all or nothing decision.

On Iran the idea that Obama has the hawkish zeal of Republicans is ridiculous. He paid lip service to the "all options on the table" bullshit but has also indicated that he intends to have some sort of diplomatic relations with Iran, which is perfectly sensible and something no other candidate has even considered.

On Pakistan, again it's nonsense. From what I've read Obama supports incursions into Pakistan to fight Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters that flee into Pakistan from Afghanistan. We're already doing that, and it seems a sensible policy as long as NATO forces are fighting the same folks in Afghanistan.

And he voted for the defense budget. Well, of course he did. He's running for president. You don't get very far in a presidential race if you have a track record of voting against the defense budget. That's just reality.
Obama's rhetoric on Pakistan is more politics than policy, and I believe an Obama presidency would support my hypothesis.

It is an exaggeration in any sense, to say that he wishes to invade Pakistan.
I don't care if you recognize me or not. I wouldn't have said anything about it at all except that cypress informed me I didn't know his positions well enough to criticize him.

Yeah I liked how he tricked you into giving up you were someone hiding under a new name bercause you had embarrassed yourself in the past by getting your ass kicked at least 1/3rd of the time :cof1:
Yeah I liked how he tricked you into giving up you were someone hiding under a new name bercause you had embarrassed yourself in the past by getting your ass kicked at least 1/3rd of the time :cof1:

First of all, I wasn't hiding that information and I didn't change my handle out of shame.

Secondly, I could care less about your opinion.
Obama's rhetoric on Pakistan is more politics than policy, and I believe an Obama presidency would support my hypothesis.

It is an exaggeration in any sense, to say that he wishes to invade Pakistan.

Oh, I am counting on that. I just don't care for his rhetoric.
Yeah I liked how he tricked you into giving up you were someone hiding under a new name bercause you had embarrassed yourself in the past by getting your ass kicked at least 1/3rd of the time :cof1:


I think I"m going to ignore this poster. Anyone who hides behind a new screen name, is a pussy.
I still don't see the saber-rattling.

On Iraq the Obama plan certainly leaves much to be desired but he has come out against permanent bases and has sponsored legislation to get our combat troops out through phased redeployment. The obvious problem with this approach is that it contemplates some troops remaining. What are they going to be doing? Sitting on the sidelines while Iraqis kill each other? Training Iraqis to kill other Iraqis? It's basically an all or nothing decision.

On Iran the idea that Obama has the hawkish zeal of Republicans is ridiculous. He paid lip service to the "all options on the table" bullshit but has also indicated that he intends to have some sort of diplomatic relations with Iran, which is perfectly sensible and something no other candidate has even considered.

On Pakistan, again it's nonsense. From what I've read Obama supports incursions into Pakistan to fight Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters that flee into Pakistan from Afghanistan. We're already doing that, and it seems a sensible policy as long as NATO forces are fighting the same folks in Afghanistan.

And he voted for the defense budget. Well, of course he did. He's running for president. You don't get very far in a presidential race if you have a track record of voting against the defense budget. That's just reality.

I am in no way claiming he is as hawkish as the Repubs. I think he is just talking shit. But I don't like it and I think it is a heck of a lot more important than talking about some dead guy.