Obama picks Sotomayor for high court

No, Republicans will object because she wore a "Frodo Lives" t-shirt in 1978 and that only Godless communist radical liberal bent on over turning the constitution and the whole American way of life would do that.

Trust me on this one. If partisan Republican can't think of any legitimate reasons to object to her then they'll just invent something. Stay tuned to Rush Limbaugh! LOL

Sotomeyer is a moderate meaning the far left will dislike her as much as the wing nuts. I'd call that a good sign.

welcome to 2004. You know, Rush has lost a lot of his audience. You must be one of the last people who still cares about him.
welcome to 2004. You know, Rush has lost a lot of his audience. You must be one of the last people who still cares about him.
Now, for reality:

The more President Obama and the Democrats talk about talk radio titan Rush Limbaugh, the higher his ratings go. And he’s taking all conservative talk radio along for a very exciting ride.

Radio insiders expected the ratings to show growth with a Democrat in the White House. But the actual numbers are exploding far beyond anyone’s expectations.


Looks like a failing grade to me. But then again, we have a failing president, so what the hell. :)

Sotomayor reversed 60% by high court

With Judge Sonia Sotomayor already facing questions over her 60 percent reversal rate, the Supreme Court could dump another problem into her lap next month if, as many legal analysts predict, the court overturns one of her rulings upholding a race-based employment decision.

Three of the five majority opinions written by Judge Sotomayor for the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals and reviewed by the Supreme Court were reversed, providing a potent line of attack raised by opponents Tuesday after President Obama announced he will nominate the 54-year-old Hispanic woman to the high court.

"Her high reversal rate alone should be enough for us to pause and take a good look at her record. Frankly, it is the Senates duty to do so," said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America.

Looks like a failing grade to me. But then again, we have a failing president, so what the hell. :)


Do you know how many opinions Sotomayer has authored? Do you know what percentage of those opinions were not reversed byt he Supreme Court? Do you know what the average reversal rate is for cases reviewed by the Supreme Court?

As I have said previously, next to the "policy" criticism, this particular criticism is an extremely close second for the most inane (well, of the "substantive" criticisms anyway).

It's fodder for the dim-witted. Not surprisingly you were taken in by both.
Do you know how many opinions Sotomayer has authored? Do you know what percentage of those opinions were not reversed byt he Supreme Court? Do you know what the average reversal rate is for cases reviewed by the Supreme Court?

As I have said previously, next to the "policy" criticism, this particular criticism is an extremely close second for the most inane (well, of the "substantive" criticisms anyway).

It's fodder for the dim-witted. Not surprisingly you were taken in by both.

She should not be considered at all because shes a judicial activist racist.
Do you know how many opinions Sotomayer has authored? Do you know what percentage of those opinions were not reversed byt he Supreme Court? Do you know what the average reversal rate is for cases reviewed by the Supreme Court?

As I have said previously, next to the "policy" criticism, this particular criticism is an extremely close second for the most inane (well, of the "substantive" criticisms anyway).

It's fodder for the dim-witted. Not surprisingly you were taken in by both.

According to the article: "Three of the five majority opinions written by Judge Sotomayor for the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals and reviewed by the Supreme Court were reversed". That would mean that, when the losing party could afford the massive costs of an appeal to the SCOTUS, she was right 40% of the time. She may have been right less. *shrug*
According to the article: "Three of the five majority opinions written by Judge Sotomayor for the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals and reviewed by the Supreme Court were reversed". That would mean that, when the losing party could afford the massive costs of an appeal to the SCOTUS, she was right 40% of the time. She may have been right less. *shrug*

A simple "no" would have sufficed.
I'll let you compare her record to those now on the Court.

Well, I would do it for Roberts and Alito but liberals aren't inclined to do this type of silly stuff that is stock in trade for right-wingers. Instead, liberal opposition to Roberts and Alito was based on the substance of their body of work, not this type of "batting average" bullshit.

Feel free to link me up to reversal rates for Roberts and Alito, though.
Well, I would do it for Roberts and Alito but liberals aren't inclined to do this type of silly stuff that is stock in trade for right-wingers. Instead, liberal opposition to Roberts and Alito was based on the substance of their body of work, not this type of "batting average" bullshit.

Feel free to link me up to reversal rates for Roberts and Alito, though.
You made the accusation on Alito and Roberts, so the burden to prove your point is solely yours.
You made the accusation on Alito and Roberts, so the burden to prove your point is solely yours.

I don't quite follow. You asked me compare her reversal rate to those currently on the court. I don't have the reversal rate of those currently on teh court at my disposal. DO you? If so please provide. If not, as I assume is the case, you have no real basis for criticism of Sotomayer being reversed on three of the 380 opinions she authored.
OK, now we're getting somewhere. I was referring to the overall reversal rate, not the reversal rate of any particular judge. The overall reversal rate is around 75%.
And I'm referring to the reversal rate of case that made it to the SCOTUS. She gets an "F".