Obama Planning Trip To Iraq

Ohh I am talking about the Wright swinging door. It gets wider open the closer the election gets.

Partisanship overcomes embaressment for some.

What's the embarrasment for one and you think people aren't partisan during non-election years?

I guess I don't get the inside joke. Are you the boards Mediamatters and are in charge of outing anyone who the left might think is showing right-wing partisanship?
Considering he would be in charge of the armed forces and the number of them we have in Iraq I would think it would be important that the future CIC go and see for himself what is really going on.

And you believe that those tours that our rarified class get taken on, surrounded by tanks and hundreds of armed marines, tells them what is really going on?
I bet you anything that any solider in Iraq, right now, regardless of what they think of this war, John McCain, or Barack Obama, would laugh their asses off right in your face over that boneheaded statement Cawacko.

What you do, spin any mistake so that you can pretend the other side is only exaggerating.

Whether you like it or not, I will continue to do that. For both candidates. I like to put myself into that position and wonder what I'd do.

What you have is a lack of imagination and a worship of a candidate that has moved into the bizarre level. Not recognizing that the timing of this "But I really was planning it!" statement is really off, and for a campaign that has been rather good at it, it just seems fumbling. One mistake among many things done right does not make what I say "hacktacular" it makes you post inanely because you can't even take the tiniest of criticism if it is leveled against the Messiah.

I don’t think that DH is one of those. He never was at any rate. He jumped in and called BS on a lot of bad claims made against Hillary, and made by liberals. I think you are trying to cover yourself here Damo!
And you believe that those tours that our rarified class get taken on, surrounded by tanks and hundreds of armed marines, tells them what is really going on?
I bet you anything that any solider in Iraq, right now, regardless of what they think of this war, John McCain, or Barack Obama, would laugh their asses off right in your face over that boneheaded statement Cawacko.

So you think there is no difference being in the U.S. vs. being in the Green Zone talking with peolpe face to face and on-site?
So you think there is no difference being in the U.S. vs. being in the Green Zone talking with peolpe face to face and on-site?

I think there is no measurable difference, yes. They see only what they want to see, are in zero danger, never so much as sweat a drop. It has as much to do with the reality of Iraq for a soldier, as my closet has to do with Catherine Zeta Jones’ closet.
I don’t think that DH is one of those. He never was at any rate. He jumped in and called BS on a lot of bad claims made against Hillary, and made by liberals. I think you are trying to cover yourself here Damo!
I believe I simply pointed out what I was doing with my statements.

Again, I think his team has done extremely well with timing in the past and am surprised at their lack here.
I believe I simply pointed out what I was doing with my statements.

Again, I think his team has done extremely well with timing in the past and am surprised at their lack here.

I think it went down pretty much as was described on the first page of this thread. It’s a non-issue.
It's a symbolic gesture, and not much more than that.
I disagree. Those in charge on site can give a far clearer picture than any report read. Even if you stay only in the Green Zone (what I'd expect with Obama, or any other candidate for that matter) you will still get a more direct and clearer picture of what is happening from those there than you will ever get from people here, well unless you bring the General to you...
I think there is no measurable difference, yes. They see only what they want to see, are in zero danger, never so much as sweat a drop. It has as much to do with the reality of Iraq for a soldier, as my closet has to do with Catherine Zeta Jones’ closet.

I hold a different opinion then. A Presidential candidate is not going to be out on a mission with a soldier getting shot at. That's not his duty.

I believe one would find out more info in face-to-face meetings on-site than they might from a teleconference call conducted from across the country. I think one can judge moral far better being on site and meeting with people than again from sitting in a conference room across the world.
I disagree. Those in charge on site can give a far clearer picture than any report read. Even if you stay only in the Green Zone (what I'd expect with Obama, or any other candidate for that matter) you will still get a more direct and clearer picture of what is happening from those there than you will ever get from people here, well unless you bring the General to you...

Wow, this is one of the most naïve positions I have ever heard. It’s hard for me to believe you really believe this and aren’t just putting it out there as a reason to support John McCain. Whom of course, you don’t support.
Wow, this is one of the most naïve positions I have ever heard. It’s hard for me to believe you really believe this and aren’t just putting it out there as a reason to support John McCain. Whom of course, you don’t support.
I would say almost exactly the same thing about this post of yours, applied exactly in the opposite direction.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama is considering a visit to Iraq this summer, his first to the war zone since becoming a presidential candidate. Obama revealed his plans to The New York Times. He has been under criticism from Republican rival John McCain for failing to visit Iraq since 2006. Obama also declined McCain's invitation for a joint trip.

"I just don't want to be involved in a political stunt," Obama said, according to a report on the newspaper's Web site Wednesday.

"I think that if I'm going to Iraq, then I'm there to talk to troops and talk to commanders," he said in the interview. "I'm not there to try to score political points or perform. The work they're doing there is too important."

Obama's campaign has been considering an overseas trip since last year to beef up his foreign policy credentials, but the extended fight for the Democratic nomination with Hillary Rodham Clinton has delayed those plans.


McCain shames Obama into going. I can just see it now. Obama comes back from Iraq and tells the whole world how his plane made a corkscrew landing to avoid anti-aircraft flak then, once on the tarmac, the plane came under sniper fire.

Where have I heard that before?

This is going to be akin to John Kerry's trip...he was snubbed by the troops...I see the same for Obama...at least thats what I have heard from friends serving!
What's the embarrasment for one and you think people aren't partisan during non-election years?

I guess I don't get the inside joke. Are you the boards Mediamatters and are in charge of outing anyone who the left might think is showing right-wing partisanship?

Voting for and or supporting Bush should be embaressing to anyone at this point. If they are not embaressed about it, I want nothing to do with them becuase they are either mental or stupid.

Mediamatters... Hmm have not been there in a loooong time.

I am the concience and soul that is missing from many wright wingers. Listen to me and learn youngin.
Wow, this is one of the most naïve positions I have ever heard. It’s hard for me to believe you really believe this and aren’t just putting it out there as a reason to support John McCain. Whom of course, you don’t support.

Well answer me this Darla, how can Obama expect to understand what's going on without looking people in the eye and getting a sense of their soul? You gotta look in 'em in the eye, ya know.