Obama rally

You and your pal McCain apparently enjoy the same high-level of knowledge on economic matters.

Oh give me a break it's all driven by speculators and that is driven by confidence. Hand yourself a military defeat, it doesn't inspire confidence.
Oh give me a break it's all driven by speculators and that is driven by confidence. Hand yourself a military defeat, it doesn't inspire confidence.

How about a trillion dollar, ill-defined 5+ year commitment, with no real definition of victory and no end in sight?

Does that inspire confidence?
But of course a free market is best, but when they are tripling the price of certain commodities for things that are very distant if not unreal 'issues' then that annoys people. I guess it's not perfect, but certainly the freest best one tried yet.
The economy is not driven by speculators. Speculators do little more than try to predict how market forces will react. Their impact is to correct false prices, though sometimes they create them.
It is certainly one of the key driving forces of our economy, and as you note setting values on things, like currency...
ask Obama

The exchange would allow him to catch a glimpse of the jackass who founded his party. Earlier tonight I was at a GOP County dinner, held at my college, in honor of the 199th birthday of the man who helped found my party... Lincoln was a far better man than that tool Jackson.
For better or worse Lincoln keep us together and had an much smoother path to reconstruction than what the South got.
For better or worse Lincoln keep us together and had an much smoother path to reconstruction than what the South got.

I firmly disagree with Lincoln on Reconstruction. There should have been at least a 60% loyalty oath requirement (otherwise, why the hell have one at all) if not 75% from the states, which would have kept them shut down until at least the end of the Century. Grant should not have begun lowering troop levels either, which was also retarded.

The Republicans completely fucked up on Reconstruction, and failed to realize that the South was a power-hungry region with no principles or sense of republican virtue. They were not ready for self-government, simply because their little insurrection got put down.
Hey you guys keep talking about raising taxes to pay for social engineering... Barrack Obama is a blank page, he's a empty sheet with slogans, running against one of the most experienced, respected, honorable American legends... Lets see you carry those weak slogans against Republicans... Obama's ridding a wave of fantasies and downright disturbing chanting... A true house of cards...


a house of cards huh?

now you know what you looked like a couple of years ago when you were drooling over Bush. How did that work out for our country?

We got attacked and then attacked the wrong country in retaliation and left the real bad guys to get away. We have ballooned the deficit and fucked the economy.The country was at each others throats and the world hates us.

Now you see the man who brings us hope as evil?

Your can never get it right can you willy boy?