Obama slaps Women, Blacks, and Hispanics With Larry Summers


The Force is With Me
Clue number 465 that Obama is not what he pretends to be.

Obama has chosen Larry Summers to head his National Economic Council. Summers was a huge supporter of the Bush economic policies that have greately contributed to the economic mess this country finds itself in today.

President-elect Barack Obama will name former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers the director of his National Economic Council, placing the Harvard University economist he passed over for Treasury secretary inside the White House as his closest economic adviser, Democratic officials said Saturday night.

Larry Summers, who was on the short list to become the Treasury Secretary for GEORGE BUSH is now Obama's closest economic adviser.

He is a controversial lightning rod, who, while at the world bank, put out a memo that said the world bank should encourage the dumping of toxic wastes in Africa and Latin American countries because those people don't live long anyway, thus non-white life in less valuable. This caused protests around the world which forced him from the world bank

Blacks and Hispanics should be real happy with this choice.

Summers also, while president of Harvard University, attacked the African-American Studies Department, chased noted scholar and professor Cornel West from Harvard into Princeton, tried to change the political climate at Harvard towards the right-wing and Bush policies, tried to bring the ROTC back, and his tenure was so full of controversy that the faculty voted "No Confidence" in his "leadership", his failures inspired calls from inside and outside the university for him to step down, and he finally had to resign amid all the firestorms he created.

And, OH SHIT .. while still at Harvard, Summers said the "inate" difference in intelligence is why there aren't more women scientists.

More firestorm and controversy ensued .. leading to Summers having to apologize. The number of women tenured went down sharply while Summers was at Harvard.

Women are stupid?

So much for "no drama Obama."

Women should be really pleased with Summers. .. In fact, how many women has Obama picked for his administration?

When Bill Clinton first tried to put Summers in his administration, protests followed, so Clinton slid him into a spot at Treasury that didn't require confirmation .. just as Obama has done .. and Summers moved into the top spot in Treasury through the back door.

AND, once again Obama has demonstrated the he is truly America's first Jewish president.

Obamanuats .. have you figured it out yet?
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Holding the Obama Administration Accountable
Part 1 of a Series: Why, How, and Enabling the Struggle

by Bruce Dixon / November 12th, 2008

While the orgy of American hagiography and self-congratulation over having elected the First Black President shows no sign of peaking a week after the election, greedy Wall Street bankers, the permanent war industry of military contractors and mercenary companies, the predatory lenders, the pharmaceutical and insurance lobbies have the new administration’s public and private ear, its wallet and dominate its inner circle. Their voices are everywhere in the mainstream media, on the lips of White House aides and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, warning that an Obama administration will have to “govern from the center”, and “tamp down the expectations” of the Democratic base who imagined they were voting in something like “Change”.

“Tamping Down Expectations” Since 2004

It is not an exaggeration to say that Barack Obama’s career since 2004 has been all about soaring promises to capture ardent voters followed by lowering standards to please his biggest financial contributors. An early foe of the Iraq war and Patriot Act during his US Senate campaign, Obama voted to continue one and pass the other once in office. Obama’s pledge to withdraw from Iraq has more loopholes by now than Swiss cheese. His promise to filibuster warrantless eavesdropping and immunity for telecom lawbreakers morphed into a vote for both, and his campaign trail promise to pursue Dr. King’s unfinished quest for economic justice flipped into lobbying the congress in support of the multi-trillion dollar no-strings-attached Wall Street bailout.

The first appointments of the new regime are truly disturbing. Illinois congressman Rahm Emanuel, the new White House chief of staff is a certifiable Democratic neocon who helped strong-arm NAFTA, welfare reform and the Telecom Act of 1996 though congress for Bill Clinton. He served on the board of Freddie Mac while it was busy inflating the housing bubble, and was an early and unrepentant advocate of invading Iraq and bombing Iran. As head of the DCCC, responsible for recruiting and funding 2006 Democratic congressional candidates, Emanuel used corporate contributions to try to knock more than a twenty antiwar Democrats out of primary races in favor of pro-war Democrats. Confronted with choices between pro-war Democrats and pro-war Republicans, voters rejected most of Emanuel’s picks, costing Democrats as many as ten Congressional seats.

Larry Summers, early front-runner to succeed Bush Treasury secretary Henry Paulson, was happy to be Enron’s eyes and ears at Treasury, according to a handwritten note to his pal Ken Lay you can find at OpenLeft.com. Summers famously remarked that third world countries were “underpolluted”. His solution to this “problem” is encouraging them to sell their share of “rights” to poison the planet’s oceans and air to wealthy western corporations through a system like the present futures and commodities exchanges. Both the outgoing Bush and the incoming Obama administrations are enthusiastic advocates of this “market-based” approach. So much for a Change We Can Breathe In.

Wild-eyed but unrealistic optimists insist that hacks like Summers and Emanuel are just the smartest guys around, and their policies are not Obama’s anyhow. But that fails the laugh test. There are plenty of smart political operators, and many equally brilliant economists who have called the mess right all along and would relish the chance to begin setting it right. Economists like Paul Krugman, Michael Hudson, or Paul Stiglitz, for instance. You don’t hire smart people for the new administration to do the opposite of what they built their careers doing. It defies common sense to expect anything else. Larry Summers will be looking out for his old friends and colleagues. Rahm Emanuel will be kneecapping advocates of single payer health care, opponents of the war, teachers, union members and anyone left of that rightward moving target they call “the center”.

In a note titled “How To Treat A President-Elect,” David Swanson put his finger on why the worst thing we can do now is sit back and pray for president-elect Obama, to leave him alone and wait to see what he does. It’s time to remind him in no uncertain terms why he was elected.

“There is no such thing as giving a democratic president a chance by leaving him alone. Precisely the way you give him a chance is by lobbying him to do what you want to see done. Anything else is an insult to him and to ourselves.

During the past eight years, we could have built the most powerful citizens’ movements ever seen and never influenced our government’s policy in the slightest. A powerful movement for peace and justice was simply ignored. Now suddenly we have a government that might listen, and now is the moment in which we should go silent? What sort of an awful antidemocratic sense of timing is that?

The best elected official in a democracy is one who listens to the changing opinion of constituents. The worst is the principled superior creature who scorns polls and prefers not to be called or faxed or Emailed or visited because he knows better than you what’s good for you, and he can get more done if you leave him alone. We have to decide which kind of president we want to have come January.

The campaign to elect the president is over. The campaign to make the president DO what he was elected FOR is underway.

more at link --
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I knew what he said about women, but I had no idea of that shit about Africa, what a goddamned buffoon.

I'd like to brush that aside for one moment - it'll be dismissed as "the pc police" anyway, as if those kinds of beliefs were a matter of a lack of "political correctness" and not complete derangement.

Let's look at his qualifications. This is what I don't understand. First of all, when pundits from Chris matthews to Bill O'Reilly all tell you that someone is "brilliant" you better run man. Cause that means that person is a goddamned fool. Bet on it. But more importantly, this guy was a total proponent of the policies that got us where we are. There is a big piece in today's NY Times about the fall of Citibank. Well guess who was really behind creating that mess? Rubin! the same fool who is advising Obama economically on the transistion, which means he's got a big hand in picking these guys. I am just banging my head against the wall. Why is it that at a certain level, white males always, and only, fail up?


Well, he sure fucked that up - let's put him in charge! I'm just flabbergasted.
I knew what he said about women, but I had no idea of that shit about Africa, what a goddamned buffoon.

I'd like to brush that aside for one moment - it'll be dismissed as "the pc police" anyway, as if those kinds of beliefs were a matter of a lack of "political correctness" and not complete derangement.

Let's look at his qualifications. This is what I don't understand. First of all, when pundits from Chris matthews to Bill O'Reilly all tell you that someone is "brilliant" you better run man. Cause that means that person is a goddamned fool. Bet on it. But more importantly, this guy was a total proponent of the policies that got us where we are. There is a big piece in today's NY Times about the fall of Citibank. Well guess who was really behind creating that mess? Rubin! the same fool who is advising Obama economically on the transistion, which means he's got a big hand in picking these guys. I am just banging my head against the wall. Why is it that at a certain level, white males always, and only, fail up?


Well, he sure fucked that up - let's put him in charge! I'm just flabbergasted.

Yeah. I have to say, all in all, I don't know what the hell Obama's thinking in putting him in that position.
I think that there is probably something about engineering and science, or the way that it is taught, that just doesn't appeal to most women's sensibilities. I don't think men have any special aptitude for it. That's retarded. When women do choose that as a career field, they do just as well as men.
I knew what he said about women, but I had no idea of that shit about Africa, what a goddamned buffoon.

I'd like to brush that aside for one moment - it'll be dismissed as "the pc police" anyway, as if those kinds of beliefs were a matter of a lack of "political correctness" and not complete derangement.

Let's look at his qualifications. This is what I don't understand. First of all, when pundits from Chris matthews to Bill O'Reilly all tell you that someone is "brilliant" you better run man. Cause that means that person is a goddamned fool. Bet on it. But more importantly, this guy was a total proponent of the policies that got us where we are. There is a big piece in today's NY Times about the fall of Citibank. Well guess who was really behind creating that mess? Rubin! the same fool who is advising Obama economically on the transistion, which means he's got a big hand in picking these guys. I am just banging my head against the wall. Why is it that at a certain level, white males always, and only, fail up?


Well, he sure fucked that up - let's put him in charge! I'm just flabbergasted.

It's just mindboggling.

What about Paul Krugman .. he just won the Nobel Prize for Economics and he was tight about every damn thing he said about Bush policies.

Where is the fucking "change" ??
It's just mindboggling.

What about Paul Krugman .. he just won the Nobel Prize for Economics and he was tight about every damn thing he said about Bush policies.

Where is the fucking "change" ??
The change is going to be what is left of our retirement accounts when this is all said and done.
I like Summers and Giethner. You know we'll be free trade moderate Capitalist with a Keynesian twist. But yeah, if you bought the stuff Obama was selling on the stump you just got hosed.
Did people really think that in a time of economic crisis Obama was going to appoint a bunch of people with no experience in government? Is that really what you want? A bunch of people that have a much larger learning curve or people who can hit the ground running and stop the bleeding? I know that if my house is on fire I don't want an entire group of rookies at the FD to come and fight their first fire at my burning house or building. What really pisses people off, I think, is that Obama isn't appointing a bunch of real left wing, "let's stick it to the rich" economists on his team so we can get some "payback" for all these years of Bush stickin' it to the middle class while the rich got all the benefits. Too many dems really thought they were going to get a class warfare warrior. Well in case you hadn't noticed John Edwards lost and he is only "sticking" it to one person at a time, though he did get to really screw one rich person in his wife Elizabeth. I think too many of you thought you were voting in the vanguard proletariat when in fact you voted for a president that is in charge of a regulated market economy that needs to do something to right this ship. This is the US not Venezuela.

where are you gettting this info from BAC?

[edit] Public official and educational administrator
Summers was on the staff of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Reagan from 1982-1983. He also served as an economic adviser to the Dukakis Presidential campaign in 1988.

Summers left Harvard in 1991 and served as Chief Economist for the World Bank until 1993, when he was appointed Undersecretary for International Affairs and later in the United States Department of the Treasury under the Clinton administration. In 1995, he was promoted to Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under his long-time political mentor Robert Rubin.

In 1999, he succeeded Rubin as Secretary of the Treasury. He left the Treasury in 2001 and returned to Harvard as its President. Summers served as the 27th President of Harvard University from July 2001 until June 2006.

In 2006 he was a member of the Panel of Eminent Persons which reviewed the work of The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development or UNCTAD.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]

Starting in 2009, he will be director of the White House National Economic Council
He campained on tax hikes, not going to happen
Tougher trade agreements, not going to happen

Liberals should be mad that people like me are happy about his appointments...
Academic economist
As a researcher, Summers has made important contributions in many areas of economics, primarily public finance, labor economics, financial economics, and macroeconomics. To a lesser extent, Summers has also worked in international economics, economic demography, economic history, and development economics. His work generally emphasizes the analysis of empirical economic data in order to answer well-defined questions (for example: Does saving respond to after-tax interest rates? Are the returns from stocks and stock portfolios predictable?, Are most of those who receive unemployment benefits only transitorily unemployed?, etc.) For his work he received the John Bates Clark Medal in 1993 from the American Economic Association. In 1987 he was the first social scientist to win the Alan T. Waterman Award from the National Science Foundation. Summers is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences.


Look at his areas of study and maybe you will have an idea why he was picked.

He sounds like he may be an asshole personally but seems to have the right economic approach as an Obama direction would suggest.
He campained on tax hikes, not going to happen
Tougher trade agreements, not going to happen

Liberals should be mad that people like me are happy about his appointments...

This is what a REAL party looks like my friend.

Just watch us dems argue back and forth about wether these appointments are good enough. Do you remember any such infighting in your party? Nope ?

Well that is because we dont march in locked step like other partys.
My party? LOL.

If your talking about Republicans, unless you've been living under a rock their is wide disagreements between the Libertarian wing and the Bible Belt...
Did people really think that in a time of economic crisis Obama was going to appoint a bunch of people with no experience in government? Is that really what you want? A bunch of people that have a much larger learning curve or people who can hit the ground running and stop the bleeding? I know that if my house is on fire I don't want an entire group of rookies at the FD to come and fight their first fire at my burning house or building. What really pisses people off, I think, is that Obama isn't appointing a bunch of real left wing, "let's stick it to the rich" economists on his team so we can get some "payback" for all these years of Bush stickin' it to the middle class while the rich got all the benefits. Too many dems really thought they were going to get a class warfare warrior. Well in case you hadn't noticed John Edwards lost and he is only "sticking" it to one person at a time, though he did get to really screw one rich person in his wife Elizabeth. I think too many of you thought you were voting in the vanguard proletariat when in fact you voted for a president that is in charge of a regulated market economy that needs to do something to right this ship. This is the US not Venezuela.

No, what really pisses me off, is that he put up a "LIberals Need Not Apply" sign. No one has said anything about sticking it to anybody, or across the board liberal appointments. It's only guys like you and Chap in fact, who are demanding across the board anything.

But of course, you believe that's being reasonable. And that liberals, the people who got Obama the nomination, are being unreasonable by saying "umm, could we have one spot" "remember us? is there anything for us?"
hes definitely a smart dude and friends with obama. his comments about the way woman's minds work versus men is interesting. I wonder if that was from a scientific study or something.
hes definitely a smart dude and friends with obama. his comments about the way woman's minds work versus men is interesting. I wonder if that was from a scientific study or something.

Well, maybe it was from the same study that found that black people's lives are worth less so we should dump our toxic waste in Africa, another position of Sumner's.

What do you think?
Well, maybe it was from the same study that found that black people's lives are worth less so we should dump our toxic waste in Africa, another position of Sumner's.

What do you think?

What's telling about all of this is the way the Emperors clothes are peeling off a lot of people.

Perhaps Chap believes a "study" justifies the long held belief that blacks are inferior.