Obama slaps Women, Blacks, and Hispanics With Larry Summers

Well, maybe it was from the same study that found that black people's lives are worth less so we should dump our toxic waste in Africa, another position of Sumner's.

What do you think?

Id have to read it. first i have heard of that but It could change my opinion.
Ok. yah this guys a bum. Creepy opinion about pollution. Tho i don't think he mentions anything about race:

What's telling about all of this is the way the Emperors clothes are peeling off a lot of people.

Perhaps Chap believes a "study" justifies the long held belief that blacks are inferior.

He probably never heard about it! Have you seen it in the msm? All I have seen is what he said about women. It's like, they won't even touch this.
Ok. yah this guys a bum. Creepy opinion about pollution. Tho i don't think he mentions anything about race:


The Summers Conundrum

We all know in the backs of our minds that Barack Obama's incredible victory will eventually be followed by disappointment. But does it have to come so soon, and hit so hard? The answer will be yes, if Lawrence Summers is named treasury secretary in the president-elect's cabinet, as many observers believe will be the case. Summers was one of the key architects of our financial crisis--hiring him to fix the economy makes as much sense as appointing Paul Wolfowitz to oversee the Iraq withdrawal. And when you look at the trail of economic destruction Summers left behind in other crisis-stricken countries who sought his advice in the past, then "terror" might be a more appropriate word than "disappointment."

The conventional wisdom is that Summers is the "centrist" choice--Fareed Zakaria ("I think Summers is an extraordinarily brilliant guy") and David Gergen ("Larry Summers would be superb at this job"), two titans of centrism, both weighed in Sunday on the Stephanopoulos show in favor of Summers. And yet so far the debate over Summers has been largely confined to two outrageous moments in his career: his 1991 World Bank memo calling Africa "UNDER-polluted," and his more recent declarations, while serving as president of Harvard, about women's genetic inferiority in math and science. By themselves, these two incidents might be dismissed as merely provocative in a maverick-moron sort of way, as many of Summers' supporters argue; but in the context of Summers's track record, in which he oversaw the destruction of entire economies and covered up cronyism and corruption, his Africa memo and sexist declarations aren't exceptions but rather part of a disturbing pattern.

From the start, Summers has been on the wrong side of Obama's supporters. In 1982, while still a graduate student at Harvard, Summers was brought to Washington by his dissertation advisor Martin Feldstein, the supply-side economist, to serve on Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisors. Those first years in the Reagan administration were crucial in the right-wing war against New Deal regulation of the banking system and financial markets--a war that Reagan's team won, and that we're all paying for today.


In light of all of the corruption, cronyism and devastation that have marked his career, Summers' statements about an under-polluted Africa or intellectually-inferior women no longer seem like provocative eccentricities but part and parcel of the Summers shtick. And now there's talk that President-elect Obama may hand the keys to national treasury to Summers--meaning that he'll be in charge of overseeing a trillion-dollar taxpayer bailout of the entire financial industry, a process already rife with conflicts of interest, cronyism and corruption--as detailed by Naomi Klein.

The bailout, as currently implemented, threatens to devastate America's economy much as Russia's and Lithuania's were devastated before. The idea that this is exactly the right time and place to put Larry Summers in charge of our economy's future is so frightening that it makes the Sarah Palin vice presidential choice seem almost quaint by comparison. Let's hope the rumors are wrong.

more at link
The Summers Conundrum
on the flip side i watched some special on Obama before elected that said many if not most of his polices were formed and backed by people at Harvard and that we should expect heavy influence from Harvard if elected.
on the flip side i watched some special on Obama before elected that said many if not most of his polices were formed and backed by people at Harvard and that we should expect heavy influence from Harvard if elected.

C'mon brother .. be honest.

A black man whose father is from Africa appoints a man who believes non-white, specifically African and Hispanic life are less valuable and expendable .. and he appoints him because he went to the same school.

How utterly ridiculous is that.

I have been spanking the shit out of blacks who supported this clown.

Suddenly a racist .. who also happens to believe women are genetically inferior .. is supposed to be OK because Obama said so?

Who in the fuck is Obama .. better still, what in the fuck is Obama?
My party? LOL.

If your talking about Republicans, unless you've been living under a rock their is wide disagreements between the Libertarian wing and the Bible Belt...

And the republican party courted and pandered to the religious right starting with Reagan. They used it to get elected and then they were stuck with them as a big part of the base. They got to a point where they had to cheat to win even with this base. Now they cant even cheat and win with this base.

They need to dump the Dixie/Palin vote and start being a smart and honest party once again. Its going to leave them in the wilderness for years to come even if they get it right.
Summers has made important contributions in many areas of economics, primarily public finance, labor economics, financial economics, and macroeconomics. To a lesser extent, Summers has also worked in international economics, economic demography, economic history, and development economics. His work generally emphasizes the analysis of empirical economic data in order to answer well-defined questions

This is why Obama picked this guy.

Has this guy said stupid things in his lifetime ? Yes

Is this guy going to be contributing to economic policy? Yes

Is this guy going to be contributing to social policy? No
C'mon brother .. be honest.

A black man whose father is from Africa appoints a man who believes non-white, specifically African and Hispanic life are less valuable and expendable .. and he appoints him because he went to the same school.

How utterly ridiculous is that.

I have been spanking the shit out of blacks who supported this clown.

Suddenly a racist .. who also happens to believe women are genetically inferior .. is supposed to be OK because Obama said so?

Who in the fuck is Obama .. better still, what in the fuck is Obama?

I read the toxic memo again. I dont believe hes referring to ONLY Africa and I dont think hes automatically a racist unless you believe that only blacks live in under developed countries. What about some of the balkin states, or some in latin America?

Maybe i just give people the benefit of the doubt to much and that hes a utter racist who wants to make only black countries toxic.
I read the toxic memo again. I dont believe hes referring to ONLY Africa and I dont think hes automatically a racist unless you believe that only blacks live in under developed countries. What about some of the balkin states, or some in latin America?

Maybe i just give people the benefit of the doubt to much and that hes a utter racist who wants to make only black countries toxic.

You did notice that I posted "Latin America" about a thousand times.

How does this make what he said any less insane?

You did notice that Summers was chased out of the World Bank and out of Harvard for his statements outrageous beliefs, didn't you?

You give him the benefit of the doubt, I'm non-white, so are my children .. I don't have your luxury not to care.
You did notice that I posted "Latin America" about a thousand times.

How does this make what he said any less insane?

You did notice that Summers was chased out of the World Bank and out of Harvard for his statements outrageous beliefs, didn't you?

You give him the benefit of the doubt, I'm non-white, so are my children .. I don't have your luxury not to care.

Didn't say I don't care. im just trying to understand who he is better. You follow these people closer so have more info. From this am when i read he was in i went from thinking oh ok a Harvard guy to wow this guys pretty sleazy.