Obama stirring hope in the world: "Der schwarze Kennedy,"


Abreast of the situations
I really think just by electing this guy we will see a huge surge of investment into our country.


(AP) Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, gestures for time as Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., responds...
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Germans are gaga over Barack Obama. He's got Japan pretty jazzed, too, along with Hillary Rodham Clinton. Russia's leaders, not so much: They prefer a Republican - as long as it's not Kremlin critic John McCain.

And Mexico's president? He doesn't have much use for any of them.

America's extraordinary presidential campaign has captivated politicians and ordinary people around the globe. With so much at stake in the race for the White House, the world is watching with an intensity that hasn't been seen since the Clinton era began in 1992.

After eight years of President Bush, the latest mantra in U.S. politics - "transformational change" - is resonating across the rest of a planet desperate for a fresh start.

"They feel there's a real chance to work with the U.S.," said Julianne Smith, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. "America's image in the world is really on the line."

Non-Americans, she said, are looking for someone who can "restore faith in the United States."

Obama, perhaps not surprisingly, is generating most of the buzz abroad.

"Der schwarze Kennedy," some German admirers are calling him: "The black JFK."

"He is young, charming and sexy!" the mass-circulation newspaper Bild gushed. "Obama is now the ideal projection screen for hopes and expectations in Europe" and the U.S. alike, said Christian Hacke, a professor at the University of Bonn.

"I like him. I like his ideas, his attitude, his appearance. I prefer him to Hillary Clinton, who is more artificial," said Eva Berto, a Rome doctor who thinks Obama would bring a new approach to the crisis in Iraq and the nuclear standoff with Iran.

Japanese media are closely tracking both Obama and the woman they refer to simply as "Hillary," and focusing on the possibility that either could make history.

"The idea since the country's founding - 'You can't become president if you're not a white man' - has already been destroyed," the Mainichi newspaper said in an editorial.

But in Europe, where some see Obama as untested, support for Clinton is widespread, and nostalgia for her husband's charisma runs deep. When scandals rocked the Clinton White House, most Europeans responded with a Gallic shrug.

"Nobody in Europe ever took Bill Clinton's problems in office seriously," said Patrick Dunleavy, a political scientist at the London School of Economics. "Nobody could ever understand why Americans were so upset. Bill Clinton was always a fantastic presence in Europe."

The Republican presidential hopefuls, by contrast, are not highly regarded in Europe: Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are seen as too religious, and the 71-year-old McCain as too old.

To Britons, history's most popular postwar presidents were Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton because of their perceived levelheadedness and intelligence, said Dunleavy. The most despised? President Bush and Ronald Reagan "because they were seen as erratic and unpredictable," he said.

Yet Democrats don't rule the entire world of public opinion.

Saad al-Hadithi, a political analyst in Baghdad, contends the Republican candidates are more committed to Iraq and have a better approach.

"They show more support to the political progress and to combating terrorist groups in Iraq," he said. "The Democrats, especially Hillary Clinton, are calling for the withdrawal of U.S. forces, but they are not offering an alternative. Such a withdrawal while the Iraqi security forces are still weak will lead to disastrous results."

Russia's leaders also consider Republicans more pragmatic, said Nkolai Petrov, an analyst with the Carnegie Moscow Center.

But the Kremlin, Petrov said, would likely have "serious concerns" if McCain wins the Republican nomination because of the Arizona senator's harsh and persistent criticism of Vladimir Putin's autocratic government.

Others in Russia are drawn to the lively U.S. campaign if only because it's such a sharp contrast to Moscow's tightly choreographed March 2 presidential election - a contest that Putin's favored successor, Dmitry Medvedev, is seen as certain to win.

Africans naturally gravitate toward Obama, whose father was from Kenya.

Israelis, though, seem to prefer Hillary Clinton - even though Obama has voiced support for key Israeli demands in peace talks with the Palestinians - because of her experience and the backing Bill Clinton gave to the Jewish state during his two terms as president.

Amid the raging debate over immigration, Mexicans arguably have more at stake in the U.S. election than any other nation. But President Felipe Calderon doesn't think very highly of any of the candidates.

"The only theme," he declared in December, "is to compete to see who can be the most swaggering, macho and anti-Mexican."

In the post-Bush era, the bottom line is blunt and simple, Dunleavy said.

"People all around the world are pretty worried," he said. "They want a president who will restore a kind of U.S. legitimacy in the world."


Associated Press writers Matt Moore in Berlin, Sameer N. Yacoub in Baghdad, Steve Gutterman in Moscow, Bernd Bergmann in Rome, Natacha Rios in Paris and Karel Janicek in Prague contributed to this report.
However, if he gets the nomination there will be a huge republian onslaught against him.

-They will start by saying he is inexperienced....

-If that does not work they will look for vague scandals they can try to make look real... (Like what they do to the Clintons)

-If that does not work expect them to start "accidently" calling him "Barak Obama", "Ossama Obama" or simply using his middle name as often as possable, "Barak Hussen Obama".

I am sure there are some real Rovian tricks they have planned to fool a certian percent of the public, and it will likely work, again!
it wont matter. he will crush McCain.

I would not be so sure... Look how many were fooled into voting for the nare-do-well Bush, all because he convenced some people that Gore claimed to invent the internet.
gore is a bozo. i still wouldn't vote for him. FINNALY the dems found a good candidate in Obama that can reach to moderates.
Gore was the Bozo???


Bush still has you fooled!

Somehow when we tell you that Gore was a bozo (which he was) you read that to mean that he was worse than GWB (which he wasn't).

But finally the Democrats have someone other than a Gore-Kerry-Edwards moron to carry their flag, and they will finally see some moderate votes as a result.
Somehow when we tell you that Gore was a bozo (which he was) you read that to mean that he was worse than GWB (which he wasn't).

But finally the Democrats have someone other than a Gore-Kerry-Edwards moron to carry their flag, and they will finally see some moderate votes as a result.

Okay... I see your point. However I dont belive Obama is more moderate than Kerry... I really dont. Its all about packaging and marketing for some people.
I really think just by electing this guy we will see a huge surge of investment into our country.


(AP) Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, gestures for time as Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., responds...
Full Image

Germans are gaga over Barack Obama. He's got Japan pretty jazzed, too, along with Hillary Rodham Clinton. Russia's leaders, not so much: They prefer a Republican - as long as it's not Kremlin critic John McCain.

And Mexico's president? He doesn't have much use for any of them.

America's extraordinary presidential campaign has captivated politicians and ordinary people around the globe. With so much at stake in the race for the White House, the world is watching with an intensity that hasn't been seen since the Clinton era began in 1992.

After eight years of President Bush, the latest mantra in U.S. politics - "transformational change" - is resonating across the rest of a planet desperate for a fresh start.

"They feel there's a real chance to work with the U.S.," said Julianne Smith, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. "America's image in the world is really on the line."

Non-Americans, she said, are looking for someone who can "restore faith in the United States."

Obama, perhaps not surprisingly, is generating most of the buzz abroad.

"Der schwarze Kennedy," some German admirers are calling him: "The black JFK."

"He is young, charming and sexy!" the mass-circulation newspaper Bild gushed. "Obama is now the ideal projection screen for hopes and expectations in Europe" and the U.S. alike, said Christian Hacke, a professor at the University of Bonn.

"I like him. I like his ideas, his attitude, his appearance. I prefer him to Hillary Clinton, who is more artificial," said Eva Berto, a Rome doctor who thinks Obama would bring a new approach to the crisis in Iraq and the nuclear standoff with Iran.

Japanese media are closely tracking both Obama and the woman they refer to simply as "Hillary," and focusing on the possibility that either could make history.

"The idea since the country's founding - 'You can't become president if you're not a white man' - has already been destroyed," the Mainichi newspaper said in an editorial.

But in Europe, where some see Obama as untested, support for Clinton is widespread, and nostalgia for her husband's charisma runs deep. When scandals rocked the Clinton White House, most Europeans responded with a Gallic shrug.

"Nobody in Europe ever took Bill Clinton's problems in office seriously," said Patrick Dunleavy, a political scientist at the London School of Economics. "Nobody could ever understand why Americans were so upset. Bill Clinton was always a fantastic presence in Europe."

The Republican presidential hopefuls, by contrast, are not highly regarded in Europe: Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are seen as too religious, and the 71-year-old McCain as too old.

To Britons, history's most popular postwar presidents were Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton because of their perceived levelheadedness and intelligence, said Dunleavy. The most despised? President Bush and Ronald Reagan "because they were seen as erratic and unpredictable," he said.

Yet Democrats don't rule the entire world of public opinion.

Saad al-Hadithi, a political analyst in Baghdad, contends the Republican candidates are more committed to Iraq and have a better approach.

"They show more support to the political progress and to combating terrorist groups in Iraq," he said. "The Democrats, especially Hillary Clinton, are calling for the withdrawal of U.S. forces, but they are not offering an alternative. Such a withdrawal while the Iraqi security forces are still weak will lead to disastrous results."

Russia's leaders also consider Republicans more pragmatic, said Nkolai Petrov, an analyst with the Carnegie Moscow Center.

But the Kremlin, Petrov said, would likely have "serious concerns" if McCain wins the Republican nomination because of the Arizona senator's harsh and persistent criticism of Vladimir Putin's autocratic government.

Others in Russia are drawn to the lively U.S. campaign if only because it's such a sharp contrast to Moscow's tightly choreographed March 2 presidential election - a contest that Putin's favored successor, Dmitry Medvedev, is seen as certain to win.

Africans naturally gravitate toward Obama, whose father was from Kenya.

Israelis, though, seem to prefer Hillary Clinton - even though Obama has voiced support for key Israeli demands in peace talks with the Palestinians - because of her experience and the backing Bill Clinton gave to the Jewish state during his two terms as president.

Amid the raging debate over immigration, Mexicans arguably have more at stake in the U.S. election than any other nation. But President Felipe Calderon doesn't think very highly of any of the candidates.

"The only theme," he declared in December, "is to compete to see who can be the most swaggering, macho and anti-Mexican."

In the post-Bush era, the bottom line is blunt and simple, Dunleavy said.

"People all around the world are pretty worried," he said. "They want a president who will restore a kind of U.S. legitimacy in the world."


Associated Press writers Matt Moore in Berlin, Sameer N. Yacoub in Baghdad, Steve Gutterman in Moscow, Bernd Bergmann in Rome, Natacha Rios in Paris and Karel Janicek in Prague contributed to this report.

People will invest in America if they think its profitable. When Obama raises taxes they may think twice.
What you dont understand Dillo is what the world is worried about is our inability to control our finances.

If the president raised taxes to fix our budget the world would breath a sigh of relief and be much more likely to invest in our economy.

The sooner we get our fiscal house in order the sooner they will invest in us.

The world hates Bush for many of the same reasons I do. Face it you are just the fringe.
Okay... I see your point. However I dont belive Obama is more moderate than Kerry... I really dont. Its all about packaging and marketing for some people.

Moderate is sort of a useless word so I'll choose a different one. One man's moderate is another man's extremist.

Obama has a broad-based appeal that Gore, Kerry, and Edwards all lacked, and if Obama is the nominee then I can see Republicans, Independents and Democrats alike casting ballots for him in November.

If Hillary is the nominee the Democrats will lose.
Moderate is sort of a useless word so I'll choose a different one. One man's moderate is another man's extremist.

Obama has a broad-based appeal that Gore, Kerry, and Edwards all lacked, and if Obama is the nominee then I can see Republicans, Independents and Democrats alike casting ballots for him in November.

If Hillary is the nominee the Democrats will lose.

I see that, however politically Obama is more liberal than Clinton.
However, if he gets the nomination there will be a huge republian onslaught against him.

-They will start by saying he is inexperienced....

-If that does not work they will look for vague scandals they can try to make look real... (Like what they do to the Clintons)

-If that does not work expect them to start "accidently" calling him "Barak Obama", "Ossama Obama" or simply using his middle name as often as possable, "Barak Hussen Obama".

I am sure there are some real Rovian tricks they have planned to fool a certian percent of the public, and it will likely work, again!

It doesn't matter.

The republicans can't stop him.
I think those tactics will only work on the fringe now.

Americans are much more engaged in the process at this momment.

Obama will make the gap wide enough for the cheating to fail in placing an R in the top seat.
What you dont understand Dillo is what the world is worried about is our inability to control our finances.

If the president raised taxes to fix our budget the world would breath a sigh of relief and be much more likely to invest in our economy.

The sooner we get our fiscal house in order the sooner they will invest in us.

The world hates Bush for many of the same reasons I do. Face it you are just the fringe.

Other countries are investing billions in the U.S. now. Who do you think is buying up much of our debt?

And no, foreign investors would not breathe a sigh of relief at raised taxes. Foreign investors weigh the opportunity cost of their capital and where they can get the highest returns. Raising taxes does not mean keeping more of your money.
The thing I still find so amazing, and maybe I am even a little skeptical of, is the number of republicans that have said they would vote for Obama. Not just here. I have lots of moderate republican friends that are very excited about his campaign. I have heard several republicans say they would have changed their registration for the caucaus if they had known more about him but the dead line passed some time ago. I like the guy because he really does seem to have broad based appeal. Sort of the same thing that would have made me vote for Powell had he ever run because he was not a lock step Republican. He held views that were contrary to the right wing platform of the party.