Obama stirring hope in the world: "Der schwarze Kennedy,"

The thing I still find so amazing, and maybe I am even a little skeptical of, is the number of republicans that have said they would vote for Obama. Not just here. I have lots of moderate republican friends that are very excited about his campaign. I have heard several republicans say they would have changed their registration for the caucaus if they had known more about him but the dead line passed some time ago. I like the guy because he really does seem to have broad based appeal. Sort of the same thing that would have made me vote for Powell had he ever run because he was not a lock step Republican. He held views that were contrary to the right wing platform of the party.

I have always chocked that up to them beliveing that there is no way he will beat Senator Clinton and they are trying to illistrate a point about how bad they belive her to be... Funny when she is more conservative than Obama. She is closer to a Republican than Obama!
The thing I still find so amazing, and maybe I am even a little skeptical of, is the number of republicans that have said they would vote for Obama. Not just here. I have lots of moderate republican friends that are very excited about his campaign. I have heard several republicans say they would have changed their registration for the caucaus if they had known more about him but the dead line passed some time ago. I like the guy because he really does seem to have broad based appeal. Sort of the same thing that would have made me vote for Powell had he ever run because he was not a lock step Republican. He held views that were contrary to the right wing platform of the party.

I'm a registered Republican and I like Obama. Now I'm not going to go as far as to say I would vote for him but I do like his message of hope.
It is easy to like "hope" but repitition of the word isn't policy.

I "hope" HillBilly cries again.
