Obama supports killing missile defense, slowing future combat systems...

Tell you what Lorax... you want to see Gumby go nuts.... watch him answer this....

Gumby.... if man is the primary cause.... Why is it that 2007 global temperatures were the same as they were in 1998? Man is causing so much change yet over the past decade we see no increase? why gumby why?


The year 2007 tied for second warmest in the period of instrumental data, behind the record warmth of 2005, in the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) analysis. 2007 tied 1998.
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"It is a waste of time, energy and resources to try to find out who to blame, when we can instead be working on solutions"

You understand the political climate we live in....right? Or maybe you don't; if you did, you would understand how stupidly naive this sentiment would be.

Corporate lobbyists & their lackeys on this subject live for one thing right now: creating an impression of heated debate on the topic of climate change, and making some of the conclusions that have already been supported by a majority of those in the field seem "unreliable" and subjective.

Why do you think that is?
"It is a waste of time, energy and resources to try to find out who to blame, when we can instead be working on solutions"

You understand the political climate we live in....right? Or maybe you don't; if you did, you would understand how stupidly naive this sentiment would be.

Corporate lobbyists & their lackeys on this subject live for one thing right now: creating an impression of heated debate on the topic of climate change, and making some of the conclusions that have already been supported by a majority of those in the field seem "unreliable" and subjective.

Why do you think that is?

Right, it is naive to focus on solutions rather than blame.

Are you suggesting that our political and environmental leadership is so unbelievably inept that they cannot make the case for reduction of emissions and pollution without blaming man? Because there are no health concerns? No national security concerns?

I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that once we start focusing research and money on solutions rather than blame that the funding for the blame game dries up.
"It is a waste of time, energy and resources to try to find out who to blame, when we can instead be working on solutions"

You understand the political climate we live in....right? Or maybe you don't; if you did, you would understand how stupidly naive this sentiment would be.

Corporate lobbyists & their lackeys on this subject live for one thing right now: creating an impression of heated debate on the topic of climate change, and making some of the conclusions that have already been supported by a majority of those in the field seem "unreliable" and subjective.

Why do you think that is?

Lorax.... this is also an example of why your blame game is a waste of time.... a decade goes by and temperatures are where they were in 1998?

if man is the primary cause.... Why is it that 2007 global temperatures were the same as they were in 1998? Man is causing so much change yet over the past decade we see no increase? why gumby why?


"The year 2007 tied for second warmest in the period of instrumental data, behind the record warmth of 2005, in the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) analysis. 2007 tied 1998."

Now we can either go about trying to spout of 1000 reasons the temperature hasn't increased in the last decade even though man is the primary cause.... blah blah blah.... or we can focus our energy and resources into finding ways to reduce emissions, pollution and dependence on foreign energy.

Which one is going to actually benefit the environment, our health and our security?
Right, it is naive to focus on solutions rather than blame.

Are you suggesting that our political and environmental leadership is so unbelievably inept that they cannot make the case for reduction of emissions and pollution without blaming man? Because there are no health concerns? No national security concerns?

I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that once we start focusing research and money on solutions rather than blame that the funding for the blame game dries up.

I can't believe you're so obtuse & stupid sometimes.

The answer to my question is as follows: as long as corporate lobbyists & their lackeys can create a perception of vigorous debate on this issue, they keep any meaningful action from being taken in America to accelerate development of alternatives, improve things like fuel efficiency & really start to ween ourselves off of foreign oil.

Man, I had no idea you were so naive...
I can't believe you're so obtuse & stupid sometimes.

The answer to my question is as follows: as long as corporate lobbyists & their lackeys can create a perception of vigorous debate on this issue, they keep any meaningful action from being taken in America to accelerate development of alternatives, improve things like fuel efficiency & really start to ween ourselves off of foreign oil.

Man, I had no idea you were so naive...

Funny Lorax... but that is the same answer to the question....

Why focus on how much man is to blame...

because as long as those getting paid to research how much man is to blame can keep the focus on how much man is to blame, they will continue to get paid.

YOU are falling right into the trap of both parties. The scientists that don't want their funding turned off and the corporations that are all too happy to keep this game going.

Good to see you and Gumby playing the parts of the fools.
Funny Lorax... but that is the same answer to the question....

Why focus on how much man is to blame...

because as long as those getting paid to research how much man is to blame can keep the focus on how much man is to blame, they will continue to get paid.

YOU are falling right into the trap of both parties. The scientists that don't want their funding turned off and the corporations that are all too happy to keep this game going.

Good to see you and Gumby playing the parts of the fools.

You are such an idiot. I shouldn't waste so much time with someone who has had such a thorough lobotomy.

These are 2 different things. You are casting doubt on the opinion of a wide range & # of scientists in the field, simply on the assumption that they are corrupt, and reaching conclusions solely to "keep getting paid" (which is idiotic on its surface, because many are full-time employees of universities & research organizations that focus on much more than this slice of the research puzzle, and would continue on their merry way with or without that specific funding).

The people I'm talking about are lobbyists & think tanks who are supported by the likes of ExxonMobil. There is kind of a big difference there.

What a friggin' Blockhead.....
sure it is.... it was a fair hijacking. The original topic was pretty much over anyway.... unless you wanted to continue poking fun at WRL???
ROFL Ok fair enough you caught me. I always enjoy jabbing at him. He never addresses the issue but regurgitates talking points. Carry on!
You are such an idiot. I shouldn't waste so much time with someone who has had such a thorough lobotomy.

These are 2 different things. You are casting doubt on the opinion of a wide range & # of scientists in the field, simply on the assumption that they are corrupt, and reaching conclusions solely to "keep getting paid" (which is idiotic on its surface, because many are full-time employees of universities & research organizations that focus on much more than this slice of the research puzzle, and would continue on their merry way with or without that specific funding).

The people I'm talking about are lobbyists & think tanks who are supported by the likes of ExxonMobil. There is kind of a big difference there.

What a friggin' Blockhead.....

No, I was showing you that I too can point my finger and scream about corruption.... it is childish and ignorant and a feeble attempt to change the topic from the subject.

DOES it benefit us in any way to know how much man is "to blame"? Or do we simply need to know that man can effect the environment/temperatures with pollution and emissions?

You act as though a case cannot be made for reduction in emissions and pollutions without first screaming about how much man is to blame. That is idiotic.
No, I was showing you that I too can point my finger and scream about corruption.... it is childish and ignorant and a feeble attempt to change the topic from the subject.

DOES it benefit us in any way to know how much man is "to blame"? Or do we simply need to know that man can effect the environment/temperatures with pollution and emissions?

You act as though a case cannot be made for reduction in emissions and pollutions without first screaming about how much man is to blame. That is idiotic.

And my argument is more reflective of reality. You live on some sort of weird fantasy planet.

People have made the argument about pollution & national security. Still, very little meaningful action is being taken, in large part because the Exxon funded shills have done such an outstanding job at creating an impression of vigorous debate (and one did an even better job of redacting incriminating sections from actual White House reports on the topic).

So, yeah - in the planet that I live on, given who has the big money & who doesn't, hammering home definitively the existence & extent of man's contribution to climate change IS important. Not sure how it is on Blockhead Fantasy Planet.
And my argument is more reflective of reality. You live on some sort of weird fantasy planet.

People have made the argument about pollution & national security. Still, very little meaningful action is being taken, in large part because the Exxon funded shills have done such an outstanding job at creating an impression of vigorous debate (and one did an even better job of redacting incriminating sections from actual White House reports on the topic).

So, yeah - in the planet that I live on, given who has the big money & who doesn't, hammering home definitively the existence & extent of man's contribution to climate change IS important. Not sure how it is on Blockhead Fantasy Planet.

Right. When is the last time there was anywhere near the focus on pollution and national security that there is and has been on global warming (or climate change or whatever they are calling it today)

Side note... why is it, if man is the primary cause that global temperatures have not risen in a decade?
To WRL: I'm glad you're still around, maybe YOU can get some of these people to understand the danger we're on the edge of, but it would be a miracle. Some people go through Life with Horse-Blinders on, gather at rallies for inexperienced, naive air-sellers, sing Kum-ba-ya, and put up giant signs that say, "Quiet, God is still speaking", even after "God" is shown to be LYING to them, and damaging their relationship with our biggest ally, Canada. And they think that the rallies, the Kum-ba-ya, and the "God is Speaking" signs are ENOUGH, to keep Iran from acquiring a ThermoNuclear Bomb, and USING it on The Great Satan, or Israel. They think its ENOUGH, to stop the expansionist 21st Century Policy of China and Russia. We don't NEED missle systems, or ANTI missle systems! We'll just have Barack TALK with them, and tell them about "Hope", and Change"! Yeah, that'll do it!

To AssHead, froggie, charver, and cypress:
Can anyone find a thread where SF shut up, and let someone else have the last word?
I think Damo should give another gift certificate to anyone who can find a thread where SF SHUT THE FUCK UP, for once. Just for once. On and on and on and on and on blah blah balh blah blah . He wears people down on this site, because very few people can go on for weeks, over and over and over, blah blah blah, and they finally just walk away and he thinks he’s won something. But the only thing he’s won is the blabber mouth award.

He’s like the JPP fishwife.
I'm sorry, I didn't finish.
To AssHead, froggie, charver, and cypress: GROW UP! WAKE UP! This is NOT the 60's with Peace, Love, and Bare Feet! If you truly WANT "peace", you have to be willing to FIGHT for it! A Great Man once said, "Peace through Strength", and "Trust, but Verify"
And BECAUSE of him, we got RID of the Empire that KILLED over FIFTY MILLION PEOPLE, many that were it's OWN citizens. And took down the Berlin Wall. But SINCE then, we've had a lot of touch-feely Presidents who DON'T understand that a lot of the world doesn't THINK like us. THEY go by ANOTHER quote of a "different" mindset than us. "True power comes from the point of a gun" That was Mao Tse-Tung. But Reagan believed that even though power comes from guns, WE don't want to USE those guns. But we HAVE to be PREPARED, for all the OTHER leaders who WILL "shoot first". Sometimes I think Liberals will just NEVER "get" that, sadly.
Can anyone find a thread where SF shut up, and let someone else have the last word?
I think Damo should give another gift certificate to anyone who can find a thread where SF SHUT THE FUCK UP, for once. Just for once. On and on and on and on and on blah blah balh blah blah . He wears people down on this site, because very few people can go on for weeks, over and over and over, blah blah blah, and they finally just walk away and he thinks he’s won something. But the only thing he’s won is the blabber mouth award.

He’s like the JPP fishwife.

:rant: or :crybaby:

Someone could use some anger managment classes. So much bitterness in one person cannot be good for you.
Yeah, super, that he/she is ONE ANGRY DUDE! I pointed out some shortcomings and inconsistencies in Mr.OBAMA, and Liberalism in general, and "darla" started talking to another idiot named "ass head", or something(HA!), and started talking about my Dead Mother! Them the Liberals call Conservatives the "Hate-Mongers, and Nazis" They NEED to read that Brillian book, "The Liberal Fascism".