Obama To Whine On National TV Tonight

red states rule

New member
Since Obama's hopes of driving the US into complete financial disaster by getting his Obamacare bill passed, are going down in flames, he has decided to go to the people and pitch his plan directly to Americans.

But didn't he already do that? I mean about 6 weeks ago ABC News and Barrack Obama held an infomercial at the White House trying to convince everyone that we should bow down and let him do what ever he wants.

My guess would be that fear tactics will be used again. He's banking on the average American not having a clue as to what will actually be in the healthcare bill.
His last one didn't draw the ratings in...so I hope this one BOMBS..I won't be watching, his head swiveling back and forth gives me a neck ache..
Does the whining of Red States ever end? Hopefully America will have healthcare or be on its way. Bravo. Forward is hard for dipshits.

Why do people find it necessary to share their stupidity, so don't watch, as if your 'ostrich in the hole' attitude really matters. Bah Humbug on wingnuts who can only say "we can't!"

Why do people find it necessary to share their stupidity, so don't watch, as if your 'ostrich in the hole' attitude really matters. Bah Humbug on wingnuts who can only say "we can't!"

maybe for the same reasons you do..
maybe for the same reasons you do..



Obama may have to wait for health care passage

WASHINGTON – Conservative House Democrats signaled on Wednesday that Congress is far from fulfilling President Barack Obama's goal of overhauling health care, just hours before the president planned another televised appeal to lawmakers to get the job done.

"We are making progress; however, we have a long way to go," Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., chairman of the Blue Dog health care task force, said in a statement. He said they would continue to work with the administration and Democratic leaders toward legislation they can ultimately support.
This is consistent with what Republicans are trying to do. Their interest is much more in making failure happen than progress for the American people.

Every Democrat wants to see health-care reform passed.

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) expressed optimism for passing health-care reform, possibly by the end of next week, saying, “I believe we are going to get to a place where we can create consensus where there will be agreement.” Later, he added, “We have every intention of passing health care and we want to pass it next week.”
blaa blaa blaa...everybody would like to see some reform in our health care system..just not the POWER grabbing crap that "the Hugo" and the Democrats are pushing..

over 50% of the people are now against...so I guess your alls thinking everybody are ignorant idiots isn't gonna fly and your cries it's all the Republican fault isn't either...remember the Democrats can pass this tomorrow if they had all the members of their own party on board....
Liberals are amazing. They attack a private company for making a profit while ignoring Obama will force Americans to take his healthcare plan and force US citizens to pay for coverage of illegals

Liberals demand someone else pay for thier healthcare, while at the same time, we the people are ordered to take Obamacare, Congress has exempted themselfes and unions from Obamacare
Liberals are amazing. They attack a private company for making a profit while ignoring Obama will force Americans to take his healthcare plan and force US citizens to pay for coverage of illegals

Liberals demand someone else pay for thier healthcare, while at the same time, we the people are ordered to take Obamacare, Congress has exempted themselfes and unions from Obamacare

"In response, Obama insisted he would not tolerate a plan that adds to the deficit over the next decade. He also said he wouldn't sign a bill funded primarily through taxes on the middle class."

The key words to pay attention to here are "he would not tolerate a plan that adds to the deficit over the next decade."

Be afraid. News about this and other issues are unfolding by the minute from this 1000+ page document that address the future, or in the very least the aftermath of this administration.

Once he's gone, do you really think he shives a git about what goes on? His medical will always be paid for....
"In response, Obama insisted he would not tolerate a plan that adds to the deficit over the next decade. He also said he wouldn't sign a bill funded primarily through taxes on the middle class."

The key words to pay attention to here are "he would not tolerate a plan that adds to the deficit over the next decade."

Be afraid. News about this and other issues are unfolding by the minute from this 1000+ page document that address the future, or in the very least the aftermath of this administration.

Once he's gone, do you really think he shives a git about what goes on? His medical will always be paid for....
He is careful with his words. If you note, the plan doesn't begin for about 5 years, and the hugest portion of the cost is put off until after he would finish a second term. It wouldn't add to the deficit in this decade, he's right about that, it would just add massively to the deficit at the beginning of the next decade...
Liberals are amazing. They attack a private company for making a profit while ignoring Obama will force Americans to take his healthcare plan and force US citizens to pay for coverage of illegals

Liberals demand someone else pay for thier healthcare, while at the same time, we the people are ordered to take Obamacare, Congress has exempted themselfes and unions from Obamacare

How much do you think each individual would be taxed with this health care plan? A ballpark figure will do.

Do you think Americans would pay more or less for this plan than they do for either private coverage or employer-subsidized coverage? Again, a ballpark figure on how much more or less will do.
He is careful with his words. If you note, the plan doesn't begin for about 5 years, and the hugest portion of the cost is put off until after he would finish a second term. It wouldn't add to the deficit in this decade, he's right about that, it would just add massively to the deficit at the beginning of the next decade...

His desperate attempt to make good on one of his campaign promises clouds his vision for the future. I want a system that is revamped. One where suits aren't telling the professionals who they can and cannot treat and adminster health care to. I don't see that being the suits in Washington anymore than I like the adminstrators that have a stranglehold on our current system.

I am not one of the people in the US that has to fight for medical... yet.

I am a long term employee of a company that provides well for their people. It was one of the chief reasons I applied to work where I did. Even at a young age, I recognized the importance of healthcare for me and my family.

As of today, and unless and until the government gets their hands in it, I will retire with lifetime medical. I worked for that and if the government takes that away, I am going to be good and pissed.
His desperate attempt to make good on one of his campaign promises clouds his vision for the future. I want a system that is revamped. One where suits aren't telling the professionals who they can and cannot treat and adminster health care to. I don't see that being the suits in Washington anymore than I like the adminstrators that have a stranglehold on our current system.

I am not one of the people in the US that has to fight for medical... yet.

I am a long term employee of a company that provides well for their people. It was one of the chief reasons I applied to work where I did. Even at a young age, I recognized the importance of healthcare for me and my family.

As of today, and unless and until the government gets their hands in it, I will retire with lifetime medical. I worked for that and if the government takes that away, I am going to be good and pissed.

How did Obama come up with the 1.3 trillion deficit he said he inherited from Bush? Do you know.?