Obama To Whine On National TV Tonight

How did Obama come up with the 1.3 trillion deficit he said he inherited from Bush? Do you know.?

How much do you think each individual would be taxed with this health care plan? A ballpark figure will do.

Do you think Americans would pay more or less for this plan than they do for either private coverage or employer-subsidized coverage? Again, a ballpark figure on how much more or less will do.
How much do you think each individual would be taxed with this health care plan? A ballpark figure will do.

Do you think Americans would pay more or less for this plan than they do for either private coverage or employer-subsidized coverage? Again, a ballpark figure on how much more or less will do.

It is clear everyione will pay more - that is why this bill is in trouble with Democrats who are preventing it from passing. The so called rich will see their overall tax rates soar to near 60%

The lower wage eaners will pay more since Dems are out to repeal ALL the Bush tax cuts to try and pay for this money pit. Obama has already raised taxes on the "poor" and low wage eanres with his massive tax increase on cigarettes and beer

Of course in the Obamacare bill, if yiou decline Obamacare the governemnt will fine you - it is a tax as well - up to $2500.00 per year

If you own your own business and you do not provided health ins for your workers - you will be fined - ie taxed - up to 8% of your total payroll.

And those who opvoted for Obama actually believed him when he said he would not allow taxes to be raised on anyone with less than $250,000 of income. :rolleyes:
More sickening is you lefties using class warfare (ever, but specifically) as a bludgeon against American principles of freedom and justice.

And while they play the class warfare card they ignore how more and more people and organizations are coming out against Obamacare

Now the Mayo Clinic says Obamacare is a bad idea

What will the Obama supports do now? Ignore this? Attack me for posting it? Attack the Mayo Clinic? Both?

Mayo Clinic calls House plan bad medicine
Obama loses support on reform

A world-renowned clinic that President Obama held up as an example of good medicine said Monday that the American people would be "losers" under the House's health care proposal, joining the growing chorus of critics the Obama administration is trying to fend off as the debate intensifies from Capitol Hill to Main Street.

Minnesota's not-for-profit Mayo Clinic, which Mr. Obama has repeatedly hailed as offering top quality care at affordable costs, blasted the House Democrats' version of the health care plan as lawmakers continue to grapple with several bills from each chamber and multiple committees.

The Mayo Clinic said there are some positive elements of the bill, but overall "the proposed legislation misses the opportunity to help create higher quality, more affordable health care for patients."

"In fact, it will do the opposite," clinic officials said, because the proposals aren't [R]patient-focused or results-oriented. "The real losers will be the citizens of the United States."

All day, Republicans took aim at Mr. Obama's weak spot as surveys showed that his poll numbers were slipping on the issue. Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele charged that the president's plan amounts to a "reckless experiment," dubbing it "socialism."

"He's conducting a dangerous experiment with our health care," Mr. Steele said at the National Press Club as the RNC started an ad campaign, which will run in Arkansas, Nevada and North Dakota using similar language.

In the Senate, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, the Iowa Republican considered key to grabbing some bipartisan support, warned that the House call to raise taxes on wealthier citizens and, therefore, some small businesses to fund the $1 trillion overhaul is a non-starter.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, is floating an idea that could make proposed tax increases more palatable to the more fiscally conservative members of her party. She would like to limit income-tax increases to couples making more than $1 million a year and individuals making more than $500,000, Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly said Monday. The bill passed by the House Ways and Means Committee last week would increase taxes on couples making as little as $350,000 a year and individuals annually making as little as $280,000.

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How did Obama come up with the 1.3 trillion deficit he said he inherited from Bush? Do you know.?
