Obama v. McCain: Two Religious Nut Endorsements, Two Very Different Responses


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-Obama to Louis Farakhan: “I denounce you and reject your support.”

-McCain, to noted anti-Catholic bigot and crazy end-timer Pastor John Haggee: “I’m very honored by your endorsement.”

McCain ‘Very Honored’ By Support Of Pastor Preaching ‘End-Time Confrontation With Iran’

Yesterday, hard-line conservative Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel, endorsed John McCain. Hagee said that McCain “is a man of principle, [who] does not stand boldly on both sides of any issue.” McCain, who had been courting the endorsement for over a year, said that he was “very honored by Pastor John Hagee’s endorsement.”

Demonstrating how wildly out of the American religious and political mainstream Hagee’s views are, McCain’s acceptance of Hagee’s endorsement was condemned today by conservative William Donohue, president of the Catholic League. Calling Hagee a “bigot,” Donahue said the right-wing pastor has waged “an unrelenting war against the Catholic Church” by “calling it ‘The Great Whore,’ an ‘apostate church,’ the ‘anti-Christ,’ and a ‘false cult system.’”

Hagee holds many other radical beliefs.** In a 2006 address to CUFI, Hagee declared:

”The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ.”

Farrakahn talks about jews, barack had to say it. Hagee is a brainwashed noahide fascist, so he's ok.

Notice farrakhan's hatred of whites is not really an issue.
Farrakahn talks about jews, barack had to say it. Hagee is a brainwashed noahide fascist, so he's ok.


for once, I think there might be a kernel of truth in what your saying.

Farahkhan is black, and has reportedly made anti-semitic remarks. That puts a bullseye on his head, and Obama, by conventional wisdom, is expect to reject it.

Pastor Haggee is a white, rightwing evangelical who has made anti-catholic slurs, and warmongers. But, by virtue of the fact that there are millions of white evangelicals in the country, Saint McCain is proudly able to accept the Pastor's endorsement.
for once, I think there might be a kernel of truth in what your saying.

Farahkhan is black, and has reportedly made anti-semitic remarks. That puts a bullseye on his head, and Obama, by conventional wisdom, is expect to reject it.

Pastor Haggee is a white, rightwing evangelical who has made anti-catholic slurs, and warmongers. But, by virtue of the fact that there are millions of white evangelicals in the country, Saint McCain is proudly able to accept the Pastor's endorsement.

He can accept the endorsement because white evangelicals are jew worshippers, believing it's their role to die in the desert for god's chosen people.

Notice farrakhans hatred of whites is not an issue.
Both endorsers are nuts. Unfortunately Hagee's will cause a significant portion of the republican electorate to react in a positive way.

I heard this Hagee news yesterday and told the wife that in no way would I want that nut endorsing my campaign. I don't have to worry, he won't be. :)
for once, I think there might be a kernel of truth in what your saying.

Farahkhan is black, and has reportedly made anti-semitic remarks. That puts a bullseye on his head, and Obama, by conventional wisdom, is expect to reject it.

Pastor Haggee is a white, rightwing evangelical who has made anti-catholic slurs, and warmongers. But, by virtue of the fact that there are millions of white evangelicals in the country, Saint McCain is proudly able to accept the Pastor's endorsement.

Dude, what's wrong with promoting a final confrontation with a Russo-Iranian alliance that will wash the Middle East in blood, destroy Israel and bring about the second coming of the lord?

I mean, if you can't endorse that what can you endorse?
I’m not really very comfortable with Presidential candidates having to swear allegiance to Israel in order to be elected president of the United States. I also don’t understand it. Imagine if it were France?
I’m not really very comfortable with Presidential candidates having to swear allegiance to Israel in order to be elected president of the United States. I also don’t understand it. Imagine if it were France?

Our unconditional support of Israel is a strange thing. It has cost us dearly over the years in terms of lives & dollars, but it's never even a topic of debate at the national level.
for once, I think there might be a kernel of truth in what your saying.

Farahkhan is black, and has reportedly made anti-semitic remarks. That puts a bullseye on his head, and Obama, by conventional wisdom, is expect to reject it.

Pastor Haggee is a white, rightwing evangelical who has made anti-catholic slurs, and warmongers. But, by virtue of the fact that there are millions of white evangelicals in the country, Saint McCain is proudly able to accept the Pastor's endorsement.

It's not that hard to find anti-Semetic and racist comments that Frarhkhan has made.
Our unconditional support of Israel is a strange thing. It has cost us dearly over the years in terms of lives & dollars, but it's never even a topic of debate at the national level.

And I’ve read in a lot of different places that it is a topic of debate in Israel, and openly so. And of course, they are not called anti Semitic for discussing it. Eric Alterman writes that some right wing extremist Jewish intellectuals have hijacked the topic in this country. But that theirs is not the “Israeli position”. It is the right wing Israeli position.

I wish we were allowed to discuss it in this country the way they do in Israel. It might go a long way to starting a change.
That is right Oncelor. I understand where that support comes from but do not agree with it at all. 1948 was indeed a bad year for the future.....the future we are now living, IMO.
And I’ve read in a lot of different places that it is a topic of debate in Israel, and openly so. And of course, they are not called anti Semitic for discussing it. Eric Alterman writes that some right wing extremist Jewish intellectuals have hijacked the topic in this country. But that theirs is not the “Israeli position”. It is the right wing Israeli position.

I wish we were allowed to discuss it in this country the way they do in Israel. It might go a long way to starting a change.

Wouldn't you say there is strong support for Isreal by some on the left as well? By asking that I mean it seems to be a bi-partisan thing which prevents it from coming up for a real discussion.
Wouldn't you say there is strong support for Isreal by some on the left as well? By asking that I mean it seems to be a bi-partisan thing which prevents it from coming up for a real discussion.

Oh yes, definitely. What I’m saying is that, a number of right wing conservative Jewish intellectuals, have hijacked the debate in this country. There is no voice of the moderate Israeli in American discourse, and certainly no voice of the leftist Israeli – the entire narrative is defined and driven by the right wing Israeli position. And if you step out of line, in this country, you are anti-Semitic. It is not that way in Israel. And one of the many effects of that have been that American politicians on both sides of the aisle, have as a litmus test, allegiance to Israel. It’s really an amazing phenomenon. If you in your head, switch France or any other country – Canada, any ally of ours, with Israel, and you will get an idea of just how ludicrous the whole thing is. It’s dual loyalties. It makes me uncomfortable.
"And if you step out of line, in this country, you are anti-Semitic"

The level to which this rises is insane. I read a # of "discussion" sections attached to the articles about the recent debate. There were dozens of posts accusing Obama of being an anti-semite & abandoning Israel, simply because he used "denounce" instead of "reject" about Farakhan.

You can only imagine what it would be like if a party leader or prominent politician brought up our support of Israel as a whole & suggested a real debate on it. The whole thing completely prevents an honest discussion about what we're getting out of this relationship, and what it's costing us.
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Both endorsers are nuts. Unfortunately Hagee's will cause a significant portion of the republican electorate to react in a positive way.

I heard this Hagee news yesterday and told the wife that in no way would I want that nut endorsing my campaign. I don't have to worry, he won't be. :)

It's not that hard to find anti-Semetic and racist comments that Frarhkhan has made.

and what differentiates Farakhans anti-semitic remarks, from Pastor Hagee's anti-catholic slurs?

And why did the media simply assume Obama had to reject Farahkhan, while remaining dead silent on Saint McCain "proudly" accepting Hagee's support?
and what differentiates Farakhans anti-semitic remarks, from Pastor Hagee's anti-catholic slurs?

And why did the media simply assume Obama had to reject Farahkhan, while remaining dead silent on Saint McCain "proudly" accepting Hagee's support?

It’s a total racial thing. Tim Russert is a fat idiot. I really can’t stand him. He’s a right wing hack who due to his position, has been surrounded with syphocants for so long, he know believes his own press, and the rest of us are supposed to believe that his first name is “the well know for being fair and bipartisan”. It’s all BS. He is the turd who questioned Obama about something Harry Belafonte said last year. Now you tell me wtf Barack Obama has to do with Harry Belafonte? I guess that in Tim’s world, Obama is now responsible for the words and actions of every black person in America…and maybe the world.
Wouldn't you say there is strong support for Isreal by some on the left as well? By asking that I mean it seems to be a bi-partisan thing which prevents it from coming up for a real discussion.

You hit the nail on the head. It's been this way since '48. We should have given Germany to the Jews after WWII. Don't laugh....many wanted to do exactly that.