OBama voted twice for the bridge to nowhere

Let's be more clear ..

Obama and Biden voted for the Bridge to Nowhere TWICE and voted against funding for Katrina instead .. TWICE

McCain did not vote on the infamous bridge and Palin changed her mind.

Of course, I'll be accused of making this up.

After skewering Sarah Palin over the Alaskan 'Bridge to Nowhere' claiming she lied about shutting down the project, a matter which which even Alaskan Democrats repudiated, it now turns out Obama and Biden voted for it twice, even over Katrina funding.

Now that Alaska is front and center in the news again, it is a good time to catch up on a favorite story, The Bridge to Nowhere, using the Washington Post US Congress Votes Database.

Though Gov. Palin originally supported the earmark spending on the Ketchikan bridge (“to nowhere), she eventually killed the project, chosing to spend Federal money on other infrasturcture (sic) programs.

However, Sen. Biden and Sen. Obama voted for funding the Bridge, even when given a second chance by Sen. Tom Coburn, who proposed shifting earmark funds to Katrina relief.

John McCain did not vote on it, though he is on the record as opposing the BTN earmark.

Something else, huh?

How could ANYTHING be more important to these two Democratic saviors than providing the funding for Katrina in the face of the Evil Bushie's indifference, incompetence and malfeasance at that time? As opposed to voting instead for one of the biggest government boondoggles ever?

Don't answer, they're rhetorical questions.
Where o' where Sir Nose, could all 'dem Palin haters be?

After all, democrats ARE the smart ones, right?
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After all, democrats ARE the smart ones, right?

LMAO... funniest thing i herd all week. The typical democrat is weak, easy to push around, and if you want to call know-it-all-isim as being smart.. then sure they are the kings and queens of know-it-all-isim smarts.
Crazy how the fact that Biden and the messiah BOTH voted for it twice... ONCE INSTEAD of shifting the money to Katrina relief. Crazy that hasn't been all over the news.
Crazy how the fact that Biden and the messiah BOTH voted for it twice... ONCE INSTEAD of shifting the money to Katrina relief. Crazy that hasn't been all over the news.

Well, as has been very well documented in various mainstream media sources – Palin was very much for , and an advocate of the bridge to nowhere. When Congress cut off the money, and further funds would have to come from the state of Alaska, THEN Palin ended the project. So bac’s information is terribly misleading. It’s almost as if McCain is writing his posts at this point. In fact, misleading enough that I’ll say right out – he’s lying about Palin’s record.

Since I know that he is lying about Palin’s record, I certainly wouldn’t take anything he has said about Biden and Obama at face value. Earmarks are attached to bills after all. There is a difference between voting for a large bill with an earmark in it, and advocating for money for your state’s bridge to nowhere.

As far as the Katrina claim goes, that’s the only one I can’t dismiss just from what I already know. But since bac has become so blatantly dishonest, I wouldn’t’ expend the energy it’d take to look it up. Frankly, if I vote at all this year, it would be because he goads me into at this point, with his constant maligning of and bullshitting about, Obama.
Well, as has been very well documented in various mainstream media sources – Palin was very much for , and an advocate of the bridge to nowhere. When Congress cut off the money, and further funds would have to come from the state of Alaska, THEN Palin ended the project. So bac’s information is terribly misleading. It’s almost as if McCain is writing his posts at this point. In fact, misleading enough that I’ll say right out – he’s lying about Palin’s record.

Since I know that he is lying about Palin’s record, I certainly wouldn’t take anything he has said about Biden and Obama at face value. Earmarks are attached to bills after all. There is a difference between voting for a large bill with an earmark in it, and advocating for money for your state’s bridge to nowhere.

As far as the Katrina claim goes, that’s the only one I can’t dismiss just from what I already know. But since bac has become so blatantly dishonest, I wouldn’t’ expend the energy it’d take to look it up. Frankly, if I vote at all this year, it would be because he goads me into at this point, with his constant maligning of and bullshitting about, Obama.

I don't give a rat's ass if you care or not care to expend the energy to do any damn thing.

The information didn't come from BAC, or didn't you notice?

Did BAC write this .. or did CNN?

Biden, Obama helped keep 'Bridge to Nowhere' alive

Both Biden and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama voted to kill a Senate amendment that would have diverted federal funding for the bridge to repair a Louisiana span badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina, Senate records show.

And both voted for the final transportation bill that included the $223 million earmark for the Alaska project.

An amendment offered by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, would have stripped the money appropriated to connect the Alaskan coastal city of Ketchikan to its airport on sparsely populated Gravina Island and diverted the money to Louisiana.

But Biden andObama and 80 of their colleagues rejected the measure, an amendment to a massive 2005 transportation bill that funded thousands of projects across the country.

Is the US Congress database incorrect .. or did I manipulate it?

You've become nothing more than a whiny-ass simpleton partisan hack .. can't deal with reality or truth.

EVERYTHING I've posted in this thread is truth and there ain't shit you can offer to dispute it but your whiny ass song about how bad BAC is.
I don't give a rat's ass if you care or not care to expend the energy to do any damn thing.

The information didn't come from BAC, or didn't you notice?

Did BAC write this .. or did CNN?

Biden, Obama helped keep 'Bridge to Nowhere' alive

Both Biden and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama voted to kill a Senate amendment that would have diverted federal funding for the bridge to repair a Louisiana span badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina, Senate records show.

And both voted for the final transportation bill that included the $223 million earmark for the Alaska project.

An amendment offered by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, would have stripped the money appropriated to connect the Alaskan coastal city of Ketchikan to its airport on sparsely populated Gravina Island and diverted the money to Louisiana.

But Biden andObama and 80 of their colleagues rejected the measure, an amendment to a massive 2005 transportation bill that funded thousands of projects across the country.

Is the US Congress database incorrect .. or did I manipulate it?

You've become nothing more than a whiny-ass simpleton partisan hack .. can't deal with reality or truth.

EVERYTHING I've posted in this thread is truth and there ain't shit you can offer to dispute it but your whiny ass song about how bad BAC is.

I thought 'bad' was 'good' in the brotherhood. Maybe she was complimenting you... in a weird sort of cracker like way.

Oh so he has already backed off his lie about Palin's record, and is name calling to cover up for it, as usual.

Caught in one lie, pivots, and starts demanding you address another one.

Oh so he has already backed off his lie about Palin's record, and is name calling to cover up for it, as usual.

Caught in one lie, pivots, and starts demanding you address another one.


"Though Gov. Palin originally supported the earmark spending on the Ketchikan bridge (“to nowhere), she eventually killed the project, chosing to spend Federal money on other infrasturcture (sic) programs. "

The above is what he stated on Palin.... please enlighten me as to which part of that is incorrect.

She orginally supported it.... which you also stated.

She received Federal money for the project.... also not disputable.

She then killed the funds from going to the bridge.

Then she spent the funds on other infrastructure projects.
"Though Gov. Palin originally supported the earmark spending on the Ketchikan bridge (“to nowhere), she eventually killed the project, chosing to spend Federal money on other infrasturcture (sic) programs. "

The above is what he stated on Palin.... please enlighten me as to which part of that is incorrect.

She orginally supported it.... which you also stated.

She received Federal money for the project.... also not disputable.

She then killed the funds from going to the bridge.

Then she spent the funds on other infrastructure projects.

She killed the funds? LOl.

She kept the funds. They have her on record as complaing that "the feds cut off the spiget", and so there wasn't enough to finish the Bridge without using Alaskan funds. Obviously, since she was advocating for more fed dollars and complaining when she didn’t get them, she wanted to completely fund that bridge with federal taxpayer dollars. Congress cut her off, she kept the millions they had given her.
To present her as anything other than someone who was dying to get her hands on as much fed taxpayer money as she could so she could finish that bridge, and then kept whatever she did get, is a lie.
"After skewering Sarah Palin over the Alaskan 'Bridge to Nowhere' claiming she lied about shutting down the project, a matter which which even Alaskan Democrats repudiated, "

There is the lie.

In fact, Palin was lying every time she said “I said thanks, but no thanks” to the bridge to nowhere. When she was called on it, she kept lying. Finally, after the media started exposing her lie, McCain said well, she did kill it in the end. Again, purposefully misleading. Seriously, McCian must be writing these posts. LOL But I am not surprised you are loving yourself some bac now Sf! Have fun with him. I've actually had to IA him. Not only does he post BS, he then keeps insisting that someone answer it, baiting people. Man he is just obnoxious.

So you keep bumping up his posts, but don’t forget who taught you that trick and don’t think you wont’ be getting it again!
And by the way, the “funds for Katrina” were specifically to rebuild a bridge. I just looked this up and the only place you find it is on right wing blogs, it’s really funny.
The fact is, I don’t think anyone has claimed that the funding isn’t there for New Orleans, anymore then it wasn’t there for NYC. It’s just that it hasn’t been spent correctly. In fact, all you have to do is look up Biden’s record on this and you will see he introduced Katrina bills, which Obama then voted for. To claim that Obama and Biden did not vote for Katrina relief, is again, it’s just so blatantly dishonest.
Oh so he has already backed off his lie about Palin's record, and is name calling to cover up for it, as usual.

Caught in one lie, pivots, and starts demanding you address another one.


Seriously .. are you on drugs?

Palin, whom McCain chose as his running mate in August, has regaled crowds at the Republican convention and on the campaign trail with her declaration of "Thanks, but no thanks" for the bridge. But her conversion came after she became Alaska's governor in 2006 and after the bridge became a national symbol of congressional waste.

The record shows that she supported the bridge as a gubernatorial candidate, and Democrats have seized on the flip-flop, perhaps no one with as much relish as Biden.

"I got also a bridge I got to sell you here, and guess what, it's in Alaska, and it goes nowhere," Biden mocked Palin on the campaign trail last week in Maumee, Ohio. And in Canton, Ohio, he tied it to McCain.

"If you look at it John McCain's answers for the economy, and we're in such desperate shape, is the ultimate bridge to nowhere. It's nowhere," Biden said. "It takes you nowhere."


Additionally, you haven't offered a damn thing to dispute CNN

It isn't even my thread .. I simply posted UNDENIABLE truth about the votes of Obambi and Biden .. which you can't refute.

Try grown-up debate once in awhile.
And by the way, the “funds for Katrina” were specifically to rebuild a bridge. I just looked this up and the only place you find it is on right wing blogs, it’s really funny.
The fact is, I don’t think anyone has claimed that the funding isn’t there for New Orleans, anymore then it wasn’t there for NYC. It’s just that it hasn’t been spent correctly. In fact, all you have to do is look up Biden’s record on this and you will see he introduced Katrina bills, which Obama then voted for. To claim that Obama and Biden did not vote for Katrina relief, is again, it’s just so blatantly dishonest.

It was a Transportation bill you idiot .. and yes, they voted against funding a large bridge that was damaged by Katrina, which thousands of people relied on .. to fund the fucking bridge to nowhere .. a FACT you have yet to address.

It's all about what Palin did and what BAC has said .. through CNN

Ever wonder why I post articles and documentation .. it's for the idiots like you who'd rather spend their time talking about me than the issue.

The New Orleans Bridge
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She killed the funds? LOl.

She kept the funds. They have her on record as complaing that "the feds cut off the spiget", and so there wasn't enough to finish the Bridge without using Alaskan funds. Obviously, since she was advocating for more fed dollars and complaining when she didn’t get them, she wanted to completely fund that bridge with federal taxpayer dollars. Congress cut her off, she kept the millions they had given her.
To present her as anything other than someone who was dying to get her hands on as much fed taxpayer money as she could so she could finish that bridge, and then kept whatever she did get, is a lie.

READ what I stated....

I stated she killed the funds "FROM GOING TO THE BRIDGE"

She could have easily funded the rest with AK dollars. They are flush with cash. Instead she chose to kill the bridge and use the money on other infrastructure needs.
This is the type of ridiculous shit that bothers the hell out of me.

1) The Bridge to Nowhere was killed in committee. Biden and Obama voted on the overall package bill that, in the end, did not fund the Bridge to Nowhere.

2) The Coburn Amendment that they voted against was stupid cynical ploy that Coburn was using to attack the earmark process generally. It failed by a large majority.

3) Coburn used the New Orleans thing as a political club to attempt to bludgeon people to get in line. It didn't work. Why? Because close to a trillion dollars was already appropriated or in the works for the new Twin Span Bridge.
This is the type of ridiculous shit that bothers the hell out of me.

1) The Bridge to Nowhere was killed in committee. Biden and Obama voted on the overall package bill that, in the end, did not fund the Bridge to Nowhere.

2) The Coburn Amendment that they voted against was stupid cynical ploy that Coburn was using to attack the earmark process generally. It failed by a large majority.

3) Coburn used the New Orleans thing as a political club to attempt to bludgeon people to get in line. It didn't work. Why? Because close to a trillion dollars was already appropriated or in the works for the new Twin Span Bridge.

Thank you. I was trying to find out if that NO bridge was funded elsewhere but couldn’t find it specifically. You are so great DH! Man you just know all this stuff. I kind of figure it, but then I have to find it.