OBama voted twice for the bridge to nowhere

Thanks brother .. good information .. but it does not however, alter the facts presented earlier.

Post a link to your info

Actually, you may want to revise this:

How could ANYTHING be more important to these two Democratic saviors than providing the funding for Katrina in the face of the Evil Bushie's indifference, incompetence and malfeasance at that time? As opposed to voting instead for one of the biggest government boondoggles ever?

Because it is a steaming pile of bullshit.

You got played by Coburn. Just admit it.
Actually, you may want to revise this:

Because it is a steaming pile of bullshit.

You got played by Coburn. Just admit it.

You keep talking about "getting played" when the facts remain the same.

Did Obambi and Biden vote for authorization of the bridge to nowhere .. if the answer is yes, and it is, then you got played.

BOTH LA Senators voted for the Coburn Amendment .. which, by the way, was defeated because politicians were protecting their own earmarks.

That steaming pile of bullshit is two knuckleheads attacking Palin for a bill they voted for.

If that escapes you .. it explains why you get played.
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You keep talking about "getting played" when the facts remain the same.

Did Obambi and Biden vote for authorization of the bridge to nowhere .. if the answer is yes, and it is, then you got played.

BOTH LA Senators voted for the Coburn Amendment .. which, by the way, was defeated because politicians were protecting their own earmarks.

That steaming pile of bullshit is two knuckleheads attacking Palin for a bill they voted for.

If that escapes you .. it explains why you get played.

I'm not going to argue this with you anymore. Playing "gotcha" doesn't move me much.

I've already agreed that Obama and Biden voted for the original bill that included the funds for the Bridge to Nowhere. I've also already agreed that they voted for the final version of the bill that did not fund the Bridge to Nowhere.

I've pointed out to you that the Senate had already passed a bill that funded the Twin Span project prior to passing the Highway appropriations bill. I even provided a link to that bill and the relevant text. For Christ's sake you can google "twin spans bridge" and get a link to the project website that informs you that the project is underway and fully funded by the federal government.
Give it up.
Jesus Christ.

This son-of-a-bitch is blasting this horseshit all over black radio. (according to past statements he has made about being on black radio a lot, I should add)

They should call it the bacLimbaugh show.
You keep talking about "getting played" when the facts remain the same.

Did Obambi and Biden vote for authorization of the bridge to nowhere .. if the answer is yes, and it is, then you got played.

BOTH LA Senators voted for the Coburn Amendment .. which, by the way, was defeated because politicians were protecting their own earmarks.

That steaming pile of bullshit is two knuckleheads attacking Palin for a bill they voted for.

If that escapes you .. it explains why you get played.

Interesting thread....

Its a bitch trying to sway hacks from either side with facts....facts to them just don't matter....so good points there bac....:clink:
Jesus Christ.

This son-of-a-bitch is blasting this horseshit all over black radio. (according to past statements he has made about being on black radio a lot, I should add)

They should call it the bacLimbaugh show.

Fuck you brainless daughter-of-a-bitch. .. and I'm not only blasting it all over radio, black and otherwise, I'm also debating knuckleheads like you in an open forum today, released a Press Release yesterday, sending my article out this morning (which is why I'm here so early), and I'm posting it on various websites.

You can call "my show" any fucking thing you want to call it dummy. :)

Who in the fuck told you you could decide everyone else's political perspective?
I'm not going to argue this with you anymore. Playing "gotcha" doesn't move me much.

I've already agreed that Obama and Biden voted for the original bill that included the funds for the Bridge to Nowhere. I've also already agreed that they voted for the final version of the bill that did not fund the Bridge to Nowhere.

I've pointed out to you that the Senate had already passed a bill that funded the Twin Span project prior to passing the Highway appropriations bill. I even provided a link to that bill and the relevant text. For Christ's sake you can google "twin spans bridge" and get a link to the project website that informs you that the project is underway and fully funded by the federal government.
Give it up.

I never said the project was not underway NOW .. that was never part of the argument .. and the bill you suggest was passed before Coburn legislation was still around at the end of 2005 .. AND if the bridge was fully funded before Coburn's admendment, why did Sens. Kent Conrad (D-ND), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Russ Feingold (D-WI), and Evan Bayh (D-IN) vote for it?

If you google "Obama Biden bridge to nowhere" you won't find your argument anywhere .. you will find my argument everywhere. Nor will you find any comment from either Obama or Biden that say they didn't support the Twin Spans funding or Coburn's amendment because they had already voted to fund it.

Finally .. here are the words from the horse's own mouth ..

"Others intent on cutting spending have pointed to Alaska's "Bridge to Nowhere" as a wasteful project. I agree and believe that it represents the first type of project we should cut. But it's wrong to single out one state's pork project. If we're serious about shared responsibility, let's eliminate all pork projects in all states."

In other words, he was protecting his own pork, just as the other Senators were. Illionois had 1.3 billion dollars worth of earmarks in the 2005 transportation budget. Biden had his own "bridge to nowhere" he was trying to pork, the Indian River Inlet Bridge, that even the Chamber of Congress the bridge was in said was not in any immediate danger.

Are you somehow still in the dark about how these assholes work? .. or is it just the republicans who do the porking?

I'm not a republican or democrat and I don't support McCain/Palin .. but I'm not a fool either and don't like being played for one irrespective of the party, genedr, or race of the politician trying to play me.

Something you should consider yourself my brother.
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Fuck you brainless daughter-of-a-bitch. .. and I'm not only blasting it all over radio, black and otherwise, I'm also debating knuckleheads like you in an open forum today, released a Press Release yesterday, sending my article out this morning (which is why I'm here so early), and I'm posting it on various websites.

You can call "my show" any fucking thing you want to call it dummy. :)

Who in the fuck told you you could decide everyone else's political perspective?

Well maybe I'm a bitch, but you're an unstable panderer. Let's see what the panderer, who is now kissing ass on radical black left radio for money, used to say back when black radio was saying the same:

Today, bac noisely demands that "so-called antiwar" people denounce Obama's position on going after terrorists IN Pakistan. Who are we to cross their borders he loudly barks!

What did bac used to say back when he was being told Obama's position on Pakistan was a good thing? Well, let's see:

"Hillary, McCain, and Bush all talked negatively about Obama's position on going after terrorists in Pakistan .. until it worked .. and Iraq is a curious position for you to trumpet for Clinton given that she thinks invading Iraq was a goiod idea in the first place .. AND .. most specifically AND .. Hillary has dumped all pretense of siding with the antiwar activists and has taken to courting the conservative wing of the party. Do the ressrach and determine for yourself which candidate the antiwar activists support."


Hmmm. LOL
Fuck you brainless daughter-of-a-bitch. .. and I'm not only blasting it all over radio, black and otherwise, I'm also debating knuckleheads like you in an open forum today, released a Press Release yesterday, sending my article out this morning (which is why I'm here so early), and I'm posting it on various websites.

You can call "my show" any fucking thing you want to call it dummy. :)

Who in the fuck told you you could decide everyone else's political perspective?

I may be a bitch, but let's see what the paid panderer, used to tell people, especially women, what they had to be concerned about if John McCain became President:

"You and other Hillary supporters can chose to stay at home or vote for McCain in the general .. but don't be surprised when Roe v Wade is overturned, Don't be surprised when America is thrust into yet another failed war and more young American men and women are sent marching off to their deaths. Don't be surprised by America's continued spiral to the bottom .. if McCain gets elected."


So then, Hillary supporters were told by the man, that they had better get in line or Roe V Wade would be overturned, America would be thrust into yet another failed war, and more young American and women would be sent marching off to their deaths, as America spiraled to the bottom "IF JOHN MCCAIN GETS ELECTED"

All still true today. But not what his bookers want to hear today, cause the bitch is out of the race - with a little help from them. So today, we are to believe it doesn't matter if Roe v wade is overturned, if men and women keep marching to their deaths, and if America spirals to the bottom? Why? Because bac told you so. :clink:
Fuck you brainless daughter-of-a-bitch. .. and I'm not only blasting it all over radio, black and otherwise, I'm also debating knuckleheads like you in an open forum today, released a Press Release yesterday, sending my article out this morning (which is why I'm here so early), and I'm posting it on various websites.

You can call "my show" any fucking thing you want to call it dummy. :)

Who in the fuck told you you could decide everyone else's political perspective?

Well, I may be a bitch, but let's see what bac had to say about people like himself back in the day - you know, a couple of months ago:

"But I don't expect you to have any understanding of that .. you're in this for white women.

Howver, please and by all means, whine, cry, throw a hissy fit, and take your marbles home .. go vote for McCain if you choose.

It doesn't matter.

And that's the really good news."


LOL. And guess what guy? Same holds true today. So please, by all means, whine, cry, throw a hissy fit (bac by the way reverts to very sexist language whenever he is angry at a woman. Excuse me, a "white woman" I mean) and take your marbles and go home! go vote for McCain if you choose.

It still doesn't matter.

And that's the really good news!

Oh yeah, and...smile motherfucker :)
Well maybe I'm a bitch, but you're an unstable panderer. Let's see what the panderer, who is now kissing ass on radical black left radio for money, used to say back when black radio was saying the same:

Today, bac noisely demands that "so-called antiwar" people denounce Obama's position on going after terrorists IN Pakistan. Who are we to cross their borders he loudly barks!

What did bac used to say back when he was being told Obama's position on Pakistan was a good thing? Well, let's see:

"Hillary, McCain, and Bush all talked negatively about Obama's position on going after terrorists in Pakistan .. until it worked .. and Iraq is a curious position for you to trumpet for Clinton given that she thinks invading Iraq was a goiod idea in the first place .. AND .. most specifically AND .. Hillary has dumped all pretense of siding with the antiwar activists and has taken to courting the conservative wing of the party. Do the ressrach and determine for yourself which candidate the antiwar activists support."


Hmmm. LOL

Hmmm ..

Never said I didn't support Obama when he was pretending to be antiwar .. AND my support of his going into Pakistan was contingent on him doing so WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT .. which he had at the time.

Now that he beats the war drums and says he will attack into Pakistan without the approval of the givernment .. PARTICULARLY AT THIS TIME OF HIGH UNREST IN PAKISTAN is monumentally foolish and reckless.

Even then I recognized .. and said so .. that hunting "terrorists" was a mindfuck .. and I've said repeatedly that Obama was swept into the nomination by the antiwar forces. In my quote you posted, I spoke more of McCain and Bush agreeing with Obama's policy, not that I've ever agreed that sending our military hunting ghosts/terrorists in any country is a good idea.

The difference here is that I am not the partisan hack you are, and if any politician, regardless of political party, violates his committment to the principles and policies that inspired me to support them, then I have the option of no longer supporting them and exposing their charade.

You don't have that option because you're a fucking lemming.

.. and by the way knucklehead .. it's not "radical" black radio I'm talking to (although I'm sure all black radio is radical to you) .. I don't get paid for radio, but I'm often asked for my perspectives because they know I'm a viscous researcher .. which is why I've slapped your ass all over this issue. At least DH posted a sane argument, even though it failed on its merit.

.. and anything that does not meet your whiny ass approval is "sexist" to you .. even the guy who has defended you against sexism by others on this site.

fuck you
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Let me take a wild guess .. I'm betting there are democrats all over this board whining, screaming, and moaning about bailouts, throwing away taxpayer money, dishonesty in government, and evil republicans .. YET .. I've posted Obama's own words that clearly say that he voted for a bridge HE KNEW was needless wasteful pork .. and yet none of them have a damn thing to say about it, with the exception of Topspin who may or may not be a democrat .. and who created this thread in the first place.

They justify everything Obama does and think anyone who dares criticize him, no matter how blatant the offense, is somehow warped.

I can now add needless unnecessary pork waste of public dollars to the long and increasing list of things democrats now support and have to defend .. along with voting for the Bridge to Nowhere .. while they attack others for it.

I'm not a fucking republican either as their dark side has been CLEARLY and DEMONSTRABLY exposed to all the world .. but are democrats any different, any better, any smarter?

Truly amazing
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Let me take a wild guess .. I'm betting there are democrats all over this board whining, screaming, and moaning about bailouts, throwing away taxpayer money, dishonesty in government, and evil republicans .. YET .. I've posted Obama's own words that clearly say that he voted for a bridge HE KNEW was needless wasteful pork .. and yet none of them have a damn thing to say about it, with the exception of Topspin who may or may not be a democrat .. and who created this thread in the first place.

They justify everything Obama does and think anyone who dares criticize him, no matter how blatant the offense, is somehow warped.

I can now add needless unnecessary pork waste of public dollars to the long and increasing list of things democrats now support and have to defend .. along with voting for the Bridge to Nowhere .. while they attack others for it.

I'm not a fucking republican either as their dark side has been CLEARLY and DEMONSTRABLY exposed to all the world .. but are democrats any different, any better, any smarter?

Truly amazing
I used to ask a similar question over why the Dems on here have so much trust in them NOT going to war should they get in power and why they would believe to be better on that than Repubs.
Look at their history with Korea, Nam, Haiti and Kosovo, judge people on their actions and not their words. I have no doubt most of them dislike war, I can give them that, more than Republicans too, but when it comes to "peacekeeping" (which I don't distinguish much from real war these days) they are all for it. They can put up with war just fine when their own is in office. I still remember the Kosovo protests, pitifully small and pretty much just Green party types and not too many regular Dems there. Granted that wasn't on the same scale as Iraq, but if it were Bush running Kosovo, I'm sure those crowds would multiplied in size by quite a bit.
I used to ask a similar question over why the Dems on here have so much trust in them NOT going to war should they get in power and why they would believe to be better on that than Repubs.
Look at their history with Korea, Nam, Haiti and Kosovo, judge people on their actions and not their words. I have no doubt most of them dislike war, I can give them that, more than Republicans too, but when it comes to "peacekeeping" (which I don't distinguish much from real war these days) they are all for it. They can put up with war just fine when their own is in office. I still remember the Kosovo protests, pitifully small and pretty much just Green party types and not too many regular Dems there. Granted that wasn't on the same scale as Iraq, but if it were Bush running Kosovo, I'm sure those crowds would multiplied in size by quite a bit.

Quite true .. unfortunately.

I was really counting on democrats actually being the smarter ones.