Obama walks post-partisan talk

Im glad both you and Lorax are showing a teenie weenie bit of tolerance towards Joe ... who is a Lefty Democrat on just about every issue except the War.

Lieberman's basic ideology is in line w/ the Dems, save the rather huge exception of the war. It has never made sense that he would join the GOP, because his domestic views are so completely off-kilter w/ their platform. He would continue to vote with the Dems over 90% of the time, unless he completely sold out his principles.

It's the way he conducted himself in the campaign that nags at most Dems. It's one thing to endorse a candidate of the opposing party; it's quite another to actively campaign for that candidate, and also to speak at the RNC. All of that could still be forgiven, imo, if he didn't ALSO jump on the bandwagon of questioning Obama's character and tearing into the idea of Obama as a potential President. He definitely crossed a line, and if he dodges this bullet by virtue of the good will of Obama, he should devote the rest of his Senate career to serving the admin in the best way he can.
Lieberman's basic ideology is in line w/ the Dems, save the rather huge exception of the war.

Who are his constituents and supporters and what is there interest. What is big in CT. Take it from someone who grew up in CT and has hundreds of family members in CT. Blue state but many many pro military dems.. Lots of jobs in engineering.
As much as I disagree with it, I'm also kind of impressed - word is that Obama is telling Reid & other Senate colleagues to keep Lieberman in the Dem caucus.

You would think he'd be the most interested in seeing Lieberman dangle & twist in the wind. It's a good sign that he's practical, and not vindictive. "No drama Obama," as they say...

I hate Lieberman as much as the next guy, but it's just impractical to take any action against him. We didn't gain 61 seats. We need the bastard on our side. Let's just wait for Connecticut to vote in Ned in four years and deal with him until then.

well, the full democratic caucus is going to vote on this. i feel that the best outcome is that they strip him of his committee chairmanship, but allow him to continue to caucus with them, while making obama look like he's so above it all, and allowing people to believe, if they want to believe this, that obama would have let him have the chairmanship cause that's the kind of guy that he is. but...obama never remarked on that one way or the other.

i believe the chair should go to someone who worked to elect democrats, because that's why the democrats have that chair. this seems to me to be the only fair thing.
I think LIEberman's the biggest fuck, and I will be actively working for him to not win when his time comes around with Connecticut voters.

I think LIEberman's a douche, he screwed Obama, has no loyalty to democrats, so actually they should have some principal and tell him to pound sand, no matter how close they are to a 60 seat majority.

This flies in the face of how Obama was there to support him during his run as an independent, and actually endorced LIEberman over Ned Lamont. What does LIEberman do in return for Obama, fucks him tells him he hasn't got the experience, then gives the keynote address at the RNC.

How shameful does one have to be before they get what comes to them in the Dem party?
I think LIEberman's the biggest fuck, and I will be actively working for him to not win when his time comes around with Connecticut voters.

I think LIEberman's a douche, he screwed Obama, has no loyalty to democrats, so actually they should have some principal and tell him to pound sand, no matter how close they are to a 60 seat majority.

This flies in the face of how Obama was there to support him during his run as an independent, and actually endorced LIEberman over Ned Lamont. What does LIEberman do in return for Obama, fucks him tells him he hasn't got the experience, then gives the keynote address at the RNC.

How shameful does one have to be before they get what comes to them in the Dem party?

wow, what an excellent point. so holy joe has a history of fucking obama even after obama has done something nice for him.

so if he turns around and fucks him after obama helps him to retain his chairmanship, well, that wouldn't be out of character for him.
wow, what an excellent point. so holy joe has a history of fucking obama even after obama has done something nice for him.

so if he turns around and fucks him after obama helps him to retain his chairmanship, well, that wouldn't be out of character for him.

I would actually expect it.
Really? Was he ever put in that situation? I don't think he was.

Somehow when this decision was being made I doubt "change" was the driving force behind it.
He wasn't put in EXACTLY that position but he did order several USA's fired because they refused to prosecute cases that the USA's did not believe they could prove their case at that time. My USA was one of them. He refused to go ahead with a prosecution that he said was solely motivated by politics. If cost him his job and I think that in the end he is going to be vindicated.
Well, Evan Bayh did the impossible and made a convincing case for letting dogshit keep his committe chair - the only way he is going to stay with the dems. I'm not a fan of Bayh, so wasn't expecting much. He spoke very honestly, and he made some very difficult to dispute points. He also promised that if dogshit doesn't stay in line, then at that point, he would be stripped - no more chances.

I still see a possible problem with this, and you have only to go back to Louis Freeh to know what they are. Clinton wanted to win over the hostile media and republicans and he appointed this right wing fuck to head the fbi, and he lived to regret it. I'm sure he thought "well I can always replace him" Guess what? once someone is investigating you? really hard to replace them...it looks smelly. it creates a huge debacle. So if dogshit decided to suddenly discover his power to investigate - after refusing to do so during the most corrupt adminstration of our lifetimes - you could get into a situation, real fast, where it would no longer be politically viable to strip him.

So I feel that is still a gamble, but Bayh did go a long way to convincing me to swallow this. And still...I hate this guy. Tonight I realized that I hate listening to him more than I hate listening to Sarah, and that is saying something. I hate the fact that this fuck has, through shit luck, gotten himself into the position once again, if putting out his ring for everyone to kiss. It kills me. It's hard to swallow this. He's a real fuck.
Darla, we've got him by the balls. If he votes against our filibusters he loses his chairmanship and all real power. We need him to keep control of the senate, because if we get Franken and Begich we will only have one vote left to break a filibuster, and one of the moderate Republican trio of Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, or Arlen Specter are almost certain to fill the slot everytime.

We can dump dogshit in 2010, but he's useful to our purposes until then. If we kicked him out now he'd have no reason not to vote filibuster us at every chance.
Darla, we've got him by the balls. If he votes against our filibusters he loses his chairmanship and all real power. We need him to keep control of the senate, because if we get Franken and Begich we will only have one vote left to break a filibuster, and one of the moderate Republican trio of Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, or Arlen Specter are almost certain to fill the slot everytime.

We can dump dogshit in 2010, but he's useful to our purposes until then. If we kicked him out now he'd have no reason not to vote filibuster us at every chance.

Yeah, Bayh made that case. He also mentioned something that I was embarrasingly unaware of - CT has a Republican governor. I hadn't even noticed. That means if dogshit walks, a republican gets that seat. There should be some comeuppance though, you know? But I have learned in my own life that you do best when you walk away and let karma work its magic. Revenge is a bad road. Sometimes, it feels so good though, it's hard to turn your back. :)