Obama will be my first presidential vote who is.....


Younger than me.

My first vote for someone younger than myself is also the first black person ever to be a nominee.

Doesn't it feel great to be truly excited about a candidate rather than just voting against someone else? All the republicans do is try to scare people into voting against the other guy. We on the other hand have someone we can truly support and get behind. It's a great feeling and it gives me a lot of hope for this country. After these miserable 8 years, Obama is exactly the type of guy we need.
Younger than me.

My first vote for someone younger than myself is also the first black person ever to be a nominee.


It's time to kick the decrepit old white man in the balls.

How hip is the fist bump between Obama and his wife?

Obama should totally offer the fist bump to the Old Man at their debate, when they bring out McCain in his wheelchair and oxygen tank.

Preferably, Obama will try to get the old man to raise his bad arm for the fist bump.
I will get my hopes up. And I'm going to keep them up. Obama is going to lead this country into a new era and I have full confidence he will restore our country to it's once respectable status.
I heard a story on the TV today told by one of Obamas people. They said a woman in the handshake line told Obama that her son was a teacher in an innner city school and he told her his students have changed since Obama began to win the contests. They began to study and be interrested in school.

Never ,never underestimate the power of hope.

Sí, se puede
It's time to kick the decrepit old white man in the balls.

How hip is the fist bump between Obama and his wife?

Fist bumpin' and hi-fivin'....
Yeah...they gonna be rappin' and jivin' in the White House soon enough....
Low ridin' jenes and backward ball caps....can't wait...ebonics in first grade?

Obama should totally offer the fist bump to the Old Man at their debate, when they bring out McCain in his wheelchair and oxygen tank.

Preferably, Obama will try to get the old man to raise his bad arm for the fist bump.
It's time to kick the decrepit old white man in the balls.

How hip is the fist bump between Obama and his wife?

Obama should totally offer the fist bump to the Old Man at their debate, when they bring out McCain in his wheelchair and oxygen tank.

Preferably, Obama will try to get the old man to raise his bad arm for the fist bump.

Please continue. Mocking older people and wounded veterans is a great campaign strategy.
Please continue. Mocking older people and wounded veterans is a great campaign strategy.

Thanks, I will.

The american electorate isn't going to be "outraged" by anything I say. I'm a dude on a obscure message board.

Obama won't have to say shit about McCain's age. The visual contrast will say it all, and the Dems will exploit the visual contrast until Team McCain is crying "no mas, por favor!".

All Obama has to do, is what he did on Tuesday night. While the old man stands in front of a paltry few dozen, and does that wierd, tourrette's sydrome-like involuntary primate grimaces and grins, Obama will just smoothly, youthfully, and charismatically light up a TV screen in front of a crowd of 30,000.
This whole thread is proof that liberals care more about image than issues. He's young, black (well, half black), and "cool," whatever the hell that means. And that's precisely why he WON'T win. Once he gets thoroughly PWNED by John McCain in the national debates, your man is finished. You know it's true.
I heard a story on the TV today told by one of Obamas people. They said a woman in the handshake line told Obama that her son was a teacher in an innner city school and he told her his students have changed since Obama began to win the contests. They began to study and be interrested in school.

Never ,never underestimate the power of hope.

Sí, se puede

Hey Desh, what about Jenna Bush who went and taught school in inner-city D.C.? She was teaching very under privalegde (sp) children. Chelsea went to work for a hedge fund on Wall St making a lot of money. Jenna and Barbara then went and worked in South America teaching the under priviliged. Chelesea still worked for a hedge fund in New York until she quit to work for her mother's campaign.
Is it my imagination or is dillo's republican closet door opening wider ?

Hey registered Republican (until this year), you are the same as Rush Limbaugh's operation chaos except you are ahead of him. You are a Democrat who registered as a Republican to vote for the worst Republican. And then you claimed other voters were stupid. Good lord.
I heard a story on the TV today told by one of Obamas people. They said a woman in the handshake line told Obama that her son was a teacher in an innner city school and he told her his students have changed since Obama began to win the contests. They began to study and be interrested in school.

Never ,never underestimate the power of hope.


Get on your knees and pray to your Obama the Messiah.
Hey Desh, what about Jenna Bush who went and taught school in inner-city D.C.? She was teaching very under privalegde (sp) children. Chelsea went to work for a hedge fund on Wall St making a lot of money. Jenna and Barbara then went and worked in South America teaching the under priviliged. Chelesea still worked for a hedge fund in New York until she quit to work for her mother's campaign.
Shhh. Don't tell her about Rs who care. It will ruin her limited view of them!

Fist bumpin' and hi-fivin'....
Yeah...they gonna be rappin' and jivin' in the White House soon enough....
Low ridin' jenes and backward ball caps....can't wait...ebonics in first grade?

Shucking and jiving. Nice. Why does it not surprise me that the closer the republicans get to annihilation, the more your racist tendencies bubble to the surface?
Shucking and jiving. Nice. Why does it not surprise me that the closer the republicans get to annihilation, the more your racist tendencies bubble to the surface?


Someone ain't been to a ghetto before. You latte liberal elitist.
Shucking and jiving. Nice. Why does it not surprise me that the closer the republicans get to annihilation, the more your racist tendencies bubble to the surface?

Oh yeah, that is coming out big time. I have dildock on IA for that. He’s a flat-out racist, and I wouldn’t even entertain arguments to the contrary. Bravo is a known all-around piece of shit.