Obama will only win if he picks Hillary


Junior Member
He needs the blue collar people who are too stoopid to figure out that voting for an R will put even more of them out of work.
There isn't one person obama will pick to VP that won't have taken lobbyist money or isn't part of the 'current problem'

Yeah that's true. I think the two biggest things that argue against a Hillary pick are: Bill's financial goings on, and too many Obama supporters who bear an unrelenting hatred against this woman much like the right wing wack jobs do. (no offense cawacko, I understand it's a birth defect)

But what does she bring to the table that counteracts that and is it enough, is the question and I don't know the answer.
Yeah that's true. I think the two biggest things that argue against a Hillary pick are: Bill's financial goings on, and too many Obama supporters who bear an unrelenting hatred against this woman much like the right wing wack jobs do. (no offense cawacko, I understand it's a birth defect)

But what does she bring to the table that counteracts that and is it enough, is the question and I don't know the answer.

While I understand BAC's dislike of Obama's recent changes, his becoming more centrist has helped him appeal to a much broader range of voters.

I think adding Hillary would not help him. I think he would do better with Biden, who will at least bring experience and some foriegn policy knowledge to the table.

I think Hillary has too much baggage, whether its real or perceived, its still negative.
Darla, check out today's LA times entertainment section. Maria shriver hosted a Hollywood party for Clinton supporters who she was trying to get to rally around obama. On crackberry can't link it.
While I understand BAC's dislike of Obama's recent changes, his becoming more centrist has helped him appeal to a much broader range of voters.

I think adding Hillary would not help him. I think he would do better with Biden, who will at least bring experience and some foriegn policy knowledge to the table.

I think Hillary has too much baggage, whether its real or perceived, its still negative.

Well Biden just say he wasn't the guy for the job.

and i really think Hillary is the best choice, although I don't think Obama will pick her for VP for various reasons.
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I still think he should pick Bill Richards of NM and piss a few more people off!
Biden is a nut job and will cost him the election.
Hillary makes it the dream team.

Ok, this should tie it. Anyone else have any more doubt that Biden has to be the guy?

I was back and forth between him and Hillary myself...but with this endorsement from Top, I gotta go with Biden.

Honestly, I'm okay with Biden. To be honest he's about the only potential pick mentioned that I have no serious and/or deal breaker reservations about.

Yeah, that is how I feel. Though Hillary is not a deal-breaker for me like she is for so many, I have some reservations most of which revolve around what would happen AFTER they won. The one problem is, polls seem to show from what I have read, that it's the Obama/Hillary ticket that does cream them. So, there's an argument there. But I am still of the mind that Biden is the best pick out of the contenders.
He's a feaking nut and will stick his foot in his mouth yet again.
turbo-libs are too quick to dissmiss his foolish comments that make moderates cringe.
He will be too easy to attack, Richards is the second best choice