Obama will only win if he picks Hillary

negative campaigning works.

I wish Americans were not so stupid.

I personally believe that this is exactly what is happening.

Some, like bac, will claim he's losing support from the left because he's not left enough. Others, like top, will make the far more ludicrous claim that he is losing support because he is too left (I still can't stop laughing over that one). But Desh is right.

Americans LOVE negative campainging, though they lie like scum when asked by pollsters.

Fact: It works.

Therefore, they lovvvveee it.
I saw the McCain bit this morning were he says Obama's plan will lead to economic disastor.

We have the worst economy in decades thanks to complete R control for years and assholes are going to believe this stupid add?
I saw the McCain bit this morning were he says Obama's plan will lead to economic disastor.

We have the worst economy in decades thanks to complete R control for years and assholes are going to believe this stupid add?

its way above your level but if Obama and Pelosi got there way this would look like the good ole days in 2 yrs.:pke:

Honestly, I'm okay with Biden. To be honest he's about the only potential pick mentioned that I have no serious and/or deal breaker reservations about.
Biden's OK, but from a 'team play' prospective, I think he is more valuable in the Senate than being rendered invisible (VP slot). Richardson is not in a position of influence at this time. I'd rather Richardson than Biden.

Hillary is a deal breaker. No chance of garnering my vote if she's on the ticket.
Biden's OK, but from a 'team play' prospective, I think he is more valuable in the Senate than being rendered invisible (VP slot). Richardson is not in a position of influence at this time. I'd rather Richardson than Biden.

Hillary is a deal breaker. No chance of garnering my vote if she's on the ticket.

Are you leaning towards voting for Obama, Trog?
Are you leaning towards voting for Obama, Trog?
I am giving all candidates fair consideration. I've not made my decision yet. I like to go third party when I can, but Bob Barr is just a recycled Rep. McCain does not inspire me. As a protest, I could vote for the Communist candidate, but they endorsed Obama....
I am giving all candidates fair consideration. I've not made my decision yet. I like to go third party when I can, but Bob Barr is just a recycled Rep. McCain does not inspire me. As a protest, I could vote for the Communist candidate, but they endorsed Obama....

LOL. Ok.