Obama wouldn't qualify to be his own Security!

The associations between Barack Obama and various assorted radical elements, would disqualify him from consideration for any number of high level security positions in the US Government, including that of the Secret Service. As we all know, extensive background checks are part of this process, and Obama's associations would certainly prohibit him for consideration in such a position.

We are about to elect a man president, who wouldn't qualify to be his own security guard!
I agree. I seriously doubt Obama would qualify to be a decent body guard. After all, he has no training at all in the field, and to protect the president? Thanks for clearing that up.
Was he convicted or charged? If so, maybe you have a point.
It wouldn't matter. If he tried to say he didn't do it they'd find people who said he did while they watched and it would be over.

Just as if I had said I didn't do MJ, if they found a friend or two of mine who said I did I would have been doomed.

MJ you can get waivers for if you are honest, Cocaine... Not so much.

His DUI wouldn't have stopped him, but it would be a mark against him. Intemperate use of alcohol in his past would have been another mark. He just had too much stupid in his past to be able to pass the background investigation.
I think you are incorrect on that assumption. Hearsay evidence is not permissible in a background check for security clearance. Past associations, however, are indeed permissible, and would indeed disqualify Mr. Obama. No doubt about that.

You know Damo, you really do puzzle me. Here, we have an outright Communist about to be elected president, and you are sitting on your hands refusing to vote for the only person who could possibly defeat him. You will claim it's because of principles, but what good are your principles going to be under a Communist leader? It just really baffles me, and here you are, essentially sticking up for the guy... it's almost as if, you can't wait for Obama to be elected! You may as well put a Big O sign in your yard and jump on the bandwagon. Just think of how much respect you'd gain from the pinheads here!
I think you are incorrect on that assumption. Hearsay evidence is not permissible in a background check for security clearance. Past associations, however, are indeed permissible, and would indeed disqualify Mr. Obama. No doubt about that.

You know Damo, you really do puzzle me. Here, we have an outright Communist about to be elected president, and you are sitting on your hands refusing to vote for the only person who could possibly defeat him. You will claim it's because of principles, but what good are your principles going to be under a Communist leader? It just really baffles me, and here you are, essentially sticking up for the guy... it's almost as if, you can't wait for Obama to be elected! You may as well put a Big O sign in your yard and jump on the bandwagon. Just think of how much respect you'd gain from the pinheads here!

Do you think the Barack Obama is going to end the free market and give ownership of the means of production to the proletariat?
" Here, we have an outright Communist about to be elected president "

I can smell the fear.

Dixie...do you know what communism is?
I think you are incorrect on that assumption. Hearsay evidence is not permissible in a background check for security clearance. Past associations, however, are indeed permissible, and would indeed disqualify Mr. Obama. No doubt about that.

You know Damo, you really do puzzle me. Here, we have an outright Communist about to be elected president, and you are sitting on your hands refusing to vote for the only person who could possibly defeat him. You will claim it's because of principles, but what good are your principles going to be under a Communist leader? It just really baffles me, and here you are, essentially sticking up for the guy... it's almost as if, you can't wait for Obama to be elected! You may as well put a Big O sign in your yard and jump on the bandwagon. Just think of how much respect you'd gain from the pinheads here!
You are totally wrong, in background investigations such things are commonplace, and you are also wrong that it is hearsay. Witness testimony is even admissible in courts, somebody who says they sucked several thousand dollars of white powder through $100 bills with GWB would be a witness and not "hearsay".

Secondly, pointing out that another person also wouldn't have passed such an investigation doesn't change anything. It just puts things into perspective.

And lastly why I won't vote for McCain is because voting against somebody the last few times certainly did not bring us to a good place. I want somebody who actually is somebody I support, and settling isn't an option because settling brought my party down the road to wasting our cash, bigger debt, bigger government, more pill bills, more education spending from the Federal government, more control at that level of even elementary education....

So on, and so on, and so on...

I say NO MORE settling. If you want me to vote for you, give me something to support. Don't point fingers and try to say, "You want to defeat him don't you?" Point them at yourself and tell me what you believe and if I support it I'll vote for you.

Not if it means somebody who is promising what the government can do for you rather than what you can do for yourself...
It's funny the assholes that talk about the "Socialist Left" in the U.S.

I live in a former communist country.

Before 1989, there were times when the communists would ban singing in public.

Any political dissent or the perception of political dissent resulted in a visit from the police and possible detention, without trial or even a notice to the families.

You stood in lines for hours to get fruits, moved to the next line to get shoes, to the next line to get medicines.

You couldn't travel past Berlin in the west without specific permission and even then a handler was with you to watch and take notes.

These are just a few of the examples of what life was like before 1989. To compare Barack Obama to Stalin, Breznev, or whoever else you to name is ridiculous. I hope that the radical right quits using these words and phrases when trying to label the left.

Maybe, I'm making too much of this and should just dismiss the traditional Republican rhetoric used to scare the masses. Perhaps, the question of whether one person is a socialist or the other a fascist isn't the right one to ask. Perhaps the question is "How American is fear?"
Fear seems to be very American. Unfortunately.

If you're only taking into account the last 8 years, then it certainly is. But if you look at the history of the U.S. and what we've done then it is not.

We've recovered from worse. It won't be fun and it won't be easy but it's not impossible with the right leadership. In my opinion Barack Obama is the one most suitable for the job of presidency. McCain, with his 26 years of experience in federal office has not been able to show (during this campaign) the same knowledge, temperment, or energy that Obama has.
He wouldn't pass the security clearance.

Gee I've associated in the past with convicted felons and guess what. I got clearance for both Camp David and Site-R. Keeps digging up your shit Dixie. You're in denial....were going to have an African American President! :clink: