Obama's 'Address to the Nation' Was 4 Days Ago?


Not So Junior Member
What? Now 500k jobs might not be created OR save? :wtf: LOL! The MAN is clueless, as is the lame media that sells him:


House passes Obama's economic stimulus bill

By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer
5 mins ago
WASHINGTON – Handing the new administration a big win, the House Friday passed President Barack Obama's $787 billion plan to resuscitate the economy.

The bill was passed 246-183 with no Republican help. It now goes to the Senate where a vote was possible late Friday to meet a deadline of passing the plan before a recess begins next week.

All but seven Democrats voted for the bill — a 1,071 page, 8-inch-thick measure that combines $281 billion in tax cuts for individuals and businesses with more than a half-trillion dollars in government spending. The money would go for infrastructure, health care and help for cash-starved state governments, among scores of programs. Seniors would get a $250 bonus Social Security check.

Obama claims the plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs, but Republicans said it won't work because it has too little in tax cuts and spreads too much money around to everyday projects like computer upgrades for federal agencies....

That wasn't what he was saying the other night:


...Most economists, almost unanimously, recognize that even if philosophically you're -- you're wary of government intervening in the economy, when you have the kind of problem we have right now -- what started on Wall Street goes to Main Street, suddenly businesses can't get credit, they start paring back their investment, they start laying off workers, workers start pulling back in terms of spending -- that when you have that situation, that government is an important element of introducing some additional demand into the economy. We stand to lose about $1 trillion worth of demand this year and another trillion next year, and what that means is you've got this gaping hole in the economy.

That's why the -- the figure that we initially came up with, of approximately $800 billion, was put forward. That wasn't just some random number that I plucked out of -- out of a hat. That was Republican and Democratic, conservative and liberal economists that I spoke to, who indicated that given the magnitude of the crisis and the fact that it's happening worldwide, it's important for us to have a bill of sufficient size and scope that we can save or create 4 million jobs. That still means that you're going to have some net job loss, but at least we can start slowing the trend and moving it in the right direction....
What? Now 500k jobs might not be created OR save? :wtf: LOL! The MAN is clueless, as is the lame media that sells him:


That wasn't what he was saying the other night:


I heard him say, "Between 3 and 4 million new jobs", in a sound bite the other night. I think it was in Ft. Myers, but am not sure.

Just because the NY Times tries to sugar coat it by using the higher number, doesn't mean that was what he estimated.

That was Republican and Democratic, conservative and liberal economists that I spoke to, who indicated that given the magnitude of the crisis and the fact that it's happening worldwide, it's important for us to have a bill of sufficient size and scope that we can save or create 4 million jobs.

If you take the 3.5 million in the yahoo quote, it matches what President Obama said.

Annie, why do hate america? why won't you give Obama a chance? Are you racist? Why were you for it when Bush tried it, but now won't try it because we have a dem president?

\did i leave any liberal rant out of this?
Annie, why do hate america? why won't you give Obama a chance? Are you racist? Why were you for it when Bush tried it, but now won't try it because we have a dem president?

\did i leave any liberal rant out of this?

Yeah, that's it, I'm a racist. Kill all the Irish, those fuktards.
Yeah, that's it, I'm a racist. Kill all the Irish, those fuktards.

WTF?! Why is it always the Irish? They gave us Guinness! Why not the Canadians? All they gave us was Alex Trebek and William Shatner! Besides, with them out of the way we can take their oil! Or how about the Brits? Seriously, bangers and mash? What the hell is that? And have you ever tried Shephard's Pie? Blech! They are the masters of bland! You can always wipe out the Scotts. One word: Haggis! Christ almighty, leave the Irish alone!
Naw, the Canadians also gave us Leslie Nielson and Jim Carrey! Also, Keanu Reeves, who has made some of the greatest action flicks of the last 16 years (Speed, Chain Reaction, and The Matrix). Constantine was also good, and I haven't seen the Day remake, but have heard good things about it...
WTF?! Why is it always the Irish? They gave us Guinness! Why not the Canadians? All they gave us was Alex Trebek and William Shatner! Besides, with them out of the way we can take their oil! Or how about the Brits? Seriously, bangers and mash? What the hell is that? And have you ever tried Shephard's Pie? Blech! They are the masters of bland! You can always wipe out the Scotts. One word: Haggis! Christ almighty, leave the Irish alone!

I'd never claim that the UK was the epitome of bleu riband cuisine but seriously, i'd take criticism off the Italians, or maybe the French, but this is coming from the nation whose peak of culinary excellence appears to be "squirty cheese in a can".
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WTF?! Why is it always the Irish? They gave us Guinness! Why not the Canadians? All they gave us was Alex Trebek and William Shatner! Besides, with them out of the way we can take their oil! Or how about the Brits? Seriously, bangers and mash? What the hell is that? And have you ever tried Shephard's Pie? Blech! They are the masters of bland! You can always wipe out the Scotts. One word: Haggis! Christ almighty, leave the Irish alone!

very funny!
What? Now 500k jobs might not be created OR save? :wtf: LOL! The MAN is clueless, as is the lame media that sells him:


That wasn't what he was saying the other night:

He has to say "or saved" because if the bill only creates 500K job he'll know it's failed, but can say an additional 2.5 Million were "saved", which is something nobody at all can measure. This guy knows how to hedge a bet.
Naw, the Canadians also gave us Leslie Nielson and Jim Carrey! Also, Keanu Reeves, who has made some of the greatest action flicks of the last 16 years (Speed, Chain Reaction, and The Matrix). Constantine was also good, and I haven't seen the Day remake, but have heard good things about it...

Leslie Nielson maybe, but Carrey needs to work his way back into my good graces. Keanu? You may want to drop him from your "Save Canada" argument! LOL

I'd never claim that the UK was the epitome of bleu riband cuisine but seriously, i'd take criticism off the Italians, or maybe the French, but this is coming from the nation whose peak of culinary excellence appears to be "squirty cheese in a can".

"Squirty cheese in a can..." Good thing I wasn't drinking! That was funny. However, in rebuttal, I give you Memphis barbeque.

do not forget the gravest sin of all that is canadian.......celine dion.

'Nough said...
Poor Annie. Wathcya gonna do if the economy actually does well now?

You know, after hearing the new liberal revelation that deflation is bad and inflation is good... I bet we can be living in the streets, forced to catch stray cats to eat, and you morons would be feeding us the spin about how well the economy is doing! You're all just a bunch of liars and con artists. It doesn't matter what the hell happens with the economy, your take on it will be, the economy is better than it was under Bush! That's a given!
Dixie, deflation is bad.

Please, look it up:


Also, if you don't trust wikipedia:


The only two entries:

effect on growth

There seems to be little doubt that deflation, mainly because it shifts the distribution of income away from the profit maker toward the rentier and bondholder, has a deleterious effect on investment and the growth of capital....

Great Depression ( in Great Depression: Timing and severity ):

...in the United States declined 47 percent and real gross domestic product (GDP) fell 30 percent. The wholesale price index declined 33 percent (such declines in the price level are referred to as deflation). Although there is some debate about the reliability of the statistics, it is widely agreed that the unemployment rate exceeded 20 percent at its highest point. The severity of the Great...

I'm serious here Dixie. I'm not trying to be condescending or insulting. I understand how you feel, and how you came to the conclusion that you did. But it's not factually consistent.
From your link, Waterhead:

Deflation in economics is a persistent decrease in the general price level[1] of goods and services, when inflation is below zero percent, resulting in an increase in the real value of money — a negative inflation rate. When the inflation rate slows down (decreases, but remains positive), this is known as disinflation. It is a substantial drop in the rate of increase of the price level.[2]

Inflation destroys real value in money. Deflation creates real value in money. Alternatively, the term deflation was used by the classical economists to refer to a decrease in the money supply and credit; some economists, including many Austrian school economists, still use the word in this sense.[3] The two meanings are closely related, since a decrease in the money supply is likely to cause a decrease in the price level.

Deflation is considered a problem in a modern economy because of the potential of a deflationary spiral and its association with the Great Depression, although not all episodes of deflation correspond to periods of poor economic growth historically.

While almost all economic theories dismissed deflation as being less than even a remote possibility in modern economies in the last three decades of the 20th century, the only major theory that deals with periods of inflation and deflation is the long-wave cycle known as the Kondratieff wave. [4]

So there you have it from your own source, Waterhead. Deflation increases the real value of money, while Inflation decreases it. Are you suggesting it is bad to increase the real value of money and good to decrease it? It sure sounds like that is your argument.

Your source also says that not all episodes of deflation correspond to periods of poor economic growth. So to say "deflation is bad" is not an accurate statement at all. "Deflationary spirals" are bad, but that is not what you said or what you are trying to claim, they are two entirely different things.
So there you have it from your own source, Waterhead. Deflation increases the real value of money, while Inflation decreases it. Are you suggesting it is bad to increase the real value of money and good to decrease it?

Why wouldn't it be? You don't even really understand what you're talking about. Why, Dixie, would money that's worth more be better to an economy?

Every instance of deflation in America has been accompanied by depression. Inflation, by comparison, was a minor problem.
Every instance of deflation in America has been accompanied by depression. Inflation, by comparison, was a minor problem.

Bullshit, and double Bullshit! I just showed you where your own source said, not all episodes of deflation correspond to periods of poor economic growth historically, and you want to claim every instance it has been accompanied by depression. Can you not read? And as I recall, the double-digit inflation of the Carter years was certainly viewed as a major problem, it's how Jimmy Carter lost and Ronald Reagan won the election of 1980! You are the one demonstrating you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, you are completely split from reality!
You know, after hearing the new liberal revelation that deflation is bad and inflation is good... I bet we can be living in the streets, forced to catch stray cats to eat, and you morons would be feeding us the spin about how well the economy is doing! You're all just a bunch of liars and con artists. It doesn't matter what the hell happens with the economy, your take on it will be, the economy is better than it was under Bush! That's a given!

Well, for the record, I have very little doubt that the economy will be back on the upswing either by the end of the summer or this fall. It will be interesting to hear Republicans (and you) do their best to talk the economy down at that point.

Oh - and you really shouldn't try to talk economics. It's not a strong suit.