Obama's aide resigns after calling President 'O-DUMB-A'

red states rule

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Borough Aide Resigns After Calling President 'O-DUMB-A'

Some one uses her First Amendment rights to voice her opinion and her boss fires her.

Lets see, account was not a work account and the post was done on her own time. Wow.

Calling Obama DUMB and an idiot should not matter to her boss, this is HER OPINION.


An aide to Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer has resigned after reportedly posting comments on her Facebook account defending racial profiling in the recent arrest of a Harvard professor and calling President Obama "O-dumb-a."

Lee Landor, who had been Stringer's deputy press secretary since May, posted a series of comments on her Facebook page over the weekend criticizing Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. and the president, the weekly newspaper City Hall News reported on its Web site today.

Landor had previously worked as a reporter for The Queens Tribune and as an editor for The Queens Chronicle before joining Stringer's staff.

"Ms. Landor's comments were totally inappropriate and in direct contradiction to the views of the borough president and his office," Dick Riley, Stringer's communications director, said in a statement posted on the newspaper's Web site.

"The borough president has accepted Ms. Landor's resignation, effective immediately."

Landor could not be reached for comment and her Facebook page had been deactivated on Monday.

Images of the Facebook posts -- which were captured by City Hall News before the page was taken down -- showed that Landor blasted the president for how he handled the situation last week.

"O-dumb-a, the situation got 'out of hand' because Gates is a racist, not because the officer was DOING HIS JOB," she wrote.

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Some one uses her First Amendment rights to voice her opinion and her boss fires her.

Lets see, account was not a work account and the post was done on her own time. Wow.

Calling Obama DUMB and an idiot should not matter to her boss, this is HER OPINION.


An aide to Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer has resigned after reportedly posting comments on her Facebook account defending racial profiling in the recent arrest of a Harvard professor and calling President Obama "O-dumb-a."

Lee Landor, who had been Stringer's deputy press secretary since May, posted a series of comments on her Facebook page over the weekend criticizing Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. and the president, the weekly newspaper City Hall News reported on its Web site today.

Landor had previously worked as a reporter for The Queens Tribune and as an editor for The Queens Chronicle before joining Stringer's staff.

"Ms. Landor's comments were totally inappropriate and in direct contradiction to the views of the borough president and his office," Dick Riley, Stringer's communications director, said in a statement posted on the newspaper's Web site.

"The borough president has accepted Ms. Landor's resignation, effective immediately."

Landor could not be reached for comment and her Facebook page had been deactivated on Monday.

Images of the Facebook posts -- which were captured by City Hall News before the page was taken down -- showed that Landor blasted the president for how he handled the situation last week.

"O-dumb-a, the situation got 'out of hand' because Gates is a racist, not because the officer was DOING HIS JOB," she wrote.


I'll defend her right to free speech but your lie about her being Obama's aide is a little harder to swallow.
clearly, redstatesdrool is completely fabricating bullshit by calling the person Obama's aide... and secondly, the article states that the lady resigned... she wasn't fired.

and what does the first amendment have to do with it in any case? congress did not pass a law that caused this woman to lose her job.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
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Red state, you were one of the people complaining when that woman was fired from her job for having a Kerry bumper sticker during the election right?

Yeah, I remember you were. So actually, this thread is okay then. As long as you keep calling out both sides!

One thing I will always say about redstate is that he is an honest broker.
Aren't you being a bit hard on the poor chap?

Can't a fellow post a litany of untruths and deceptions any more without immediately being labelled a liar by rabid partisan liberals and their Democrat paymasters in league with the homosexual left wing media?

Shame on you all. Shame.
Better fix that quick! You know what happens when they look through the telly and see you've only one candle!

Wiretap? Tax audit?

Oh, no, not my membership to Moveon?????? gaaaawwwd noooooooooooo!
it looks as if he just got his title to the thread wrong, the title inside the thread is accurate....i doubt he was misleading on purpose

unless this lady's job required she not post such info, she has a great case against her boss...
If you do something to make your boss look bad, in most cases your boss can kick you to the curb.

This boss probably knows President Obama and feels the need to save face. I got my boss yelled at once because I voted against his legislative bosses' platform planks in a state GOP convention...and his predecessor's wife for an RNC spot. My boss got my back and said it was my right to vote how I wanted, and that got him in more hot water.

The issue had little bearing on my job, but there is a political element to all these things, and everybody answers to somebody.

In addition, a lot of the people on my Facebook network know me from the work I've done, and these things cycle around to parties that can be offended.
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you then believe that you can get fired to anything you say after work hours?

In a lot of states you can be fired for any reason or no reason. Lots of people say bad things (often true) about their bosses, but not everyone uses a media platform that's available to people who may be interested in exploiting it.

As for the difference between resignation and dismissal, I don't think anyone should really doubt that this is a dignified version of firing. The resignation was likely requested and quickly accepted.
Some one uses her First Amendment rights to voice her opinion and her boss fires her.

Lets see, account was not a work account and the post was done on her own time. Wow.

Calling Obama DUMB and an idiot should not matter to her boss, this is HER OPINION.


Hey, dummy: The first amendment only keeps the government from passing laws that restrict free speech.

It doesn't have a God damn thing to do with whether a boss can fire you. A boss can fire you for any reason she/he sees fit, short of racial or gender discrimination.

You want a job where workers have some minimal protections from arbitrary and capricious firing? Get a union.

Oh wait...you're a con. You hate unions. :(
In a lot of states you can be fired for any reason or no reason. Lots of people say bad things (often true) about their bosses, but not everyone uses a media platform that's available to people who may be interested in exploiting it.

As for the difference between resignation and dismissal, I don't think anyone should really doubt that this is a dignified version of firing. The resignation was likely requested and quickly accepted.

you are absolutely right, anyone who says that she only resigned and wasn't fired is wrong and imo, an idiot.

i don't know if she was at will or not, however, her boss appears to be a government official and her job has nothing to do with obama, nor does she serve at his pleasure. from my understanding of his job, this was government action in forcing her to resign or essentially be fired, IOW...constructive firing...for speech that appears not to be on the job, as the article states it was over the weekend....IMO, this looks like a constitutional violation of free speech.