Obama's Aunt An Illegal In The US


Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Saturday he didn't know his aunt was living in the United States illegally and believes that laws covering the situation should be followed.

The Associated Press found that Obama's aunt had been instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya. The woman, Zeituni Onyango (zay-TUHN on-YANG-oh), is living in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama's late father.

A statement given to the AP by Obama's campaign said, ''Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed.'' Traveling with Obama in Nevada, campaign strategist David Axelrod declined to elaborate on the statement, but said: ''I think people are suspicious about stories that surface in the last 72 hours of a national campaign.''

The campaign said it was returning $260 that Onyango had contributed in small increments to Obama's presidential bid over several months. Federal election law prohibits foreigners from making political donations. Onyango listed her employer as the Boston Housing Authority and last gave $5 on Sept. 19.

She is the second Obama relative known to live on skid row. His own brother was found living in a cardboard shanty last month in Kenya, and now his aunt in a Boston slum just five miles from where Obama attended law school. She was found by British journalists in a dismal, run-down public housing project in a violent slum in south Boston.

Perhaps surprisingly, Barack Obama has apparently not reached out to help his aunt or his brother. In fact, his charitable contributions for any altruistic purposes are terribly low for a rich man and a typical Christian household. We are guessing that Barack does not send the Christmas cards in his family.

She refused all other questions from the reporters, saying “I can’t talk about it, I just pray for him, that’s all. After the 4th, I can talk to anyone.” Obama handler’s had already gotten to her, which means Barack is aware of her presence and continues to let her live in abject poverty in the USA.

One wonders what stories she might tell about her nephew.
IMHO Candidates should not be able to accept donations from out of the area they will serve. That would limit county positions to county donations. State positions to state donations. Only presidential candidates could accept contributions from nationwide.

this would prevent elections from being "bought" from outside interests.
This was almost certainly made up.

No it's true, the Obama campaign even commented on it. So far we find out he has a brother in Kenya living in squalor in a slum and an illegal immigrant Aunt that he doesn't bother with either.
None of this really matters with how he will be as prez, but it does show that his usual Lib Dem talk about compassion is warped as he doesn't even have it for his own family.
No it's true, the Obama campaign even commented on it. So far we find out he has a brother in Kenya living in squalor in a slum and an illegal immigrant Aunt that he doesn't bother with either.
None of this really matters with how he will be as prez, but it does show that his usual Lib Dem talk about compassion is warped as he doesn't even have it for his own family.
Oh the Faux Outrage of it all! Almost as bad as Obama thinkint the US is no better than Nazi Germany huh outrage boy?
Oh the Faux Outrage of it all! Almost as bad as Obama thinkint the US is no better than Nazi Germany huh outrage boy?

I'm not outraged over this, just commmenting on the hypocrisy.

And yes I do consider it outrageous to equate America with NAZI germany. I read your retort to that and you are as emotional as ever when you can involve race. No one is arguing that blacks suffered under slavery and in America under slavery, but Europe had slavery too as did/does Africa and throughout history.
Nazi Germany is a step worse that that because they attempted the genocide of an entire people and almost achieved it.
Nazi Germany is a step worse that that because they attempted the genocide of an entire people and almost achieved it.

Kinda like America and the American Indians ?

Der Furer Stonewall ?
Nazi Germany is a step worse that that because they attempted the genocide of an entire people and almost achieved it.

Kinda like America and the American Indians ?

Der Furer Stonewall ?
I would say smallpox did more death than explicit acts to American Indians. Certainly many settlers fought and tried to push Indians off their land often with government support. But was there ever an effort by the nation to kill off all natives, of course not.
In fact most tribes were settled in reservations and did not go to war or were killed. For example in Arizona, almost all tribes except the Apache went into reservations.
Reservations themselves are a dark mark on our history and it was wrong to take any land from anyone but to equate it with NAZI Germany and attempted complete genocide?
Reservations, concentrations camps, etc....
Yes as a matter of fact we took the Cherokee nation on a nice little winters walk to what would later become the state of Oklahoma. At least Hitler had the advantage of using rail cars to heard his victims to their "reservations". And lets not forget all the straglers that had to be killed along the way because they couldn't keep up. But there was no effort to kill eliminate them.
And lets not forget the masacre at Wounded Knee because the Souix would not stop that damned infernal Ghost Dance.
IMHO Candidates should not be able to accept donations from out of the area they will serve. That would limit county positions to county donations. State positions to state donations. Only presidential candidates could accept contributions from nationwide.

this would prevent elections from being "bought" from outside interests.

All campaigns should be publically funded and private donations should simply be banned.
From the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric...


Sen. Obama: If she is violating laws those laws have to be obeyed. We're a nation of laws. Obviously that doesn't lessen my concern for her, I haven't been able to be in touch with her. But I'm a strong believer you have to obey the law.

Such a Liar -

Senior aides to Sen. Barack Obama and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick were aware that Obama's aunt, Zeituni Onyango, was living in the United States illegally and in a South Boston public-housing project, and were monitoring her at the request of senior Obama campaign officials, according to a current employee for Obama's key political consulting firm, AKP&D Message and Media.

Too bad Obama was talking out of his ass when asked about the 12 million illegals that are here. Two faced fuck.

We are not going to send [illegal aliens] home ...Mr. Obama said many illegals have "settled," "bought property" and have children who are U.S. citizens.
From the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric...


Sen. Obama: If she is violating laws those laws have to be obeyed. We're a nation of laws. Obviously that doesn't lessen my concern for her, I haven't been able to be in touch with her. But I'm a strong believer you have to obey the law.

Such a Liar -

Senior aides to Sen. Barack Obama and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick were aware that Obama's aunt, Zeituni Onyango, was living in the United States illegally and in a South Boston public-housing project, and were monitoring her at the request of senior Obama campaign officials, according to a current employee for Obama's key political consulting firm, AKP&D Message and Media.

Too bad Obama was talking out of his ass when asked about the 12 million illegals that are here. Two faced fuck.

We are not going to send [illegal aliens] home ...Mr. Obama said many illegals have "settled," "bought property" and have children who are U.S. citizens.

Hope you enjoy tomorrow evening...
I cant tell you how disgusting this whole thing is. Think about this poor old lady, not bothering anybody, overstayed her visa, who cares, so many have and aren't bothering any body. The poor lady, scraping together little five dollar donations which she sends to barack obama, and now he has returned them to her. Imagine how she must feel. What is wrong with these people that they have no heart? I have gone through 8 years of what i consider to be a murderous regime, and still, i could not feel this way about some poor relative of his. Or begrudge him a airplane ride to his dying grandmother's bed.

and i have reason to hate the man. it's not just because he's a different color, a different party, whatever.

i don't think you vermin are going to get far with this sort of thing. most americans do have a heart.
she's bothering me by taking the money of taxpayers and leeching off of us. If she decided not to be a leech then it would be a different story.