Obama's Dispicable Ad on McCain

The Obama campaign began running this ad today, smearing McCain because he "doesn't know how to work a computer or send an email!" Clearly, it is intended to imply he is 'out of touch' with mainstream America, but I can't help but wonder if the people who came up with this, did any research or homework on the matter.

When McCain, a downed fighter pilot, was a P.O.W. in Vietnam, they broke both of his shoulders, and crushed his limbs, so that he couldn't escape, and so he would never fly again. The man is handicapped, and as a result of these injuries, is unable to lift his arms over his head, unable to comb his hair, and unable to type on a keyboard.

...The Democrats forgot to mention this in the ad.
The Obama campaign began running this ad today, smearing McCain because he "doesn't know how to work a computer or send an email!" Clearly, it is intended to imply he is 'out of touch' with mainstream America, but I can't help but wonder if the people who came up with this, did any research or homework on the matter.

When McCain, a downed fighter pilot, was a P.O.W. in Vietnam, they broke both of his shoulders, and crushed his limbs, so that he couldn't escape, and so he would never fly again. The man is handicapped, and as a result of these injuries, is unable to lift his arms over his head, unable to comb his hair, and unable to type on a keyboard.

...The Democrats forgot to mention this in the ad.

This ad makes me ANGRY AS HELL.


They have NO MORALS.
Well, you'll be surprised to hear that I kind of agree that it's an unnecessary attack; I think it's a pretty weak ad, too.

That said - and it's cliched - but "McCain started it." He had 3 ads in the past week that were lies; that Obama called Palin a pig, that he favored "comprehensive sex ed" for kindergartners, and that he sent an army of lawyers to Alaska to attack Palin. Obama was getting heavily criticized for not hitting back hard, and he's doing just that now, though not in a way that I think is effective.

McCain - the man who promised to campaign on the issues - took this campaign to the gutter.
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The only handicap John McCain has is he is a bit dumb. Finishing near the bottom of your class is not good. That America could actually elect 'dumb and dumber' is too much. Isn't W bad enough? Book banning, creationism, and endtime are right around the corner with this dynamic duo.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to sanction book banning and creationism as science.
The Obama campaign began running this ad today, smearing McCain because he "doesn't know how to work a computer or send an email!" Clearly, it is intended to imply he is 'out of touch' with mainstream America, but I can't help but wonder if the people who came up with this, did any research or homework on the matter.

When McCain, a downed fighter pilot, was a P.O.W. in Vietnam, they broke both of his shoulders, and crushed his limbs, so that he couldn't escape, and so he would never fly again. The man is handicapped, and as a result of these injuries, is unable to lift his arms over his head, unable to comb his hair, and unable to type on a keyboard.

...The Democrats forgot to mention this in the ad.
Yea....and I remmber in 2000 how you bought into the Bushies when they attacked McCain for being a traitor for giving up information to his North Vietnamese torturers. You hypocrit!
This ad makes me ANGRY AS HELL.


They have NO MORALS.

Stay out of this little boy. Grown men are having a conversation here. When you've grown up, read a book, actually know something and have gotten laid, well then we may give you permission to speak in the world of men. Till then, go home little boy.
I'm not outraged, I just think it shows how low Democrats will stoop... attacking a handicapped man! What's next, are they going to start toppling over people in wheelchairs to get elected?

You got to be fucking kidding me. You are such a collossal hypocrit. You're one of the Bushies that accused McCain of being a traitor in Vietnam. You're one of the Bushes that accused McCain of having an illegitimate black daughter. You're one of the Bushies that swift boated an honorable veteran who actually fought in combat and didn't hide behind his daddy's shirt to dodge the draft rich boy fashion.

The only one that's low here is you Dixie. What a hypocrit!
You got to be fucking kidding me. You are such a collossal hypocrit. You're one of the Bushies that accused McCain of being a traitor in Vietnam. You're one of the Bushes that accused McCain of having an illegitimate black daughter. You're one of the Bushies that swift boated an honorable veteran who actually fought in combat and didn't hide behind his daddy's shirt to dodge the draft rich boy fashion.

The only one that's low here is you Dixie. What a hypocrit!

There is nothing Obama has done, or will do, in this campaign to match the incredible lows the Bush campaign achieved in the 2000 primary campaign. "Can't email" isn't even on the same planet as some of the BS Bush pulled in that campaign.

However, Bush was a Republican, so it's not as big of a deal.
There is nothing Obama has done, or will do, in this campaign to match the incredible lows the Bush campaign achieved in the 2000 primary campaign. "Can't email" isn't even on the same planet as some of the BS Bush pulled in that campaign.

However, Bush was a Republican, so it's not as big of a deal.

No shit. The Bushies were the lowest of the low and wouldn't hesitate to use the scummiest of means and people to attack anyone who stood in their way. They have been the scummiest political attack machine in living memory and one of their biggest partisans (Dixie) has the unmitigated gal to accuse Obama of a low blow?

What a whiny assed hipocrit.
But you dont have to put a keyboard over your head to type on it?

If he can write he can type on a computor.

It is idiotic to want to run our current economy and have no idea how to use a computor.
But you dont have to put a keyboard over your head to type on it?

If he can write he can type on a computor.

It is idiotic to want to run our current economy and have no idea how to use a computor.

Desh, he has a disability. If he is like my uncle or any number of other disabled vets, he can probably do it, but it is very painful and uncomfortable, so he doesn't. I never said it was "impossible" for McCain to type on a keyboard, I said he can't (because it is painful to do so, because of his disability). I don't imagine you understand what it's like to have both your shoulders broken as a POW, so I don't think you are qualified to comment on his abilities or disabilities.

Yea....and I remmber in 2000 how you bought into the Bushies when they attacked McCain for being a traitor for giving up information to his North Vietnamese torturers. You hypocrit!
You got to be fucking kidding me. You are such a collossal hypocrit. You're one of the Bushies that accused McCain of being a traitor in Vietnam. You're one of the Bushes that accused McCain of having an illegitimate black daughter. You're one of the Bushies that swift boated an honorable veteran who actually fought in combat and didn't hide behind his daddy's shirt to dodge the draft rich boy fashion.

The only one that's low here is you Dixie. What a hypocrit!

Mott, I have never accused McCain of any such thing. I have never attacked McCain for ANY issue regarding his captivity, his service, or his personal life. I have disagreed with McCain's politics over the years, I did support Bush over McCain in 2000, but what you are saying is an outright lie and a slander against me. I'm still not crazy about McCain's political viewpoint, and I will be very critical of him, WHEN he is elected President, but I will never stoop to the level Democrats have, attacking him for a disability.

Now please, go stick your head back up your ass, you are stinking up the joint!
But you dont have to put a keyboard over your head to type on it?

If he can write he can type on a computor.

It is idiotic to want to run our current economy and have no idea how to use a computor.

LOL. You don't even know how to SPELL computer, Desh!
But you dont have to put a keyboard over computorr

It is idiotic to want to run our current economy and have no idea how to use a computor.
. That's dumb. You don't need to be able to send an email to know how the economy works, especially the tech industry. You need to understand markets, trade etc.
It's dumb on a couple of levels. The President does not run the economy and I have worked with several effective CEOs that had little to no computer knowledge.

Here's another ad that I am sure Darla and crew will claim is somehow an important issue, but it clearly is not.