Obama's Dispicable Ad on McCain

Really? Then how comes polling shows that most people with advanced degrees vote Democrat and those with high school degrees or less vote Republican?

I think it's because Democrats with advanced degrees are more likely to participate in stupid meaningless polls than Republicans with advanced degrees, who realize they are stupid meaningless polls and have better things to do with their time. Or maybe, it's because Democrats with advanced degrees, have their advanced degree in Political Science or some other irrelevant subject, so they are unemployed and available for the survey, while Republicans have advanced degrees in things like Engineering, and are busy out there being Capitalists making money, and aren't available to take the survey. One other possibility is, Democrats, being the pathological liars they are, will more likely CLAIM to have an advanced degree, while Republicans are more honest about it.
After decades of Willie Horton type ads, millions spent on a stain on a party dress, unconstitutional war, swiftboating and Rovian political tactics, are the neo cons here crying because the Dems have learned from them?

"Biden said this morning that he is disappointed in the campaign being waged by his friend, John McCain, saying he's seeing the same "Karl Rovian tactics" used today that felled the Arizona senator in 2000.

"What really disappoints me is the very tactics used against [McCain in 2000], they’re trying to use against Barack Obama," Biden said at a fundraiser in Boston this morning. "It's literally saddening. I didn’t expect it. But I guess I should learn to expect everything."

Yet Biden expressed confidence that "swiftboating is not going to work this time," in part because he thinks the electorate is more focused about "big ticket items," but also because he said he'd personally fight back, or, "smack 'em right square in the chops."

"I tell you what, you know anything about me, I ain't rolling over," he said. "There's no possibility."


LOL at neo cons
Crash, you can LOL all you like, it is beyond anything ever done in political history, to attack a man because of a disability he has. Can you even fathom FDR's opponents putting out an ad attacking his physical disabilities? Yeah, I understand things can get nasty and brutal in a presidential campaign, on both sides, but this just goes way over any respectable line, by a long shot. It's not just a bad example of political rhetoric, it is uncouth and uncivilized, and shows a complete lack of ethics, character or dignity. In my opinion, it is even worse than if McCain put out an ad pointing out Obama is black! It just goes somewhere it shouldn't ever go, and people know it.
many disabled people are able to use a computer. tell me McSame cant move a finger or use speech recognition. Just more false outrage at a fact. I not suprised that you relied on the war hero story tho, it seems to come up a lot in order to cover other deficiencies.

I think a better diversion for you would have been 'his work schedule does not allow him time on the computer. Or, He delegates computer work to staff' or something else... but to play the disabled sympathy card, come on Dixie, you can do better than that.
many disabled people are able to use a computer. tell me McSame cant move a finger or use speech recognition. Just more false outrage at a fact. I not suprised that you relied on the war hero story tho, it seems to come up a lot in order to cover other deficiencies.

I think a better diversion for you would have been 'his work schedule does not allow him time on the computer. Or, He delegates computer work to staff' or something else... but to play the disabled sympathy card, come on Dixie, you can do better than that.

The information that he does not use a computer, and why, comes from his biography, not me. It's not that he is 'unable' to use a computer, it is that using a computer causes him much pain and discomfort, due to his injuries. The fact that he could have found a way to use a computer, but didn't, doesn't make it okay to attack him because of a disability.

As I said, it was a despicable attack on the man's disability, and below any standard of decency I know of. But, I can certainly see why you wish to do damage control, after the fact.
I saw that Rove basically called McCain's recent ads a lie.

Now, THAT is saying something.

No, he did not call anything "a lie" ....YOU are a liar, not McCain.

Rove said (and I agree) that neither candidate should be attacking the other on superficial and trivial issues. Obama shouldn't have made the "pig" comment, and McCain shouldn't have attacked him for it.
The Obama campaign began running this ad today, smearing McCain because he "doesn't know how to work a computer or send an email!" Clearly, it is intended to imply he is 'out of touch' with mainstream America, but I can't help but wonder if the people who came up with this, did any research or homework on the matter.

When McCain, a downed fighter pilot, was a P.O.W. in Vietnam, they broke both of his shoulders, and crushed his limbs, so that he couldn't escape, and so he would never fly again. The man is handicapped, and as a result of these injuries, is unable to lift his arms over his head, unable to comb his hair, and unable to type on a keyboard.

...The Democrats forgot to mention this in the ad.

Mr. McCain's war injuries, most of which he suffered in the first moments after ejecting from his aircraft, left his shoulders and right knee badly damaged. He now has degenerative arthritis in those joints, which will continue to deteriorate and may lead to a total shoulder replacement or a knee replacement, Dr. Eckstein said.


also from what I read he was not getting good medical attention as a pow until they figured out he was an Admirals son. then he had tea with the pow camp commander or so the guy says.
The NVA broke both of his shoulders and crushed his bones. He has undergone years of medical treatment and therapy to do the things he does. Whoever this quack is you're posting a link to, is just more lying propaganda drummed up by MoveOn.org and Co.

It still doesn't matter... you should have enough decency to not attack a handicapped person, but you don't. You are supposed to be the ones who "care about people" but you apparently don't. Have any of you pieces of garbage stopped to think of how a 17-year-old Bristol Palin feels about all of this shit? How it is effecting her life? Have you ever stopped to think of the MANY Americans who have a crippled Uncle who fought in a major US war? No... hell no, fuck that, you got an election to win!

Mr. McCain's war injuries, most of which he suffered in the first moments after ejecting from his aircraft, left his shoulders and right knee badly damaged. He now has degenerative arthritis in those joints, which will continue to deteriorate and may lead to a total shoulder replacement or a knee replacement, Dr. Eckstein said.

I just went to the link, and found, his personal physician is Dr. Eckstein, but he didn't say what you attribute to him as a quote. You have incorporated subjective NYT journalism in with the doctor's statement, and created a nice little PROPAGANDA LIE.

Apologies to Dr. Eckstein, he is not a quack, and this piece of lying propaganda comes from usidiot.
Seriously? More, POW POW POW from the McCainiacs? I never would've guessed. In any event:

Q: What websites if any do you look at regularly?

Mr. McCain: Brooke and Mark show me Drudge, obviously, everybody watches, for better or for worse, Drudge. Sometimes I look at Politico. Sometimes RealPolitics, sometimes.

(Mrs. McCain and Ms. Buchanan both interject: “Meagan’s blog!”)

Mr. McCain: Excuse me, Meagan’s blog. And we also look at the blogs from Michael and from you that may not be in the newspaper, that are just part of your blog.

Q: But do you go on line for yourself?

Mr. McCain: They go on for me. I am learning to get online myself, and I will have that down fairly soon, getting on myself. I don’t expect to be a great communicator, I don’t expect to set up my own blog, but I am becoming computer literate to the point where I can get the information that I need – including going to my daughter’s blog first, before anything else.

Q: Do you use a blackberry or email?

Mr. McCain: No

Mark Salter: He uses a BlackBerry, just ours.


There’s no telling if he’s going to buy a tape from the Video Professor, or just have his son-in-law sit down with him for a few days, but John McCain has decided to learn how to use the internet.

“I am learning to get online myself, and I will have that down fairly soon, getting on myself,” McCain told the New York Times in an interview that appeared Sunday. “I don’t expect to be a great communicator, I don’t expect to set up my own blog, but I am becoming computer literate to the point where I can get the information that I need.”

Even so, McCain bluntly admits, “I don’t e-mail. I’ve never felt the particular need to e-mail.”


“John McCain travels with a laptop,” said McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds. “This is a senseless tactic from Obama’s campaign because they’re struggling with the realization that the American people understand he is not equipped to deliver change because his record has no bipartisanship or significant legislative accomplishment in it.”



