Obama's guilty conscious and appeasement.


Well...the right is right
Didn't see any threads on this, but this is without a doubt the funniest thing on the news right now. It appears Obama is so sensitive on the issue of appeasement, someone merely points out it's historical failures and warns not to follow the same course, and the man, the DNC, all lose their marbles simultaniously.


Do you really not have a clue as to why damn near the entire nation, even on a bad year for Republicans, still see's liberals as bunch of wimps?

Bush in Israel

"Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: "Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided." We have an obligation to call this what it is – the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."

Now if Obama and the Democrats have such a guilty concious on appeasement they assosiate this statement with Senator Barrack 'no middle name' Obama then that is by far one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen in politics.

Obama is no joke, unfortunately, he's voted to raise over three hundred taxes, voted to deny medical care to aborted babies that survive the abortion attempt, on the barbaric premise of not defining a 'fetus' as a 'baby' he's called the DC gun ban that baned the sale, and required allready owned firearms to be disassembled inside your home Consitutional, the SCOTUS is about to decalar it unconsitutional, he advocates withdrawing from Iraq, while similtaniously advocating bombing inside Packistan without consent, this just off the top of my head, and this man may soon be our Presdient.

There's no joke in the 'change' he will bring.
Radical Liberal!

Oh and to the 'I'm the only canidate to have opposed this war from the start' bull.

Here's a quote to chew on of Obama's from 2004 seems
“On Iraq... There's not much of a difference between my position and George Bush's position at this stage. The difference, in my mind, is who's in a position to execute.”
Chicago Tribune, 07/27/04
I understand what you are saying..
but when you have the less then educated college kids voting for a Messiah which doesn't even exist...

Just like the last election when the MTV had their lame ass slogan...VOTE OR DIE........

"Appeasement". The latest anti-Obama meme. But like terms such as "radical liberal" (which is a contradiction in itself), the word is being deliberately misused for propaganda purposes.

Newspeak has been with us for some time. This is just the latest manifestation.

Didn't see any threads on this, but this is without a doubt the funniest thing on the news right now. It appears Obama is so sensitive on the issue of appeasement, someone merely points out it's historical failures and warns not to follow the same course, and the man, the DNC, all lose their marbles simultaniously.


Do you really not have a clue as to why damn near the entire nation, even on a bad year for Republicans, still see's liberals as bunch of wimps?

Bush in Israel

"Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: "Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided." We have an obligation to call this what it is – the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."

Now if Obama and the Democrats have such a guilty concious on appeasement they assosiate this statement with Senator Barrack 'no middle name' Obama then that is by far one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen in politics.


Little Willie you incompetent twit. How stupid can you be? I mean your a stearotypical wingnut. One of your precious leaders says something often enough and you take it to be the truth only because they said it. How can you be so devoid of critical thinking abilities.

Let me explain this to you. Talking to ones enemies. Creating a dialogue so one can reach a mutual understanding with them is not appeasement.

Giving them Czeckozlavakia is.

What's pathetic is your inability to comprehend a blatantly dishonest argument.

I mean WTF, your boys Bush approach has accomplished marvels hasn't it? (Sarcasm warning)
"Appeasement". The latest anti-Obama meme. But like terms such as "radical liberal" (which is a contradiction in itself), the word is being deliberately misused for propaganda purposes.

Newspeak has been with us for some time. This is just the latest manifestation.


No, what's sad is people like little willie who lack the critical thinking abilities to make such observations. Truely sad and pathetic.

Oh well. You can lead a horse to water but you can't lead a horticulture.
Radical Liberal? LOL What a maroon! LOL Willie you've been wrong on almost every issue you've ever posted on. I'll give you this, you have chutspah!

I mean a reactionary fanatic like you calling anyone an extremist is just so freaking laughable. You have absolutely no credibility what so ever.

The fact is, Obama is a left of center liberal, while you are an extreme wright wing authoritarian reactionary and border line fascist.

Look at the pot calling the kettle black. lol
No, what's sad is people like little willie who lack the critical thinking abilities to make such observations. Truely sad and pathetic.

Oh well. You can lead a horse to water but you can't lead a horticulture.

Dodgy spelling there chief but well done, if there was a censorbot you would have sneaked one past it. :clink:
This election ios going to be a total joy watching these gutless cons squirming, whining, and moaning like lobotomized lemmings.

Such a pleasure.

Any bullshit the Rovians put out for these dummies they gravitate and cling to as if God told it to them.

But I'm glad they're here because they stand as poster children for how utterly stupid Americans can be. They remind us of all the failures of the last 8 years, and the total idiocy keeps us begging the question .. how in the fuck did America ever allow these weenies in control?
You referenced it BAC.


Perhaps he has no influence. Perhaps Americans have sussed the dirty bastard out, but either way, I sincerely hope that piece of filth has no influence now.
I am laughing my arse off every day that it is finally coming to light how badly the conservatives have twisted the definition of "appeasement," and how little many of them know about history.

This is a joy to watch. I can't wait until November; the months in between will be fun, too.
Obama's ability to put himself into this conversation by being too sensitive was an amazing boon for his campaign. All the people talking about these two things at the same time are simply promoting exactly what Obama wants, to associate himself with the power of the President.
Obama's ability to put himself into this conversation by being too sensitive was an amazing boon for his campaign. All the people talking about these two things at the same time are simply promoting exactly what Obama wants, to associate himself with the power of the President.

Absolutely correct brother.

Except for a few bumps, the Obama campaign team have been almost perfect.

Rolling out Edwards after Clinton's WV win was genius.
Obama's ability to put himself into this conversation by being too sensitive was an amazing boon for his campaign. All the people talking about these two things at the same time are simply promoting exactly what Obama wants, to associate himself with the power of the President.
This is the best observation. Bush was speaking to Carter and not about Obama, but Obama was so smooth in turning this into a slight against him and then using that opportunity against not JUST Bush but McCain that I heard people in the MSM calling it Bush's gift to Obama.
Rove's time will be taken up with defending himself legally from his work during this admin.

Hes pretty much of off the stage.

I will relish watching him spend his wealth and time being prosicuted.
"Appeasement". The latest anti-Obama meme. But like terms such as "radical liberal" (which is a contradiction in itself), the word is being deliberately misused for propaganda purposes.

Newspeak has been with us for some time. This is just the latest manifestation.


'Radical Liberal' a contradiction?

Yeah, all those liberals who where bombing buildings in the 60's, men Obama calls friends, like Ayres, weren't radicals, just misunderstood. Wow how naive of me. You know what, your right, I haven't gotten a letter I've been expecting, should I go blow up the post office, I mean, since it's no radical move or anything...

come on now...
Little Willie you incompetent twit. How stupid can you be? I mean your a stearotypical wingnut. One of your precious leaders says something often enough and you take it to be the truth only because they said it. How can you be so devoid of critical thinking abilities.

Let me explain this to you. Talking to ones enemies. Creating a dialogue so one can reach a mutual understanding with them is not appeasement.

Giving them Czeckozlavakia is.

What's pathetic is your inability to comprehend a blatantly dishonest argument.

I mean WTF, your boys Bush approach has accomplished marvels hasn't it? (Sarcasm warning)

I really don't need you to spell things out for me. Appeasement can take many forms, and this thread is about Obama's hypersensitivity, when someone even mentions appeasement. I'd also like to know why Obama got so defensive over a general comment, if it didn't apply to him, why didn't he just say he agreed with the statement?
Obama's ability to put himself into this conversation by being too sensitive was an amazing boon for his campaign. All the people talking about these two things at the same time are simply promoting exactly what Obama wants, to associate himself with the power of the President.

Perhaps that may be what he wanted, but if you pay attention, it makes him look petty, and scripted, at best, at worst, it's scary how defensive he got over a general comment regarding appeasement.