Obama's guilty conscious and appeasement.

Perhaps that may be what he wanted, but if you pay attention, it makes him look petty, and scripted, at best, at worst, it's scary how defensive he got over a general comment regarding appeasement.
The problem is the quick response by the R's was ineffective. They did not come out directly and talk to this particular issue. Most of the masses will already have in their heads that Bush was saying Obama wants to appease, he's already answered it.

With that and a bit of positive media help he's well on his way to "winning" this particular encounter.

Had the R's immediately come out with, "Why so sensitive? Too much truth?" it would have been an R victory. It was a bit of a risk, but he's already past the risky portion.
The problem is the quick response by the R's was ineffective. They did not come out directly and talk to this particular issue. Most of the masses will already have in their heads that Bush was saying Obama wants to appease, he's already answered it.

With that and a bit of positive media help he's well on his way to "winning" this particular encounter.

Had the R's immediately come out with, "Why so sensitive? Too much truth?" it would have been an R victory. It was a bit of a risk, but he's already past the risky portion.

Dead right, Damo.

In the war of spin, Obama played his hand better. Not bad for a political novice. Maybe that tussle with the Clinton camp really did pay dividends?
'Radical Liberal' a contradiction?

Yeah, all those liberals who where bombing buildings in the 60's, men Obama calls friends, like Ayres, weren't radicals, just misunderstood. Wow how naive of me. You know what, your right, I haven't gotten a letter I've been expecting, should I go blow up the post office, I mean, since it's no radical move or anything...

come on now...

Definition problem. My understanding is that a radical holds extreme views and willingness to act on them. Radicals can come from the extreme left or the extreme right. A liberal person is by definition reasonable and not an extremist or favouring extreme ideas.
This election ios going to be a total joy watching these gutless cons squirming, whining, and moaning like lobotomized lemmings.

Such a pleasure.

Any bullshit the Rovians put out for these dummies they gravitate and cling to as if God told it to them.

But I'm glad they're here because they stand as poster children for how utterly stupid Americans can be. They remind us of all the failures of the last 8 years, and the total idiocy keeps us begging the question .. how in the fuck did America ever allow these weenies in control?

There's a long tradition of stupid Americans. To paraphrase H.L. Menken said "No one has ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public or lost public office thereby."
I really don't need you to spell things out for me. Appeasement can take many forms, and this thread is about Obama's hypersensitivity, when someone even mentions appeasement. I'd also like to know why Obama got so defensive over a general comment, if it didn't apply to him, why didn't he just say he agreed with the statement?

Hypersensitivity? You can't possibly be such a numbnuts! Accusing a Presidential candidate of appeasement is calling them unfit for the office. Something Bush is very familiar with.

Appeasement means, literally,"acquiring peace by way of concessions". Now please, tell me, what concessions has Obama promised or offered to make in order to avoid military attacks or war from our Foreign enemies? Now, don't try to tell me that establishing a dialogue is a concession. If you do you'll only prove me correct that you're an idiot.
Definition problem. My understanding is that a radical holds extreme views and willingness to act on them. Radicals can come from the extreme left or the extreme right. A liberal person is by definition reasonable and not an extremist or favouring extreme ideas.

I have to make a minor correction. By the definitions of political scientist a radical is someone from the far extreme left. An extremist from the far right of the political spectrum would be a reactionary.

That's why I laughed at little willie for calling Obama a radical when he's probably the most extreme reactionary to post on this board.
I have to make a minor correction. By the definitions of political scientist a radical is someone from the far extreme left. An extremist from the far right of the political spectrum would be a reactionary.

That's why I laughed at little willie for calling Obama a radical when he's probably the most extreme reactionary to post on this board.

Good point, I completely forgot about reactionaries.