Obama's Legacy

We have heard much about Obama's experience the past week, which comes as a surprise those of us who didn't think he had any. Most of us were somewhat aware of his 'community organizer' position, Hillary told us of that, as well as his association with the slum lords, and then he was a civil rights attorney, mostly representing radical groups like ACORN, bilking settlements and rewards from those greedy corporations who wouldn't buy him off. He managed to get into politics, and convince the voters of Illinois into sending him to the House of Representatives, where he fought hard for the civil rights of others.

Yes, he sponsored all kinds of legislation, mostly to make the job of law enforcement more difficult and the life of the criminal easier. He was the lone opposition to a bill which would have eliminated violent criminals getting credit on their prison terms for time spent in county jails. What a guy! He opposed tougher penalties for crimes involving gang-related violence, and staunchly opposed the death penalty for any reason. But the bill he was most proud of, was the one he fought for, pretty much on his own, to require any permissible criminal confession to law enforcement, to be video taped. Illinois is the only state with such a requirement by law, thanks to Obama!

Senator Obama has moved on to bigger and better things, but his legacy lives on in the great state of Illinois. All of his community organization work, all of his stellar civil rights lawsuits, and all of his unending fight for the gangs and criminals so mistreated by Illinois state and local authorities. Between Memorial Day and Labor day, 125 people have died in Illinois, due to gang-related violence. Incidentally, that is more than the number of US Troops in Iraq, for the same period.
How could any sane person consider any of this a bad thing? Why shouldn't criminal confessions be videotaped? Christ. And why should anyone have a longer total sentence just because it took longer for them to get to trial? That's ridiculous.
Uh Dixie I like everything he supported in that. What do you see wrong with videotaped confessions?

Being from Birmingham you should know how cops can get. They are not above beating the shit out of someone to get what they want.
Uh Dixie I like everything he supported in that. What do you see wrong with videotaped confessions?

Being from Birmingham you should know how cops can get. They are not above beating the shit out of someone to get what they want.

What I see wrong is, there have been more gang-related deaths in Illinois than troop deaths in Iraq between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and this is where Obama gained ALL his experience, as a "community organizer" ...A "civil rights" attorney, and a State Representative who fought hard for the rights of these gangs.... just like he has fought hard for the rights of terrorists as a US Senator.
Dixie, that is truly pathetic. That's inane, even for you; you HAVE to know that.

Please tell me you know that.
Dixie, that is truly pathetic. That's inane, even for you; you HAVE to know that.

Please tell me you know that.

I didn't say anything that wasn't true, I didn't do anything except post the truth. I'm not sure what you find 'inane' about the truth. Skyrocketing gangland deaths in Illinois are not a good testament to Obama's 'community organizing' abilities, or his legal and legislative work in the state... please tell me you know that!

If this is how Obama has fought crime, imagine how he might fight terrorism.
"Skyrocketing gangland deaths in Illinois are not a good testament to Obama's 'community organizing' abilities, or his legal and legislative work in the state"

You're insanely retarded.

That's a shame.
I didn't say anything that wasn't true, I didn't do anything except post the truth. I'm not sure what you find 'inane' about the truth. Skyrocketing gangland deaths in Illinois are not a good testament to Obama's 'community organizing' abilities, or his legal and legislative work in the state... please tell me you know that!

If this is how Obama has fought crime, imagine how he might fight terrorism.

Skyrocketing? Dixie, I've gone over this. Murders have been down by half since 1995. That's even with "evil" things like requiring videotaped confessions so that the cops can't torture innocent men into a confession.

Every state should require that. I thought that nearly every state did whenever I heard about Obama doing it, because it's simply so common sense.
And Dixie, Obama supports the death penalty for NON-MURDER crimes, which is certainly a right wing position. How did you get that he "oppose it for any reason at all!"

This just supports my theory that you, as a troll, are a surrealists artistic experiment, to say as many stupid things as possible.
The population of Chicago is two million. There are a couple of hundred thousand troops in Iraq. That means that the death rate of a soldier is ten times higher.
Skyrocketing? Dixie, I've gone over this. Murders have been down by half since 1995. That's even with "evil" things like requiring videotaped confessions so that the cops can't torture innocent men into a confession.

Every state should require that. I thought that nearly every state did whenever I heard about Obama doing it, because it's simply so common sense.

I think I clearly specified between Memorial Day and Labor Day. They are currently having gang wars in Chicago, which will push the violent crime death toll far past anything in recent years for the state. This is where Obama's "work" was done... this is where Obama made the "changes" in law, for the 'betterment' of society! I guess the place is just going to hell in a handbasket without Obama there to 'community organize' or whatever... but, maybe we can send him back, his people need him!