Obamas Military advisor...100 years in Iraq

I find it amusing that Sf forgets that McSame made the war his main issue in his bid for the republican nomination.

He made increasing the level of troops a main focal point. Where have I stated otherwise? But supporting more troops for the sake of increasing security and trying to get stability is not the same as warmongering.
He made increasing the level of troops a main focal point. Where have I stated otherwise? But supporting more troops for the sake of increasing security and trying to get stability is not the same as warmongering.

Just keep on deluding your self and be a good little party tool.
He made increasing the level of troops a main focal point. Where have I stated otherwise? But supporting more troops for the sake of increasing security and trying to get stability is not the same as warmongering.

You mean John W. McSame is supporting the same increase the troops strategy as John "Warmonger" Kerry?

Yes We Can!
We discussed at length last year about McClown staking his chances of getting the nomination on the success of the war and the surge. It has become a bit more complicated since then though. The economy is going to crap, Iraq is heating up again, Hillary can't keep her stinky foot out of her mouth, Obama looks like the best hope, etc...

Obama is clearly the best shot we have at getting out of Iraq.
SF I thought you were a finiancial type. It is even clear to financial dummies like me that we cannot keep up this war spending, and it might have already pretty much doomed us.
And yet you think we should stay.....Who is the hack ?

You are clearly putting party loyalty ahead of your intelligence.

Humanitarian and oil issues and all other moral things aside. We cannot continue this war!
We discussed at length last year about McClown staking his chances of getting the nomination on the success of the war and the surge. It has become a bit more complicated since then though. The economy is going to crap, Iraq is heating up again, Hillary can't keep her stinky foot out of her mouth, Obama looks like the best hope, etc...

Obama is clearly the best shot we have at getting out of Iraq.

Thanks for repeating what I stated. He staked his primary run on supporting the surge. Glad we cleared that up.

I think Obama would do a good job. I just don't think he is the better of the two. Barring Hitlary stealing this from Obama, we are for the first time in my lifetime going to have two good candidates running for President.
SF I thought you were a finiancial type. It is even clear to financial dummies like me that we cannot keep up this war spending, and it might have already pretty much doomed us.
And yet you think we should stay.....Who is the hack ?

You are clearly putting party loyalty ahead of your intelligence.

Humanitarian and oil issues and all other moral things aside. We cannot continue this war!

This has nothing to do with party loyalty. This has to do with the consequences of our actions. If the military thinks it is in the best interest long term to stay and try to stablize this, then we do it. If they think it is hopeless and we should pull out... then we do that. But whatever their decision, we back them.

Medicare, medicaid and SS are a far bigger in terms of financial problems for this country. You are looking at shortfalls of over $30 trillion. Yet try to alter those programs and guess which party goes apeshit about "the Reps are trying to steal from you blah blah blah"?
This has nothing to do with party loyalty. This has to do with the consequences of our actions. If the military thinks it is in the best interest long term to stay and try to stablize this, then we do it. If they think it is hopeless and we should pull out... then we do that. But whatever their decision, we back them.

Medicare, medicaid and SS are a far bigger in terms of financial problems for this country. You are looking at shortfalls of over $30 trillion. Yet try to alter those programs and guess which party goes apeshit about "the Reps are trying to steal from you blah blah blah"?

Yeah 30 trillion over the next 70 years or something like that.
by that time we will have spent 100 trillion on the war they way it is going....
You denial is sad SF...

put your ego and emo aside and think .
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Yeah 30 trillion over the next 70 years or something like than.
by that time we will have spent 100 trillion on the war they way it is going....
You denial is sad SF...

put your ego and emo aside and think .

No US... the $30 trillion is the CURRENT shortfall of medicare. Yes, it will take a decade or so before we default on our liabilities there... but it is a far greater financial burden than the war.

The war is projected to cost $3 trillion (the highest projection) over the next decade. Not anywhere close to $100 trillion... which I am sure was just an exageration on your part.

I am not denying anything US. I understand the war is costing us a lot of money. But at this choice, we pay for what the military needs to either stabilize Iraq or to get out of Iraq.... whichever they deem is in the best interest of this country for the long term.

But please, continue saying "you are in denial".... quite clearly you should say that while looking in a mirror.
Yeah 30 trillion over the next 70 years or something like that.
by that time we will have spent 100 trillion on the war they way it is going....
You denial is sad SF...

put your ego and emo aside and think .

what's the denial? Like SF said if the military says we need to say then I support it. If they say we need to leave then I'll back them.
Umm the war costs go up as the dollar drops, and the debt for the war drives the dollar down, a viscious cycle there.
Remember Bush fired a guy for saying the war would cost 200 bill or so.

Strange that an uneducated country bumpkin like myself has a better overall grasp on the situation than college whiz kids.

And yes medicare, etc is a big problem, but the war makes it impossible to adress the other domestic problems.
No US... the $30 trillion is the CURRENT shortfall of medicare. Yes, it will take a decade or so before we default on our liabilities there... but it is a far greater financial burden than the war.

The war is projected to cost $3 trillion (the highest projection) over the next decade. Not anywhere close to $100 trillion... which I am sure was just an exageration on your part.

I am not denying anything US. I understand the war is costing us a lot of money. But at this choice, we pay for what the military needs to either stabilize Iraq or to get out of Iraq.... whichever they deem is in the best interest of this country for the long term.

But please, continue saying "you are in denial".... quite clearly you should say that while looking in a mirror.

We have civilian control of the military for a reason. The responsibility of the military brass is not to determine what is in the best interests of this country.
Umm the war costs go up as the dollar drops, and the debt for the war drives the dollar down, a viscious cycle there.
Remember Bush fired a guy for saying the war would cost 200 bill or so.

Strange that an uneducated country bumpkin like myself has a better overall grasp on the situation than college whiz kids.

And yes medicare, etc is a big problem, but the war makes it impossible to adress the other domestic problems.

Um... the cost of healthcare goes up and the dollar drops and the debt for medicare drives the dollar down, a viscious cycle there.

Bottom line you can make that argument for everything we spend money on. We have idiotic politicians that call a reduction in an increase in spending a cut. We have idiotic politicians that no matter how good or bad the economy is cannot seem to actually spend less than they take in. 1960 was the last fiscal year our nations debt was reduced.

The war does not make it impossible to address domestic issues. Bottom line is that we are going to have to tighten our belts, quit crying for more government handouts and pay down this debt. Whether the debt comes from the war, medicare, ss, defense, whatever.... we have to tighten our belts. Pulling out would save us money in the short term.... but what about the long term. That is the part you do not seem to be considering.
The current shortfall of medicare is 30 trillion ???????

I think not, that is the future projection. How can we have a 30 trillion current shortfall and only a 3 trilion or so budget ???