Obama's Slavery-Lite


New member
Whoopie should have asked him about it instead of her stupid question to McCain.


Obama has said:

So when I'm President, I will set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year. This means that by the time you graduate college, you'll have done 17 weeks of service.


Obama says he will meet his goal of forcing children into service “in several ways. At the middle and high school level, we’ll make federal assistance conditional on school districts developing service programs, and give schools resources to offer new service opportunities.”

So there is a carrot and a stick. The local school have to push children into national servitude or lose federal funding -- funding which is first taken from the local parents. If they succeed in forcing children into government approved service they will get extra funding. Please note that the purpose of federal funding of education is not to increase funding -- after all the money is taken from local taxpayers first. The purpose is so that politicians in Washington can use the funding to force local schools to act on their behalf. Bush did this with his silly abstinence programs and Obama wants to do this with his program of placing children into national servitude.

Schools that ignore Obama’s agenda of making children servants of the state would lose their funds. Few can afford to do that. They will be forced to comply and they will have to find methods of forcing children to comply as well. One such method could be withholding earned diplomas or credits until the child “voluntarily” enslaves himself to Obama’s agenda.
Forcing them or just having them repay the tax dollars somewhat that we give the universities ? there should be no free lunch.

We need those grade schoolers out picking up litter.
Dear USIdiot:

I earned my college scholarship. Just because you had a shitty life doesn't mean you should force everyone else too. I'm not going to dig holes pointlessly and fill them back up just so that you can have some perverted since of personal justice about no one getting it easy.
Partisans will defend anything their party proposes. Absolutely amazing. If this were a republican idea Citizen would be frothing at the audacity of the idea of forced community service.

Fuck all you totalitarian shitheads.
Community service should be voluntary. If you want to encourage it, then you offer greater rewards for those that meet your goals. Otherwise, it is just indentured servitude at best, and slavery at worst.
Community service should be voluntary. If you want to encourage it, then you offer greater rewards for those that meet your goals. Otherwise, it is just indentured servitude at best, and slavery at worst.

yeah greater rewards like a partially govt paid for college degree ?

community service is it's own reward for me.
Forcing them or just having them repay the tax dollars somewhat that we give the universities ? there should be no free lunch.

We need those grade schoolers out picking up litter.


universities---tuition? free lunch?

commie slap!!!!
RS-----this uscitizen guy is twisted up bad. He is gone and not comming back. I am coming to the conclusion that I should divert less of my energy showing him how twisted he is. He is not capable of rational thought and his fantacy is real to him. For example

I payed for my tuition at the university I went to as I went and worked at the same time--there was no free lunch.

community service is for people who do it out of their own hearts, and they don't tax people, and for criminals. Forcing anybody else to do it "just because" does not instil freedom into a individual at any level. That is why commies like the idea.

UScitizen---you disgust me. I wish I could spit on you from here!!
RS-----this uscitizen guy is twisted up bad. He is gone and not comming back. I am coming to the conclusion that I should divert less of my energy showing him how twisted he is. He is not capable of rational thought and his fantacy is real to him. For example

I payed for my tuition at the university I went to as I went and worked at the same time--there was no free lunch.

community service is for people who do it out of their own hearts, and they don't tax people, and for criminals. Forcing anybody else to do it "just because" does not instil freedom into a individual at any level. That is why commies like the idea.

UScitizen---you disgust me. I wish I could spit on you from here!!

LOL, getting psychoanalized by a loonie bin trustee. this is great.

Which university ? or did you get 3 degrees at the same one ?
Indentured servitude for children who have absolutely no say in their own matters. One of the small, ancillary benefits of federalized education in a country which loves to worship the state.