Obama’s Speech Prompts Ten Questions from Republicans


New member
Friday, September 11, 2009
By House Republican Conference

– House Republicans on Thursday issued ten “common-sense” questions arising from President Barack Obama’s Wednesday-night speech plugging health care reform.

The questions – and the words that prompted them – appear here verbatim:

President Barack Obama: “Our collective failure to meet this challenge – year after year, decade after decade – has led us to the breaking point.”
Common Sense Question: If we are at the “breaking point,” then why doesn’t your government-run insurance plan start until 2013?

President Barack Obama: “There are now 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage.”
Common Sense Question: On August 20, you said 46 million Americans were uninsured. What happened to 16 million Americans?

President Barack Obama: “And every day, 14,000 Americans lose their coverage.”
Common Sense Question: Does that mean 15 million Americans will lose their health care before your government plan starts in 2013?

President Barack Obama: “We spend one and a half times more per person on health care than any other country, but we aren’t any healthier for it.”
Common Sense Question: Then why do people travel from around the world to receive health care in the United States?

President Barack Obama: “Put simply, our health care problem is our deficit problem. Nothing else even comes close.”
Common Sense Question: Didn’t the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office say that the health care plan you have endorsed will add $239 billion to our annual deficits over the next ten years?

President Barack Obama: “Reducing the waste and inefficiency in Medicare and Medicaid will pay for most of this plan.”
Common Sense Question: If we can pay for “most” of health care reform by controlling waste and inefficiency, then why does a $900 billion health care plan include $820 billion in tax increases?

President Barack Obama: “…no federal dollars will be used to fund abortion.”
Common Sense Question: Do you object to House Democrats defeating an amendment in the House Energy and Commerce Committee markup that would have explicitly prohibited federal funding of abortion under a government-run health care plan?

President Barack Obama: “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits – either now or in the future.”
Common Sense Question: Do you oppose the House Democrat health care plan, H.R. 3200, which the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said will add $239 billion to our annual deficits over the next ten years and “would probably generate substantial increases in federal budget deficits” thereafter? If so, which Democrat plan are you going to support?

President Barack Obama: “Reducing the waste and inefficiency in Medicare and Medicaid will pay for most of this plan…the plan I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over the next 10 years…”
Common Sense Question: If there is so much “waste and inefficiency” in Medicare and Medicaid – two government-run health care plans – then won’t further government involvement in health care lead to further “waste and inefficiency”?

President Barack Obama: “And I will continue to seek common ground in the weeks ahead. If you come to me with a serious set of proposals, I will be there to listen.”
Common Sense Question: Will you agree to meet with House Republican leaders to discuss health care reform, as they requested almost four months ago?

from and comments..
2013....good one...my guess....to get big pharma and ins co to fund his reelection efforts....little does he knwo he will not be reelected
One thing I have noticed about political groups and names of bills.
If the name sounds good just bend over and spread the vaseline, becuase the results will be pretty much the inverse of the name.
One thing I have noticed about political groups and names of bills.
If the name sounds good just bend over and spread the vaseline, becuase the results will be pretty much the inverse of the name.

2013....good one...my guess....to get big pharma and ins co to fund his reelection efforts....little does he knwo he will not be reelected

do you have any BALLS yurt?

I will bet you, right now, $500 that Obama serves two terms.

Ready to put your money where your mouth is?

I didn't think so
why are you interested in my balls?


I knew you'd run away from the wager...

The idiomatic expression "balls" clearly is too close to the bone, so to speak, for gay motherfuckers like you... so let me rephrase.... do you have any GUTS, fag boy?

gonna take my wager or are you gonna tap dance and run away?

I'll wait, queerbait.:321:
I knew you'd run away from the wager...

The idiomatic expression "balls" clearly is too close to the bone, so to speak, for gay motherfuckers like you... so let me rephrase.... do you have any GUTS, fag boy?

gonna take my wager or are you gonna tap dance and run away?

I'll wait, queerbait.:321:

ah....now i'm queerbait...yet here you are asking me about my balls....whats next....

obama will not be reelected....that you're such an insecure child that needs to make some stupid internet bet only shows that you're the hack....if he gets reelected....you can prance around in your faggoty dress and proclaim i am wrong....the need to wager money on this is simply stupid....
The guarantees already that Obama won't win re-election are hilarious. They actually remind me of me in the years 2001-04, guaranteeing that Bush couldn't win again. I was so sure that America wouldn't elect such an imbecile for a 2nd time.

But then the Dems blew it, and nominated Kerry, and we were stuck with the decider for a full 8 years. What a travesty.

It's hard to imagine the GOP not doing the same thing, and going for someone like Palin or Romney again. But they might wise up in time...
ah....now i'm queerbait...yet here you are asking me about my balls....whats next....

obama will not be reelected....that you're such an insecure child that needs to make some stupid internet bet only shows that you're the hack....if he gets reelected....you can prance around in your faggoty dress and proclaim
i am wrong....the need to wager money on this is simply stupid....

so...I take it that all that tapdancing means that you DON'T have the guts to put your money where your mouth is. WHy didn't you just SAY so?

I sincerely wanted to increase my working capital by $500. I thought getting an idiot faggot republican hack like you to bet against Obama would be an easy way of doing so... but I guess besides being an idiot, you are also a PUSSY.

got it.
so...I take it that all that tapdancing means that you DON'T have the guts to put your money where your mouth is. WHy didn't you just SAY so?

I sincerely wanted to increase my working capital by $500. I thought getting an idiot faggot republican hack like you to bet against Obama would be an easy way of doing so... but I guess besides being an idiot, you are also a PUSSY.

got it.

dude....i don't bet with liars.....i don't care if you wanted to bet against the sun coming up tomorrow....too funny how you think someone not agreeing to your stupid bets somehow makes you right and them a coward....you're so insecure
dude....i don't bet with liars.....i don't care if you wanted to bet against the sun coming up tomorrow....too funny how you think someone not agreeing to your stupid bets somehow makes you right and them a coward....you're so insecure

fly fly:cof1:

other than proving you're nothing but a whiney idiot.....this bet thing is stupid....

you're wanting to place a bet on something completely unpredictable and simply because someone doesn't trust you and doesn't like betting on things that are so unpredictable.....this somehow makes you right and makes me not stand by my statement....

i stand by it....if you not man enough to take someone's statement for what it is and require a bet....you're no man at all
translation....i dare not answer the questions....

you're such a strong debater onceler....are you to afraid to actually take on the questions....


Oh, Yurtie? I'm making fun of memes. Whenever I try to debate her, she says I'm "whining", and refuses to address the point.

But you miss the dozens of times she does that, and find the 1 time I'm doing a meme parody to make a fool out of yourself.

Nice going!
other than proving you're nothing but a whiney idiot.....this bet thing is stupid....

you're wanting to place a bet on something completely unpredictable and simply because someone doesn't trust you and doesn't like betting on things that are so unpredictable.....this somehow makes you right and makes me not stand by my statement....

i stand by it....if you not man enough to take someone's statement for what it is and require a bet....you're no man at all
it is NOT completely unpredictable.... it is no more unpredictable than the fifth race at Hialeah. Do you wanna bet against Obama or don't you?

If you are so sure that he will go down to defeat in 2012, why wouldn't you agree to a bet that would net you a cool $500?