Obama's Speech


I don't know how many of you watched OBama's speech last night, given in Indiana at the Jefferson-Jackson memorial dinner. But I was falling asleep before it came on. I was exhausted from Philidelphia and didn't think anything could keep me awake. My bf had CNN on though, and just when I was pretty much asleep, it came on, and slowly it kept waking me up, until I was wide awake and I ended up watching the entire speech.

I really thought that it was incredible, and the more I see of both of them, the more I can't imagine that McCain could beat him.
He was great on Meet the Press, too - even though Russert spent the 1st 15 minutes (a full 15 minutes - no commercials) - on Wright.

McCain is done. He's still losing to Obama in most polls, even though Obama has gotten hammered for a month solid while McCain has had a free ride. The last poll I saw (CBS) had Obama up by over 10.

It's only going to get worse for McCain; the media hasn't even started yet.
He was great on Meet the Press, too - even though Russert spent the 1st 15 minutes (a full 15 minutes - no commercials) - on Wright.

McCain is done. He's still losing to Obama in most polls, even though Obama has gotten hammered for a month solid while McCain has had a free ride. The last poll I saw (CBS) had Obama up by over 10.

It's only going to get worse for McCain; the media hasn't even started yet.

Russert is, to my mind, the single most over-rated journalist working today. I think he had serious competition from Bob Woodward, until Woodward destroyed his own reputation by being a Scooter Libby hack. That shot Russert straight to number one.

I agree. It makes me even angrier about the whole Hillary thing though.
Obama speaks to people as if they were adults. I saw him on Meet the Press and I was amazed that Russert would spend so much time on Wright when the press has already taken a beating for the last debate that spent so much time on non issues.

But then again, I wasn't really surprised.
Obama speaks to people as if they were adults. I saw him on Meet the Press and I was amazed that Russert would spend so much time on Wright when the press has already taken a beating for the last debate that spent so much time on non issues.

But then again, I wasn't really surprised.

If he was running for the best orator in the country I might vote for him.
If he was running for the best orator in the country I might vote for him.

The ability to communicate ideas well, engage in diplomacy & inspire are not inconsequential to a successful Presidency.

Of course, I happen to think he has good ideas, as well...
The ability to communicate ideas well, engage in diplomacy & inspire are not inconsequential to a successful Presidency.

Of course, I happen to think he has good ideas, as well...

I have a dream---a dream that one day people will stop believing slick talking politicians only to get pissed at them when they can't pull off what they promise.
I have a dream---a dream that one day people will stop believing slick talking politicians only to get pissed at them when they can't pull off what they promise.

The ability to speak well does not equate to "slick."

We tried unintelligible, for 2 terms. Didn't work out so well.
I have a dream---a dream that one day people will stop believing slick talking politicians only to get pissed at them when they can't pull off what they promise.

Dillo I love you man but hell what do you want , a guy who cant speak a sentance without fucking it up? We tried that one with Bush and look what that gave us?

He realkly isnt even that good a speaker. He stumbles and he says ah all the time.

You can tell he is thinking about what he is saying as he talks. He doesnt take the easy way out when discussing matters. Liuke someone above said he talks to you like an adult.

There are some in this country who just can not spot genuineness in people. They thought GWB was genuine for gods sake.

Hillary is pandering , McCain is towing the neo con line and Obama is talking to us like we have an independent adult mind that we acttually are capable of employing.

I really think its going to happen I think he will win.

He better hire his own damn security though.
Dillo I love you man but hell what do you want , a guy who cant speak a sentance without fucking it up? We tried that one with Bush and look what that gave us?

He realkly isnt even that good a speaker. He stumbles and he says ah all the time.

You can tell he is thinking about what he is saying as he talks. He doesnt take the easy way out when discussing matters. Liuke someone above said he talks to you like an adult.

There are some in this country who just can not spot genuineness in people. They thought GWB was genuine for gods sake.

Hillary is pandering , McCain is towing the neo con line and Obama is talking to us like we have an independent adult mind that we acttually are capable of employing.

I really think its going to happen I think he will win.

He better hire his own damn security though.

It has nothing to do with what I want because two parties (neither of which I belong to) have bought a couple of people to run for president and now are telling me to pick one. I don't trust either party based on what both of them have done to us in the past.
No one. It's a waste of my time and gas. If there were someone that had a chance to beat the Demoblicans I would vote for them.

I wish we had a viable third party.

Voting is pointless until we do. We have two coalitions of incompetent, mildly evil officials who bask in corruption and the status quo.

A vote for either is morally reprehensible to some degree.
My plan is point to out to all of you Democrats and Republicans what enormous tools you are.

If that doesn't succeed, I'll just vote Libertarian and keep hating you morons for what you're doing to this country.
And what kind of a TOOL is the faction that says the smart thing to do is not vote and give up on the system our founders designed?
And what kind of a TOOL is the faction that says the smart thing to do is not vote and give up on the system our founders designed?

The kind that won't help your party destroy our country.

And our Founders didn't design a system of political parties... Tool.