Obama’s weak and unnecessary war authorization

Truth Detector

Well-known member
I keep hearing this dumb claim from the Liberal left; that Obama is waiting for a war authorization from Congress.

The problem with that moronic narrative is that Congress doesn't just declare war willy nilly; it requires the Commander and Chief to request a declaration, which Obama has not done.

The next one is; who would Obama declare war on? ISIS is not a sovereign nation or a state and has already clearly stated he is not at war with radical Islam and refuses to use the term.

The LA Times, a huge propaganda arm of the Obama Admin, gets some things right just like a stopped clock is right twice a day; this is one of those times:

Obama’s weak and unnecessary war authorization

President Obama has asked Congress to authorize the use of force against the Islamic State, declaring in his State of the Union address “We need that authority.”

No, he doesn’t.

Obama has been using force against the Islamic State for six months now. Between his inherent authority as commander in chief and two existing authorizations for the use of military force, he has all the authority he “needs” to defeat the Islamic State. What is holding Obama back is not the lack of congressional authorization but his own stubborn unwillingness to employ the kind of force his military commander says is necessary to win.

So if there is no legal or warfighting reason for Obama to ask Congress for a new AUMF, why does he want one?

Obama wants Congress to formally declare an end to President George W. Bush’s Iraq war by rescinding the 2002 authorization, while passing a new, more limited authorization to fight his new, more limited campaign against the Islamic State. But the idea that the current campaign against the Islamic State is a not continuation of the same war that Bush was fighting is a fantasy.


Second, and more important, Obama wants to tie the hands of his successor with a resolution that prevents him or her from deploying significant ground forces to defeat the Islamic State. He has asked Congress to explicitly state that the new AUMF “does not authorize the use of the United States Armed Forces in enduring offensive ground combat operations.” Moreover, he wants Congress to declare that “the use of military force shall terminate” in three years “unless reauthorized.” This makes Obama the first president in history to formally ask that Congress restrict his authority as commander in chief to fight a war.

The rest of the story:
I keep hearing this dumb claim from the Liberal left; that Obama is waiting for a war authorization from Congress.

The problem with that moronic narrative is that Congress doesn't just declare war willy nilly; it requires the Commander and Chief to request a declaration, which Obama has not done.

I’m still waiting for you to produce a single portion of constitutional text to support the absurd idea that the Congress is mandated to be requested by a President for a declaration of war before Congress can declare war.

Of course as willfully ignorant as you are of constitutional text and your neverending anti-Constitution rhetoric whenever you actually do attempt to make a political point leaves you sorely intellectually bankrupted and terminally destitute for want of any evidence to support your clueless-ness.:cof1:

The next one is; who would Obama declare war on? ISIS is not a sovereign nation or a state and has already clearly stated he is not at war with radical Islam and refuses to use the term.

Of course you’re going to produce a constitutional article or amendment that mandates the Congress to be restricted to ONLY declaring wars on ”a sovereign nation or a state”, right? I’ll understand if you can’t and don’t.:rofl2::cof1:
He is too incompetent to lead so he wants Congress to lead....thats pretty obvious to everyone....
This hilarious coming from the people who if given the opportunity to have the power to combat ISIS would probably invade Argentina.
If the Republican Congress had any balls, they'd do everything they could to put a formal declaration of war on Obama's desk and shut him up and make their own criticism of his ISIS war tactics credible and prove they're not just another RINO gang of "do nothing" "buck passing" hypocrites.
This is a complete turnaround from the rightie view that Obama's a dictator who burned the Constitution and achieved power of an emperor.

How so ?.....Obama needs no 'authorization' from Congress.....he is doing some bombing on ISIS right now.....not enough, but some.
He is also waging war in Afghanistan without any new authorization from Congress....he has used and probably will continue to use his mighty 'pen and telephone' at will, to go around Congress
Free speech, freedom to follow ones tenets of their religion as they have for centuries are being eroded and he and his followers are still attacking our rights under the 2nd amendment.

Congress and the Judiciary do nothing because they don't want to make him a "martyr".....
I keep hearing this dumb claim from the Liberal left; that Obama is waiting for a war authorization from Congress.

The problem with that moronic narrative is that Congress doesn't just declare war willy nilly; it requires the Commander and Chief to request a declaration, which Obama has not done.

I’m still waiting for you to produce a single portion of constitutional text to support the absurd idea that the Congress is mandated to be requested by a President for a declaration of war before Congress can declare war. :rofl2::cof1:

The next one is; who would Obama declare war on? ISIS is not a sovereign nation or a state and has already clearly stated he is not at war with radical Islam and refuses to use the term.

I'm still waiting for you to present the constitutional text that restricts a congressional declaration of war to a sovereign nation or a state.:cof1:

Looks like you're lost for any rational evidence for your absurd mumbling, huh Clueless? :rofl2:
Originally Posted by Truth Detector View Post
I keep hearing this dumb claim from the Liberal left; that Obama is waiting for a war authorization from Congress.

The problem with that moronic narrative is that Congress doesn't just declare war willy nilly; it requires the Commander and Chief to request a declaration, which Obama has not done.

I’m still waiting for you to produce a single portion of constitutional text to support the absurd idea that the Congress is mandated to be requested by a President for a declaration of war before Congress can declare war.:cof1:

The next one is; who would Obama declare war on? ISIS is not a sovereign nation or a state and has already clearly stated he is not at war with radical Islam and refuses to use the term.

I'm still waiting for you to present the constitutional text that restricts a congressional declaration of war to a sovereign nation or a state.:cof1:

Looks like you're lost for any rational evidence for your absurd mumbling, huh Clueless?:rofl2::cof1:
Originally Posted by Truth Rejector]
I keep hearing this dumb claim from the Liberal left; that Obama is waiting for a war authorization from Congress.

The problem with that moronic narrative is that Congress doesn't just declare war willy nilly; it requires the Commander and Chief to request a declaration, which Obama has not done.

I’m still waiting for you to produce a single portion of constitutional text to support the absurd idea that the Congress is mandated to be requested by a President for a declaration of war before Congress can declare war.:cof1:

Originally Posted by Truth Rejector] The next one is; who would Obama declare war on? ISIS is not a sovereign nation or a state and has already clearly stated he is not at war with radical Islam and refuses to use the term.

I'm still waiting for you to present the constitutional text that restricts a congressional declaration of war to a sovereign nation or a state.:cof1:

Looks like you're lost for any rational evidence for your absurd mumbling, huh Clueless? :rofl2::cof1:
If the Republican Congress had any balls, they'd do everything they could to put a formal declaration of war on Obama's desk and shut him up and make their own criticism of his ISIS war tactics credible and prove they're not just another RINO gang of "do nothing" "buck passing" hypocrites.

Still clueles about how our Government works I see.....Congress does not hand declarations of war to Presidents; Presidents have to request them from Congress. Congress does not command the military or make treaties you thick skulled ignoramous.
I’m still waiting for you to produce a single portion of constitutional text to support the absurd idea that the Congress is mandated to be requested by a President for a declaration of war before Congress can declare war.

For the clueless and the retarded:

From the Washington Administration to the present, Congress and the President have enacted 11 separate formal declarations of war against foreign nations in five different wars. Each declaration has been preceded by a presidential request either in writing or in person before a joint session of Congress. The reasons cited in justification for the requests have included armed attacks on United States territory or its citizens and threats to United States rights or interests as a sovereign nation.



Congress and the President have also enacted authorizations for the use of force rather than formal declarations of war. Such measures have generally authorized the use of force against either a named country or unnamed hostile nations in a given region. In most cases, the President has requested the authority, but Congress has sometimes given the President less than what he asked for. Not all authorizations for the use of force have resulted in actual combat. Both declarations and authorizations require the signature of the President in order to become law.

In contrast to an authorization, a declaration of war in itself creates a state of war under international law and legitimates the killing of enemy combatants, the seizure of enemy property, and the apprehension of enemy aliens. While a formal declaration was once deemed a necessary legal prerequisite to war and was thought to terminate diplomatic and commercial relations and most treaties between the combatants, declarations have fallen into disuse since World War II.

The laws of war, such as the Hague and Geneva Conventions, apply to circumstances of armed conflict whether or not a formal declaration or authorization was issued.
In 1862, the Supreme Court opined that the President "has no power to initiate or declare a war," but if there were an invasion, "the President is not only authorized but bound to resist force by force...without waiting for any special legislative authority." Prize Cases (1863).

On the other hand, the Constitution distinguishes between "declaring" war and "engaging in" (see Article I, Section 10, Clause 3) or "levying" war (see Article III, Section 3, Clause 1). Moreover, there is no express requirement of legislative consent in other sections of the Constitution or in earlier documents before the President may commence hostilities.

Declarations of war alter legal relationships between subjects of warring nations and trigger certain rights, privileges, and protections under the laws of war. According to Grotius, declarations gave notice of the legal grounds for the war and the opportunity for enemy nations to make amends and thereby avoid the scourge of war. It served notice on the enemy's allies that they would be regarded as cobelligerents and their shipping subject to capture. Under a declaration of war, one's own navy and privateers could not be treated as pirates by the enemy, but on the other hand one's own citizens were subject to prosecution if they dealt with the enemy.

In 1862, the Supreme Court opined that the President "has no power to initiate or declare a war," but if there were an invasion, "the President is not only authorized but bound to resist force by force...without waiting for any special legislative authority." Prize Cases (1863).

On the other hand, the Constitution distinguishes between "declaring" war and "engaging in" (see Article I, Section 10, Clause 3) or "levying" war (see Article III, Section 3, Clause 1). Moreover, there is no express requirement of legislative consent in other sections of the Constitution or in earlier documents before the President may commence hostilities.

Declarations of war alter legal relationships between subjects of warring nations and trigger certain rights, privileges, and protections under the laws of war. According to Grotius, declarations gave notice of the legal grounds for the war and the opportunity for enemy nations to make amends and thereby avoid the scourge of war. It served notice on the enemy's allies that they would be regarded as cobelligerents and their shipping subject to capture. Under a declaration of war, one's own navy and privateers could not be treated as pirates by the enemy, but on the other hand one's own citizens were subject to prosecution if they dealt with the enemy.


Still clueles about how our Government works I see.....Congress does not hand declarations of war to Presidents; Presidents have to request them from Congress. Congress does not command the military or make treaties you thick skulled ignoramous.

So you say, but you can't prove it, huh clueless?:rofl2::cof1:
For the clueless and the retarded:

From the Washington Administration to the present, Congress and the President have enacted 11 separate formal declarations of war against foreign nations in five different wars. Each declaration has been preceded by a presidential request either in writing or in person before a joint session of Congress. The reasons cited in justification for the requests have included armed attacks on United States territory or its citizens and threats to United States rights or interests as a sovereign nation.


I’m still waiting for you to produce the “CONSTITUTIONAL ARTICLE OR AMENDMENT” requiring that the Congress must have to be requested by a President before Congress has the sole authority and duty to declare a war.:rofl2::cof1:

You do know don’t you that ”THE CONSTITUTION” is the rule for all law in America?:dunno::rofl2: